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Smartcards NHS Mail & Information Governance

Smartcards NHS Mail & Information Governance. 05 Series. Smartcards. 01 to 04 Series. In NL and NEL we can only supply 05 series cards. IA11. Identity Agent.

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Smartcards NHS Mail & Information Governance

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  1. SmartcardsNHS Mail & Information Governance

  2. 05 Series Smartcards 01 to 04 Series In NL and NEL we can only supply 05 series cards

  3. IA11 Identity Agent Looks like this when you insert smartcard. Any card from 01 to 05 series will work in IA11. However 05 cards must have IA11 and will not work with earlier versions.

  4. Smartcard Drop-in Sessions The sessions will be at: Monday morning 9 to 12 at the IT Training Room, Freshney Green. Staff attending these sessions should register at the main reception and you will be collected from there. (This session replaces the Monday morning session at Weelsby View which is no longer held) Tuesday morning 9 to 12 at the Informatics Admin Office, Olympia House. These sessions are primarily aimed at new starters and those getting a card for the first time. Issues and faults etc should in the first instance be reported as a Helpdesks call. Note the contact details for the NEL RA Agent are: Fahy Kinnaird - Information Governance OfficerTelephone: 01472 625581Mobile: 07867 906878Fax: 01472 315419Email: fahy.kinnaird@nelctp.nhs.uk Smartcards NEL

  5. Drop in sessions for the issue of cards are held: Every Wednesday morning 9 am to 12 at IT Training Room, Ashby Clinic & Children?s Centre. (For access please call the IT Training Room from the red phone in the waiting area opposite Dr Hayes Reception) Every Thursday morning 9 am to 12 at Informatics Office, Health Place, Brigg Melanie Mason InformaticsInformation Governance & Security Officer Telephone: 01652 251052Mobile: 07887530834Fax: 01652 251180Email: melanie.mason@nelctp.nhs.uk Smartcards NL

  6. EPS2 Most Pharmacy systems accredited soon SoS approval in place No GP systems yet TPP – SystmOne EMIS Web Your software supplier: Training – at right time IA11 – now Process mapping Review Nominations – up to date

  7. Information Governance IG Toolkit Now Version 8 Annual return on 31 march https://www.igt.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/

  8. NHS Mail firstname.surname@nhs.net Centrally Managed Reliable Secure for patient data Organisation Change

  9. Barry Jackson Information Governance & Security Manager North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus & NHS North Lincolnshire Health Place, Wrawby Road, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 8GS Tel:  07920285019 e-mail: barry.jackson@nelctp.nhs.uk Questions?

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