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Relevant Medical Databases and Search Engines for Literature Screening

A medical literature search engine is a centralized browser-based platform which will come up with literature related to any of the medical subjects you choose. These search engines are programmed to be connected with the archives of published literature that are stored inside online subject-specific academic databases like the medical literature database.<br>Need Help: <br>Uk: 44- 7424810299<br>Email: sales@pepgra.com<br>Whatsapp: 91 9884350006<br>

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Relevant Medical Databases and Search Engines for Literature Screening

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  1. Research Paper RELEVANT MEDICAL DATABASES AND SEARCH ENGINES FOR PERIODIC LITERATURESCREENING Tags: Pepgra | Medical Literature | Medical Journal Articles | Medical Research Paper Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  2. MEDICAL LITERATURE SEARCH ENGINE A medical literature search engine is a centralized browser-based platform with literature related to any of the medical subjects. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  3. HOW TO FIND A MEDICAL JOURNAL SEARCH ENGINE • 01 • 02 Search engines are programmed to be connected with the archives of published literature that are stored inside online subject-specific academic databases like the medical literature database. Huge databases of medical articles are indexed with millions of journals from all over the world. A single database cannot provide all the medical literature. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  4. 01 • EMBASE • Owned by Elsevier with more than 29 million records • DATABASES USED BY POPULAR MEDICAL SEARCH ENGINES • 02 • MEDLINE • Over 22 million biomedical published papers can be found in this library • 03 • PsycINFO • More than 3.5 million collections available. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  5. MEDLINEPLUS National Institutes of Health's Web site Produced by the National Library of Medicine US. • COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS (CDSR) • INDMED National Database of Indian Medical Journals. • LILACS Anon-line bibliographic databasein medicine  and health sciences, maintained by theLatin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information.  • CONTD... Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  6. AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL INDEX Database that indexes and abstracts articles from over 160 Australian health and medical journals. • COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS (CDSR) • CBM Chinese biomedical literature database. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  7. SEARCH ENGINES FOR MEDICAL WRITING • PUBMED • Free online collection of medical journal papers collected by the National Library of Medicine(NLM) of the United States National Institutes of Health. • 25 million documents and scans a large number of databases including MEDLINE and other NLM journals like MedlinePlus. • Filter topic in PubMed by typing search terms to the MeSH (Medical subject text heading). • Provides PMC citation and NCBI Bookshelf. • OVID • Ovid is analogous to PubMed. • It has a clear edge over PubMed as Ovid can search for more number of databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR). • Wider spectrum of search can be conducted which will naturally provide more results and therefore more evidence for health writing. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  8. WEB OF SCIENCE • Web of Science holds a huge database of Thomson Reuters’s 8,700 international scientific journals encompasing more than 250 fields in science, arts, humanities, and social science • A large number of international publications especially on guidelines or protocols from Asia in this archive but need a subscription to access the papers. • Web of Science Core Collection is very consistent with its content selection and ensures high-quality journals. • Provides indexes that cover the content thoroughly with a complete view including citation. • SCIENCE DIRECT • Full-text scientific respiratory proved to be of immense help to the millions of medical writers with detailed knowledge not limiting only to the abstract. • Allows to find articles owned by academic publisher Elsevier in over 3,800 science, technology and medicine papers. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  9. SPRINGER LINK • This portal is similar to Science Direct. • It has access to more than 5 million articles in journals operated by publisher Springer. • SCOPUS • Scopus is a hefty database of more than 60 million peer-reviewed literature and is also owned by Elsevier. • Scopus ties up with EMBASE and MEDLINE databases to search collections for journal articles. • Provides full-text articles access to more than 4200 full-text journals but some of these may need login via subscription. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  10. COCHRANE LIBRARY • Cochrane Library used for searching systematic reviews or meta-analyses. • Gives results from Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) and also controls trials in MEDLINE and EMBASE, Cochrane protocols and editorials. • Cochrane library can be accessed only through subscription. However, many open-access editorials may also be retrieved, based on the timing of publishing of those articles. • GOOGLE SCHOLAR • Google Scholar is a free engine indexing medical journal articles from a diversified set of databases. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  11. OPEN-ACCESS SEARCH ENGINES • Directory of Open Access Journals • 01 • The database has nearly 10,000 open-access journals. • OpenMD.com • 04 • Multi-source information search engine and state repository. • Open Science Directory • 02 • About 13,000 open-access scientific journals available. • Trip Database • 05 • A medical search engine where one can filter searches based on the type of evidence. • Free Medical Journals • 03 • Indexes about 4832 peer-reviewed open-access journals. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  12. CONCLUSION • It is always recommended to refer these search engines while writingmedical research papersor articles. Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  13. www.pepgra.com Pepgra Lab @ Pepgra.com Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

  14. Freelancer PHONE NUMBER Consultant UK : +44-1143520021 Guest Blog Editor INDIA : +91-9884350006 EMAIL ADDRESS sales@pepgra.com GET IN TOUCH WITH US CONTACT hr@workfoster.com Hypothesis Consulation | Protocol Writing & Review | Analysis | Training | Resource Planing | Regulatory Counsel | Randomization Copyright © 2019 Pepgra. All rights reserved

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