1. SiemensSIGUARD® Light Curtains
3. New SIGUARD® Light Curtains3RG7844 Cat. 4 with integrated evaluation Four Function Packages
Standard Function includes features:
start test, start/restart inhibit
contactor monitoring
2 transmission channels
E-Stop switch circuit
Blanking Function with standard features:
fixed blanking
floating blanking
reduced resolution blanking
Muting Function with standard features:
Integrated evaluation of the muting function
Local connection of muting sensors
Muting lamp output / connection
Cycle Control with standard features:
Integrated cycle control (PSDI) function
Single or dual cycle selection
4. 3RG7844 Category 4 acc. to EN 60954-1
5. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 for Category 4 Function packages
Standard with start test, start/restart inhibit, contactor monitoring, multi-scan, 2 transmission channels and Emergency Off switch
Blanking with the standard functions and additionally fixed and floating blanking, reduced resolution
Integrated Cycle Control (PSDI)
Integrated Muting
Configuration via a hand held Safety Key / magnet
Host and guest devices can be cascaded
Available in conventional hard wire or AS-Interface output
Local interface (M12/8 socket)
to connect local devices (re-start button, Emergency Off switch, muting sensors, etc)
6. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Configuring Interface
Safety key to teach-in
zones with permanent blanking
7. DeliveryAll 3RG7844 units come with:
8. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Fixed Blanking Possible at any location except first beam
The number of beams is unrestricted
Permanent monitoring (will cause trip if object is removed)
Configured by teaching-in via Safety Key / magnet
Tolerances can be entered
9. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Floating Blanking Possible at any location except first beam
Number of areas is not restricted
Permanent monitoring
At least one beam is interrupted
Blanking of
1 or 2 beams using DIP switch
Can be combined with other blanking types
10. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Reduced Resolution Blanking Possible at any location except first beam
Number of areas and beams is not restricted
No monitoring: object can be removed; several beams can be interrupted
2 or 3 beam reduction
Can be configured using a DIP switch
Can be combined with other blanking types
11. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Laser alignment aid In transmitter of light curtains (as option)
Can be activated with a magnetic key or safety key
Protection zone height is 75 mm lower than for standard devices
In 2, 3 and 4 beam devices, the laser unit is directly located under each beam
12. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Display Elements 2x7 segment display
Bus address
Transmission channel
Scan mode (double scan)
Protection zone / resolution
Alignment of host and guest(s)
Fault/error codes
Red/green: Switching condition of the output
Orange: Status, protection zone/weak beam
Yellow: Retart inhibit
Blue: Blanking active, teach-in
13. Operating Elements
14. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Operator Control Elements
15. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Operator Control Elements “Standard” function package
S1: Contactor monitoring without dyn. SK
S2: Transmission channel channel 1 channel 2
S3: Restart inhibit without with
S4: Emergency-off switch without 1x 2 channel
S5: Multi-scan auto scan double scan
S6: Display direction top bottom
“Blanking” function package
S1: Contactor monitoring without dyn. SK
S2: Transmission channel channel 1 channel 2
S3: Restart inhibit without with
S4: Moving blanking without 2 beam -1
S5: Reduced resolution without red. factor 2
S6: Display direction top bottom
16. SIGUARD® 3RG7844Circuit Example
17. SIGUARD® 3RG7844Circuit Example
18. SIGUARD® 3RG7844Circuit Example
19. SIGUARD® 3SF7844Circuit Example with ASIsafe
20. SIGUARD® 3SF7844Circuit Example with ASIsafe
21. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Mounting System
Standard holding bracket (shipped with light curtain)
Swiveling holder with oscillation damping (this must be separately ordered)
22. SIGUARD® 3RG7844 Customer Advantages Function packages
Standard with start test, start/restart inhibit, contactor monitoring, multi-scan, 2 transmission channels and Emergency Off switch
Blanking with fixed and floating blanking, reduced resolution
Integrated Cycle Control (PSDI) and Muting versions available
Configured by teaching-in through an opto-magnetic key saves significant commissioning costs
Configuration data is transferred using a plug-in configuration card
No external Safety Relay required for safety circuits connected through Light Curtain
Integrated laser alignment aid as option
Mini style quick-disconnect speeds installation
23. New Literature3RG7844
24. New Literature3RG7841 and 3RG7842
25. SIGUARD® Light Curtains and Light Grids 3RG7841 / 42 / 44 Customer Benefits No confusion sorting thru different series for options and resolutions. Everything offered in a single series
Disturbance-free operation of adjacent devices using two transmission channels which can be switched
D-scan for environments with extremely high level of infrared pulse radiation
Simple connection using quick disconnect connectors
Rugged 55 x 52 mm aluminum profile (cat. 4 units)
Simple set-up of Blanking with the one-step safety key
Accumulated dirt signal output
Local socket to connect Restart Button, Emergency Off switch...(3RG7844)
Low space requirement (17 x 33 mm cross section) (type 2)
26. SIGUARD® Light Curtains are used throughout industries worldwide