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Chapter 7 Review. pp.137-156. Money paid to a former spouse for support of dependent children is called…. Child support. A tax theory that states individuals with high income should pay more taxes than people with low incomes. The ability to pay. Almost all consumption taxes are….
Chapter 7 Review pp.137-156
Money paid to a former spouse for support of dependent children is called… • Child support
A tax theory that states individuals with high income should pay more taxes than people with low incomes. • The ability to pay
Almost all consumption taxes are…. • Regressive
Sales taxes imposed on specific goods and services such as tobacco are… • Excise taxes
Excise taxes are … • Regressive
Federal taxes provide funds for… • Congress • National defense • Highways • Wildlife refuges • Welfare • Foreign aid
Taxes for which the rate stays the same regardless of income are…. • Proportional Taxes
Federal Income tax is an example of … • Progressive tax
How does a revenue bill become a law? • It must pass a vote in both the House and Senate and then be signed by the President.
The government spends_______ according to priorities set by congress. • revenue
What are the main functions of the IRS? • Collect Income taxes • Enforce tax laws
Who has the power to levy taxes? • Congress
Money received from working… • Earned income
What is a tax bracket? • Ranges of income
When the government spends more than it receives in revenue it has a… • Deficit/shortage
Another name for proportional taxes are… • Flat taxes
These types of taxes take a smaller portion of your income as your income grows… • Regressive taxes
The idea that citizens are expected to prepare and file tax returns of their own accord without force is referred to as… • Voluntary Compliance
IRS stands for… • Internal Revenue Service
Who pays taxes? • Businesses • Individuals
Sales tax is an example of this kind of tax… • Regressive
A person who lives with you and for whom you pay more than half of their living expenses…. • dependent
Willful failure to pay taxes is called… • Evasion
Property tax is an example of this kind of tax…. • Proportional/flat
The punishment for not paying taxes is.. • Fine • Imprisonment • both
These types of taxes take a larger portion of your income as your incomes grows. • Progressive taxes
An examination of your tax returns by the IRS is an… • Audit
Which tax form must you fill out if you want to itemize deductions? • 1040A
Our tax system is graduated. What does this mean? • Tax rates increase as taxable income increases
Money paid to a former spouse is called… • alimony
In this type of audit the taxpayer sits down with the auditor to answer questions and produce records. • Office
You are allowed to subtract some types of spending from your gross income to determine your… • Adjusted gross income
In this type of audit the IRS sends a letter, asking the taxpayer to respond to specific questions or produce evidence of deductions or other entries on the tax return. • Correspondence
In this type of audit, the IRS agent visits the taxpayers home or business to examine records. • Field
This is based on your marital status as of the last day of the tax year… • Filing status
Give an example of filing status… • Single • Married filing a joint return • Married filing a separate return • Head of Household • Qualifying widow
Where do W-2’s come from? • Each employer you had for the year
The amount of money you may subtract from your income for each person who depends on your income. • Exemption
If you are filing a joint return you can take an exemption for your….. • spouse
What kind of information is on the W-2? • Salaries • Wages • Tips • Taxes withheld
Most new tax payers use one of two forms, what are they? • 1040EZ • 1040A
An example of earned income is… • Wages • Salary • Tips
An example of unearned income is… • Interest • Dividends • Alimony • Unemployment • Workers compensations • Scholarships • Grants
Give an example of income that is not taxable… • Non-taxable income • Child support • Gifts • Inheritances • Life Insurance benefits • Veterans benefits
All taxable income received… • Gross Income
What is the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction? • Tax deduction is subtracted from adjusted gross income • Tax credit is subtracted from what you owe
Money you received from a passive activity… • Unearned income
Expenses you can subtract from adjusted gross income to determine your taxable income are… • Itemized deductions
Instead of itemizing your deductions you can take the….. • Standard deduction