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Join us at the open house to meet Mrs. Dornfeld, a skilled teacher with a strong educational background. Learn about classroom expectations and student responsibilities for a successful academic year in math, science, social studies, language arts, and more.
HARVEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE September 13, 2016 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Dena Dornfeld
Welcome to Third Grade!! About Mrs. Dornfeld: *18th year teaching: taught 5th and 6th grades, Special Ed in the Junior Highs, and Literacy Consultant. *Bachelors in Elementary Education from Oakland University *Masters in Reading and Language Arts from Oakland University *Educational Specialist Degree in Administration from SVSU
Third Grade RULES! Classroom Expectations ~ • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be Safe
Classroom Management • Class Dojo • Individual Points • Table Points • Classroom Tickets
Home-School Communication • Monday Folders include: • Student work • Notes from office, etc. • Visit my website: denadornfeld.weebly.com • Please feel free to call the office anytime. I will return your call as soon as possible. 586-797-5100 or 586-797-5134 • Email me with any question and/or concerns at: dena.dornfeld@uticak12.org • Class Dojo – has a text messaging component
Student Responsibilities • Monday Folder - to and from school • Homework/Classwork • Making positive choices with academics, as well as behavior.
MATHEMATICS Third grade Common Core State Standards include: Numbers in Base-Ten, Number in Fractions, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Geometry, and Measurement and Data. Students will participate in whole group and small group instruction, as well as participate in math centers rotations. We will regularly practice our multiplication facts (0-10). Students will have an opportunity to actively engage in math using technology and web-based programs, such as MobyMax.
Science The third grade science curriculum is now “Discovery Works,” a technology- based curriculum program. Students be involved in hands-on exploration through several experiments. Student will learn about force and motion, electricity and magnetism, life cycles, traits and inheritance, survival and extinction, ecosystems, weather, and climate. The program is designed to engage students in stimulating, authentic, and contemporary problem-based STEM scenarios.
Social Studies The social studies in third grade focuses on the study of Michigan. Students participate in activities that teach and extend their skills in geography, economy, history, growth in Michigan, and public issues facing Michigan citizens. Many of the social studies topics will be explored using wonderful children’s literature, that will certainly engage students’ learning. Students will study the regions of Michigan, as well as review the core democratic values of our nation.
Language Arts/Writing Students continue to develop strategies to effectively use language. Through the presentation of reports and short writing pieces, they learn to write and speak for a specific purpose. Third graders continue to learn and practice the steps of the writing process and develop good writing traits. Proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics of writing are taught to enable students to proofread and communicate more effectively. Students begin to find ways to make their writing more interesting using good leads, voice, and vivid verbs. Students will also be introduced to various revision techniques, and will regularly edit their writing pieces. Grammar topics are also introduced and practiced throughout the school year.
Reading In third grade, students learn to become strategic readers by identifying the elements of a story. They read expository material for specific information. Students expand their vocabulary by learning strategies for identifying unfamiliar words. Reading comprehension and fluency will be the focus in our guided reading groups. Reading comprehension skills taught include: understanding fiction and nonfiction reading selections, identifying the main idea, sequencing events, recalling details, making predictions, drawing inferences, and understanding cause-and-effect relationships. Reading fluency is also a focus. Fluency refers to the ability to read accurately, quickly, effortlessly, and with appropriate expression and meaning. McGraw-Hill Wonders is our reading program.
Spelling Research has shown that traditional “Spelling” focuses more on memorization and testing of a specific spelling list. This year, we are replacing the traditional spelling program with Rebecca Sitton Spelling. Students will practice spelling words used most often in our daily writing. They will also learn important spelling rules that will help them develop skills to become more accurate spellers. Often, the spelling words are recycled and practiced again throughout the school year. Students are given a weekly spelling test, which is in a cloze structure. They are also tested on their weekly “skill”.
Specials • Media Center - M 10:00-10:50 • Music - M 10:50-11:40 • Gym - T 10:50-11:40 • Art - W 10:50-11:40 • Computer Lab - TH 10:50-11:40 • ISM (Science) - F 9:10-10:00
In Closing • If we succeed in giving the love of learning, the learning itself is sure to follow. • The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.