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Unit 5

Unit 5. Important Empires I. Important Empires I. Map Timeline Gupta Empire Tang Dynasty Byzantine Empire Muslim Empire. Map. Timeline. 1000. 1100. 1200. 1300. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 900. Gupta Empire. Tang Dynasty. Byzantine Empire. Muslim Empire.

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Unit 5

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 5 Important Empires I

  2. Important Empires I Map Timeline Gupta Empire Tang Dynasty Byzantine Empire Muslim Empire

  3. Map

  4. Timeline 1000 1100 1200 1300 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Gupta Empire Tang Dynasty Byzantine Empire Muslim Empire

  5. Two Important Terms Empire: A civilization that takes over other territories and unites them under one ruler Golden Age: A time of peace and prosperity

  6. Gupta Empire India’s Golden Age: Came during the Gupta Empire Chandra Gupta started the empire Golden Age: A time in a culture’s history where there is peace and prosperity, there are many great cultural contributions

  7. Gupta Contributions to Our Society Decimal System Arabic Numerals {1,2,3,4,5,……………………..} Concept of Zero -

  8. Tang Dynasty Influence on Japan and Korea: - Much of Japanese and Korean culture was borrowed from the Chinese during the Tang Dynasty - Buddhism - Writing System - Confucianism: “5 Relationships” - Respect for nature

  9. The Silk Road Helped the Dynasty extend Westward Connected China with western cultures (Muslim and Byzantine Empires)

  10. Tang Contributions to Our Society Gunpowder Porcelain Compass Spinning Wheel Mechanical Clock Block Printing

  11. Byzantine EmpireCreated: It was the Eastern Half of the Old Roman Empire How the Byzantine Empire Compared with the Roman Empire

  12. Impact on Russia Religion: Eastern Orthodox spread to Russia (known as Russian Orthodox) Trade: Many Byzantine ideas were introduced into Russia Cyrillic Alphabet Religion Art Work (Mosaic) Architecture

  13. Contributions to Our Society Justinian’s Code: - The laws of the Byzantine Empire based on the “Twelve Tables” of Roman law, became a basis for laws in many European nations - Thousands of laws - More modern law code Art and Architecture: - Usually supported the Christian Church Preservers of Greek and Roman culture: - The Byzantine Empire saved the knowledge, art, and ideas of the old Roman and Greek cultures - “Classical” culture

  14. Muslim Empire How it Spread: Origin: Out of Mecca, east to India, west across North Africa and on into Spain Growth: to spread Islam to other people 1. Military conquest – took about 100 years to expand the empire - They were great fighters, if they died in battle, they believed they would go directly to heaven (Jihad) - They treated conquered people fairly – better than previous rulers Battle of Tours: (732 CE) 1. In Southern France 2. The French Christians, under Charles Martel, defeated the Muslims and stopped their advance in Europe Golden Age: (700-900 CE) 1. A time of great learning and cultural diffusion

  15. Contributions to Our Society Mathematics Astronomy • Learned from Greek ideas • Study of the stars; created astronomical tables Spread Gupta math ideas Created Algebra and Trigonometry

  16. Contributions continued….. Medicine Islamic Law Created Hospitals Wrote medical textbooks Doctors required to pass exams to practice medicine Based on Islamic religious laws in the Qu’ran Became the basis for political laws in the empire

  17. Contributions continued… Architecture Banking Influenced by Byzantine and Indian styles Used Money Allowed credit (money borrowing) to be used

  18. Preservers of the Greek and Roman culture Preserved the Roman and Greek ideas that they got from their contacts with the Byzantine Empire Preserved them They improved upon them (i.e. translated Roman writings, etc…)

  19. Essential Questions What would be the most influential contributions from these Empires? A.) Technology: mechanical clock, gunpowder, block printing, compass B.) Learning: mathematics, science, medicine, preservation of Greek and Roman culture by the Muslim and Byzantine Empires C.) Laws: Justinian’s Code Why did the Muslim Empire become the most influential on European culture? - Their geographic nearness to Europe (they were centrally located among these empires and the Muslims shared the ideas they obtained from other cultures with Europeans) - Great traders with Europe - The Crusades

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