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TOEFL-iBT. Independent Writing Task 獨立寫作. 大綱. 考試方法 評分標準與注意事項 評分範例 常見題型與試題匯整 練習方法 線上資源. 何謂獨立寫作( Independent Writing Task ) ?.
TOEFL-iBT Independent Writing Task 獨立寫作
大綱 • 考試方法 • 評分標準與注意事項 • 評分範例 • 常見題型與試題匯整 • 練習方法 • 線上資源
何謂獨立寫作(Independent Writing Task)? • 寫作測驗包括「整合寫作」(Integrated Writing Task)與「獨立寫作」(Independent Writing Task)。前者要求應試者先閱讀一篇文章,再聆聽一段與文章內容有關的教授講課,隨後於20分鐘內完成一篇150字以上的短文,歸納教授講課的重點,並解釋這些論點如何質疑、挑戰、回應、支持或強化那篇文章的內容。 • 獨立寫作則與舊制托福寫作類似,甚至考生會遇到的考題也是取自稍加修改的舊題庫而已,題目多半是教育、食、衣、住、行、運動、育樂、人生哲學等議題。題目出現後即開始計時,考生須在30分鐘內,寫一篇300字以上之短文,針對題目陳述個人的觀點,並以實際例子支持或解釋自己的論點。 ***寫作測驗皆以電腦輸入,不准手寫。
TOEFL-iBTWriting如何評分? • 寫作部分共分兩道題—獨立題與整合題,兩篇作文皆由兩位教師批閱,若兩位教師的評分差距超過一分,則有第三位教師加入評分。每道題的分數皆由0分起算,最高5分。寫作的總分是根據兩道題的平均值(Rubric Mean Score),再按照下面的換算表換算成0~30的計分。
獨立寫作的評分標準(Independent Writing Rubrics) • 以下是由主辦托福考試的Educational Testing Service(ETS)所提供的評分標準。 ***評分標準的中文說明請至群英網選修「98上托福iBT寫作練習」,點選「4-3 TOEFL iBT寫作評分標準」的「獨立題型〔TOEFL評分標準〕」。
ETS提供的獨立寫作評分範例: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important thanexcellent knowledge of the subject being taught. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. I disagree with the idea that the possessing the ability to relate well with student is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught for a teacher. There are several reasons why I disagree with that idea. First, teachers’ job is to educate their student with their knowledge. The ability to relate well with their student is something a counselor should possess, not a teacher. That’s why the board of education gives an award to a teacher with an excellent knowledge of the subject they teach. Teachers who can get along with their students but have no knowledge can be popular and be liked by his or her students, however I don’t consider a teacher with no knowledge a good teacher.
Second, Students go to schools because they want to learn knowledge from their teachers not to get along with their teachers. I knew a math teacher who was well known among other mathematics teachers. Some students always complained how he never entertains his students which made many of his students to fall asleep. Nevertheless, all of his classes were all full even before the semester began because many students who were eager to learn already booked in. He won the Apples prize (it’s given to a noticed teacher annually) a couple of times and that enabled students to firmly believe in his way of teaching. Thirdly, teachers are responsible for conceding their knowledge to their next generation. Teachers already had an experience of getting advantaged education from college. Teachers should not let that previlege become useless and workless. We all learn because we want to become the better person that this world needs. Students will also eventually grow up to be influencing other people and teachers should volunteerily be their students’ role models. For conclusion, I think the most important quality a teacher must have is an excellent knowledge of the subject they teach, not an ability to relate well with their students. SCORE OF 4
Score Explanation: This is a more traditional-looking essay that is organized with a point of view in the first paragraph stating the writer’s disagreement with the writing prompt, followed by three pieces of supporting reasons and examples. The second paragraph makes the point that counselors are the ones who are supposed to relate to students and that teachers with no knowledge are not worthwhile as teachers. In the third paragraph the writer tries to describe the fact that knowledge is important by stating that students wanted to take courses from a teacher who was known to possess special knowledge even though they knew the teacher was not entertaining. The fourth paragraph contains the very interesting idea that teachers have the obligation to pass on what they have had the privilege of learning, but this paragraph in particular has a few problems with somewhat unclear expression of concepts: (1) errors of word choice in the word “conceding” (not clear exactly what word is intended here) and in the term “‘advantaged’ education” (advanced education or advantages of education?) and (2) a problem with unclear connection of ideas (why is it said that “We all learn because we want to become the better person that this world needs?”). Overall, this essay is well organized, but the slightly unclear connection of ideas and the language chosen, especially in the final paragraph, prevent this response from rising above the 4 level. ***群英網的「托福iBT寫作練習」中有1~5分的評分範例說明。
常見的獨立寫作題目形式: • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific details to support your answer. • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer. • Some people believe X. Other people believe Y. Which of these two positions do you prefer/agree with? Give reasons and specific details. • Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference. • 試題彙整; 群英網的「托福iBT寫作練習」中列有許多題目可供同學練習。
獨立寫作的考前準備技巧: • 加強練習寫作 • 製作一張常見題目列表,並根據這些題目練習寫作。 • 針對每一個題目陳述自己的意見或偏好,然後以證據支持自己的論點。 • 練習構思計畫,每一個題目至少寫一篇文章,切記要在30分鐘內完成構思、書寫與修正等步驟。 • 改善獨立寫作的秘訣 • 內容方面: • 動筆之前先思考並列出所有與題目相關的要點,這就是英文寫作非常重視的「寫作前的暖身活動」(prewriting activities)。 • 確定文章的主旨,並列出一些支持主旨的要點,再構思如何連結這些要點,例如,擬定大綱(outlining)即是組織要點的好方法。 • 寫出一個闡述文章中心思想的主旨句(thesis statement),利用主旨句發展所有相關的要點。 • 用適當的解說和細節詳述以發展整篇文章。
獨立寫作的考前準備技巧: • 架構方面: • 有系統地陳述自己的見解與論證,以展現思想的一致性與連貫性。 • 運用諸如「換言之」(in other words)或「總之」(in conclusion)等有效的轉折語(transitional word/phrases)來連結句子或想法,讓讀者清楚知道你的思考脈絡與文章結構。 • 用字方面: • 增加自己的字彙庫,熟悉同義字的字辨,以減少詞語的重複性。 • 學習英文單字的搭配用法,以求能夠使用正確的慣用語。 • 熟悉不同變化的句型結構,讓自己在寫作時能運用自如。 • 學習拼字、標點符號與段落編排的常規。
參考書目與網路資源: 張凱宏。《TOEFL-iBT高分托福寫作120 [II]》。台北:知英文化,2007。 網路資源 “TOEFL-iBT Tips” from Educational Testing Service. “TOEFL-iBT Sample Questions” from Educational Testing Service. “Scoring Guides (Rubrics) for Writing Responses” from Educational Testing Service. 線上英語自學中心 http://ce.etweb.fju.edu.tw/self_learning.html