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Current day struggles . Table of contents . Reflection Page Pg. 3 Research Articles Pg. 4-8 What we are introduced to by the media Pg. 10-11 Reasons against homosexuality Pg. 12 Hate Crimes Pg. 13-14 Same- Sex Marriages Pg. 13-14 Gay Parenting Pg. 13-14
Table of contents • Reflection Page Pg. 3 • Research Articles Pg. 4-8 • What we are introduced to by the media Pg. 10-11 • Reasons against homosexuality Pg. 12 • Hate Crimes Pg. 13-14 • Same- Sex Marriages Pg. 13-14 • Gay Parenting Pg. 13-14 • Minority Pg. 13-14 • Rights and privileges taken from them Pg. 15-17 • Hawaiian and Samoan culture Pg. 18-20 • Acceptance in other cultures Pg. 21 • Benefits in same sex marriages Pg. 15 • Disabilities Pg. 22 • Problems facing disabilities Pg. 24- 25 • Current issues they face Pg. 26 • Old age Pg. 27 • Statistics Pg. 28 • Current issues Pg. 29 • Book Report Pg. 30
Reflection Page • The knowledge I have towards gays, people with a disability and the elderly is quite scarce. What I know about gay people is that they do not have as many rights as heterosexuals. The just the mere law that they can not be married it restricts them of many rights and privileges others have and are getting from the constitution. What I know about people with disabilities is even more limited. I do know that getting around is a problem for them and the resources or at time not even available here in the USA so taking a wider view of things I believe that people with disabilities else where may be having a harder time to live. The elderly I see here are accommodated homes are build as well as communities from the elderly but I do know they are sensitive to temperature and finical capabilities so that could severely hurt them from living a comfortable life they could also be facing challenges that the disabled see.
Research article • In the Article “Disability and Discrimination at the Doctor’s Office” states that disabled patients aren't getting the proper medical attention. Medical institutions defend there stance with multiple reasons. For one they express concern for there staff in moving an over weight patient in and out effectively. Equipment is either non existent in the facility or isn't capable enough. Everyone should have access to a health care facility. The Affordable Care Act is expected to help undo this problem by supplying medical institutions with the proper equipment. • The article starts off with this scenario, a male in his 60's with diabetes which is confined to a wheelchair visits a doctor. In order to take him out of the wheelchair staff members are called in, not being enough they call in security to lift the man up. This creates and incident where the staff isn't able to lift the man and the man falls back into the chair. No one was hurt except the patients feelings. Others studies feed in to this one which state that people with disabilities receive below average care. It has been 23 years the federal government has prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities. • There are no grants available for these institutions. Researchers also created a fictional patient and called clinics to see how they would respond. 1 out of 5 offices refused to make an appointment for the patient, most others had an excuse not to serve him. This is a very different place to see discrimination. Improvement is expected to be seen in the next few years though. • The article applies because there is frustration in the person being discriminated against. These people don't get treated equally in places very necessary to there wellness. They lack resources many others are available to, specifically these types of people will need more medical attention then most, so why aren't we more prepared. Peoples views on obese people joked around about, which constructs stronger personality and ideas towards it. • Chen, Pauline. "Disability and Discrimination at the Doctor’s Office." New York Times. (2013): n. page. Web. 11 Sep. 2013. <http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/23/disability-and-discrimination-at-the-doctors-office/>.
Research Article • The Argument the article makes is that it is unfair for the government to make a language test a requirement to get a citizenship but also the level of the test is quite hard which is unexceptionable. The article speaks about a women that has been trying to learn Dutch for the past two years. She is frightened that is she does not past it that authorities will send her back to Pakistan and there she will be religiously prosecuted. She is an older women with many illnesses and says she is trying but because of her condition will be extraordinary hard. She has no were else to go, citizenship is a very hard thing to get now a days. The article goes on to say that Dutch culture is often feed by prejudice. She says she sees much segregation and people are often commenting on her vial. Immigrants are facing a lot of pressure from the public, and government. Citizenship is made purposefully hard for people that are running away from dangerous situations which is never idea. • The article applies to many terms we have spoken about in class this week. The topic of discrimination is a big one we hit that has also appeared in this article, they go through all sorts of levels of discrimination. We spoke of assimilation and that was a main topic in this article, these people are escaping religious prosecution, they are very willing to change there ways to fit in and get away from there past. A third thing was spoke of quite a bit was Xenophobia which is the irrational or unreasoned fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. This is what Netherlands has they are afraid of these people so they make it hard for them to come in and be a citizen. • Wilson , Jenny. "Netherlands to Immigrants: Learn Dutch or Fear Deportation Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/04/12/netherlands-to-immigrants-learn-dutch-or-fear-deportation/
Research Article • This article argues that skin color should not be played around with. Halloween is a good time to dress up as animals and people too. This happens all the time but then people tend to take it to another level and it becomes inappropriate. This year the media has foreshadowed there to be a lot of Trayvon Martin costumes. African studies and culture experts say that this is a painful reminder of history. • The article was on Halloween costumes and more specifically the ones with Blackface. This has gone on for generations and the African American community sees is as a a racist thing to do. They say that this allows white people another privilege of representing black people as well as taking black images and treating them as they own them. This happens every year at white university around the country. The media is being hit by many photos portraying Trayvon Martin. One that made the news was white people one with blackface and a red dot imitating a bloody bullet hole and another with neighborhood watch volunteer on his chest portraying George Zimmerman. This was a sad and serious case be laughed and and was not an appropriate costume for Halloween. This is seen every year and college professors are encouraging to leave skin color out of this. • This relates to many things we have been talking about in class. This has past emotions connected to it. These costumes remind people of the years in slavery, racism and its legacy. These are things we can not be playing around with they are a very sensitive topic and were just recently dealt with so many people are close to the topic. • ITALIE, LEANNE. "Blackface Halloween Costumes Are Causing Controversy Once Again." Black voices. TheHuffingtonPost, 29 Oct 2013. Web. 1 Nov 2013. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/30/blackface-costumes-revive-controversy-at-halloween_n_4177728.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular>.
Research Articles • This was a traumatic story of how a young adopted boy died and in different parts of the world the stories were told completely differently. The adoptive mother states that he injured himself often, by either throwing himself around or hitting himself with objects. The US believed this story but on the other side of the world they calm that it was murder, this was broadcasted all over Russia. The story became such news that they tried to pass a law stating that Americans can adopt from Russia. The argument is between families as well as between countries. Both countries defend the families in them. Seeing that Russians are the minorities they might just lean towards the Americans being right with no solid proof. Corruption is everywhere, every home, class, social status etc. In the end the adoptive family was about to stay with his brother and Americans are allowed to adopt in Russia. • The problem discussed apply to our topic in class because here we see the majority winning the minority in each country. The Russians state that the American women was at fault and the Americans state that the Russian child did this to himself. People find comfort in there groups, social or ethnic groups tend to stick together in tough situations. No one want to be the bad person. We see Russians as alcoholic and that's what we labeled the actual mother as, but Russians see as aggressive people so they say it must have been murder because of the predetermined ideas they have of us. • Swarns, Rachel. "World of Grief and Doubt After an Adoptee’s Death." New York Times. 01 Sept 2013: n. page. Print. <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/01/us/widening-ripples-of-grief-in-adoptees-death.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0>.
Research Article • The argument in this article is that minorities specifically women are not being checked properly and told that there odds are higher in getting a certain type of cancer. This is brought down genetically so doctors and scientist can tell women what there percentage of getting it is with a quick look through history. • Black women are most likely to be hit with cervical cancer this is not told to them enough. Genetics play a large role in in how people respond to treatment. Viruses pass through person to person in the most intimate settings varies based on ethnic and social groups. African American women are 20 percent more likely to develop cervical cancer and Hispanic women are more then twice as likely to die from the disease compared with non Hispanic white women. The numbers are impressive but are not talked about in that community of only they spoke about it more and ways to prevent it this would not be such a common sight. • This article applies to to theories we have spoken in class. For example the the suffrage movement pertains to this article these women are not getting the knowledge they should. The article spoke of sexually transmitted infection and that goes in to the subject in the book that states biological explanations. Fox, Maggie. "Cervical cancer vaccine misses minority women, study finds." NBC News. NBC News, 28 Oct 2013. Web. 1 Nov 2013. <http://www.nbcnews.com/health/cervical-cancer-vaccine-misses-minority-women-study-finds-8C11478247>.
Homosexuality • “There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in its proportion.” -Sir Francis Bacon
Reasons against homosexuals • Unnatural • Un holy • Not Universalizablility • Aids • Gross • Children
The book talked about • Hate Crimes • Same- Sex Marriages • Gay Parenting
Minority • More than 8 million adults in the US are Lesbian, gay, or bisexual. That is #.05 of the adult population. • LGBT people are not more affluent. Gay man earn 10% to 23% less than heterosexual men.
Rights • Homosexuals are deprived of 1,138 rights • Social Security • Tax • Family and Medical leave • Health coverage
If all 50 states and federal government recognized marriage for same-sex couples the federal budget would benefit with over $1 billion each year. • 71,000 are currently serving the Armed Forces
Fa’afafine (Samoa) Hazy Pau Talauati 'When I was young, my parents looked at me and the way I am…and they think, Oh Hazy, she must be not a boy, but something else. And then, they never accuse me…they really accept me. They understand what I am, in my body.'
Hawaiian Sexuality and the “Mahu” Tradition • Although today, dismissive common usage in Hawai’i often reduces the word’s meaning to simply ‘gay’ or ‘a deviant homosexual person’, the much degraded modern definition of “mahu” is remarkably far from its original Hawaiian definition, which may be understood to loosely mean a “transgendered person.” Furthermore, not only is the meaning different today, 1most malihini (mainlanders) are surprised to learn that in ancient Hawai’i, the “mahu” was not disparaged with a sense of moral disgust the way “gay” is by religiously straight mainland individuals. Mahu, or transgendered individuals and transvestites, were in fact viewed by the ancient Hawaiians as a normal element in the old social culture that preceded missionary days. Mahu were thus not only tolerated, they were regarded as a legitimate and contributing part of the ancient kauhale or community. • 1 The image shown is that of a Hawaiian transgender hula group, taken from the 2001 Kathryn Xian and Brent Anbe documentary on traditional Hawaiian sexual attitudes
The difference was only that in the mahu, the biological male actively chose to adopt the role of his “female half.”
650 Million People around the world with a disability – World Health Organization
Problems they face • Lack of useful education • Inaccessible environment, transportation, information • De-valued • Prejudice • Poverty
Current issues -Only 35% of people with a disability have reported to be fully employed or part time. Compared to 78% of people that do not have a disability -3 times as many live in poverty. Household income below $15000 -Twice as likely to drop out of high school - Less likely to eat out, socialize, attend religious services
Growing population • Males today expect to live to be 75 • Females today expect to live to be 80 • Florida, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Hawaii • Only 5% move.
Current Issues • Age Discrimination • Economic Security • Health Care • Immigrant Elderly
Mountain Man Book Report • Elder man let to find for himself because they did not value his life as much. • Even though he has some disabilities he made it so far and finally over cam them • People looked at him differently because of his condition • Age discrimination