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Mo, do, a, a, ár , bhur , a

Mo, do, a, a, ár , bhur , a. Mo. My. Do. Your. His. A. Hers. A. Ár. Our. Bhur. Your (plural) (ye). A. Their. Mo + h. Mo m_ála Mo c_óta Mo t_each Mo d_eirfiúr. h. h. h. h. Do + h. D o m_adra D o c_óipleabhar D o t_each D o d_eartháir. h. h. h. h.

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Mo, do, a, a, ár , bhur , a

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mo, do, a, a, ár, bhur, a

  2. Mo My Do Your His A Hers A

  3. Ár Our Bhur Your (plural) (ye) A Their

  4. Mo + h Mo m_ála Mo c_óta Mo t_each Mo d_eirfiúr h h h h

  5. Do + h Do m_adra Do c_óipleabhar Do t_each Do d_eartháir h h h h

  6. A (his) + h A b_ríste A f_iacla A t_eanga A d_eartháir h h h h

  7. A (hers) = no h A bríste A fiacla A teanga A deartháir

  8. Nótaí Do + h A (his) + h Mo + h A bhríste A fhiacla A theanga A dheartháir Mo mhála Mo chóta Mo theach Mo dheirfiúr Do mhadra Do chóipleabhar Do theach Do dheartháir A (hers) = no h A bríste A fiacla A teanga A deartháir

  9. My Bag His cat Her copy Your house His sister Her brother My friends Your mother My coat His dog Her teeth Your tongue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

  10. L, N, R = never ah Mo leabhar Do namhaid A rothar Mo rang Do leaba A nuacht

  11. A (his) +guta (a,e,i,o,u) A athair A iníon A úll A órdóg

  12. A (hers) +guta (a,e,i,o,u) h A _athair A _iníon A _úll A _ordóg h h h

  13. Nótaí **Gutaí= a, e, i, o, u ** A (his) +guta = no h A (hers) +guta + h A _athair A _iníon A _úll A _ordóg h A athair A iníon A úll A órdóg h h h

  14. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. His father Her work Her aunt His uncle His apple Her thumb His daughter Her key His office Her airplane

  15. Ár Our Bhur Your (plural) (ye) A Their

  16. ÁR + URÚ Árgcótaí Ármbróga Árbhfeirm Árdteach

  17. BHUR + URÚ Bhurbpeataí Bhurgcarr Bhurbhféasta Bhurndeartháir

  18. A + URÚ A gcótaí A mbia A ndeochanna A ngairdín

  19. Nótaí ÁR + URÚ BHUR + URÚ A + URÚ Árgcótaí Ármbróga Árbhfeirm Árdteach Bhurbpeataí Bhurgcarr Bhurbhféasta Bhurndeartháir A gcótaí A mbia A ndeochanna A ngairdín URÚ mb → ármbia gc → bhurgcótaí nd → andeochanna bhf → abhfiacla ng → árngluaisteáin bp → bhurbpáipéirí dt → bhurdteach

  20. URÚ mb → ármbia gc → árgcótaí nd → árndeochanna bhf → árbhfiacla ng → árngluaisteáin bp → árbpáipéirí dt → árdteach

  21. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Our house Your coats Their shoes Your sister Our farm Their pets Our garden Their teeth Your language Our drinks Their gate Your tables

  22. Ár, Bhur, A + guta = n- **Gutaí= a, e, i, o, u ** Árn-athair Árn-úlla Bhurn-eilifint Bhurn-obairbhaile A n-iníon A n-uncail

  23. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Our aunt Your daughter Their water Your apples Our uncle Their office Our thumbs Their keys Your airplane Our work

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