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MYTH: “Middletown’s Communications Center is just a duplication of 911.” TRUTH: Police Calls From 4/1/10 through 6/30/10: 2056 received by Middletown 302 received by the County 2358 total police calls Less than 13% of the calls go through Dauphin County’s 911.
MYTH: “Middletown’s Communications Center is just a duplication of 911.” TRUTH: Police Calls From 4/1/10 through 6/30/10: 2056 received by Middletown 302 received by the County 2358 total police calls Less than 13% of the calls go through Dauphin County’s 911.
“We already pay $1.25 per month for 911, why should we pay twice?” Let’s look at the $1.25 charge levied though every phone bill. That charge is for the maintenance of the 911 enhanced phone system and associated activities. This DOES NOT fund the day to day operations of the communications centers. That operation is funded through County tax dollars. If you go with the theory of payment for duplication, then every municipality is paying twice for police protection. The State Police are funded through state tax dollars from every working citizen.
Potential Perils within the borough or on our borders • Three Mile Island • Harrisburg International Airport • Univar Chemical Plant • Railroad/Railways • PA Turnpike • State Route 283 • Trucking Companies • Susquehanna River
Dauphin County Comm Centervs.Middletown Comm CenterLet me be perfectly clear. We are not in any way saying that Dauphin County does not provide good service. There are 36 municipalities in Dauphin County, for which they field 911 calls.Middletown dispatchers work primarily for Middletown. They know our streets, our landmarks, and in some cases our citizens.Evidently, many Middletown residents feel our dispatchers provide a better service, since more than 87% call directly to our communications center for their police needs.With all the TV shows centering around first responders and 911, our children being taught to call 911, it is interesting that residents in communities with their own dispatch center call them first.
Calls Taken at Middletown Comm A domestic disturbance in the borough is immediately related to responding units.
Calls Taken at Middletown Comm During this domestic, Middletown dispatcher remains on the phone with the caller until officers arrive on scene. She helps to ensure the safety of the caller, until units arrive.
Calls Taken at Middletown Comm Accident in the Borough with Fire and EMS called. Middletown’s dispatch is immediate and all services are provided.
Calls Taken at Middletown Comm Active Bank Robbery in the Borough.
COMMUNICATION CENTER BUDGET 2010 Salaries & Wages 279,440 Employee Benefits 108,760 Employee Development 5,000 Operating Supplies 4,000 Tools & Minor Equipment 4,000 Telephone 20,000 Insurance 1,160 Equipment Maintainance& Repair 30,000 $452,360 Expallocation other funds (135,700) $316,660
RE-OCCURRING EXPENSES Operating Supplies 4,000 Tools & Minor Equipment 4,000 Telephone 20,000 Insurance 1,160 Equipment Maint & Repair 30,000 $59,160 These expenses represent items that would need to be transfer to other budgets within the borough. Closing the Comm Center would not eliminate these expenses. They include telephones, cell phones, insurance, code red system, machine leases, maintenance contracts, office supplies, computers. While even office supplies would increase in other departments that assume Comm Center functions, some savings would be realized.
METRO • Must be a METRO user to be able to house prisoners at Harrisburg City lock up. • METRO fees going up because of cities financial status. 8% increase for 2011. • County exploring county wide reporting software, other than METRO. • Dauphin County does not use METRO.
COUNTY BOOKING CENTER • County has been talking about centralized booking center for more than a decade. • Currently fund not available. • Several municipal departments are setting up booking centers.
PRISONER HOLDING in Middletown 2008 598 prisoners held for 2564 hours 2009 561 prisoners held for 2080.75 hours Average officer salary for 2010 $27.85 $41.77 OT $55.70 DT
OPTION 1 – Transport all prisoners to Harrisburg City booking. This would take two hours per prisoner taking into account the two trips and paperwork at HBG. In addition: 598 x 2 = 1196 x $27.85 = $33,308.60 x $41.77 = $49,956.92 x $55.70 = $66,617.20 $149,882.72 Average $49,960.90 561 x 2 = 1122 x $27.85 = $31,247.70 x $41.77 = $46,865.94 x $55.70 = $62,495.40 $140,609.04 Average $46,869.68 HBG city will only hold prisoners for METRO agencies. There are some circumstances that HBG will not accept prisoners.
OPTION 2 Officers watch prisoners in station until arraignment or release. PROBLEM: Officers may need to be called in to watch prisoners to meet minimum staffing on street. It is estimated that 40% of the time only two officers are on the street. One shift works regularly with two officers. This would require call out to watch prisoners. Days off must also be considered. Only part-time officers could not be used to watch prisoners. Call outs must go through call out list. This option could affect productivity if officers are in the station instead of on the street. 2564 hrs x 50% at $27.85 = $35,703.70 x 49% at $41.77 = $52,478.15 x 1% at $55.70 = $ 1,428.14 $89,609.99 2080.75 hrs x 50% at $27.85 = $28,974.30 x 49% at $41.77 = $42,587.02 x 1% at $55.70 = $ 1,158.56 $72,719.88
ADDITIONAL CIVILLIAN POLICE PERSONNEL With the closing of the Comm Center, there will be a need to increase the civilian police personnel. There is a chart showing what other county department have regarding clerical personnel. Comparable departments in Lancaster county also have more clerical positions. The Police Chief estimates that with the increase in clerical work, we would need two additional civilian personnel. One additional position at current police secretary rate, with benefits would equal $53,318.72 Two positions would equal $106,637.44 Some where in the middle or one full-time and one part-time position would equal $79,978.08
ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICERS The number of full time police officers has not increase in the borough since the mid 80’s. Certainly crime rates have not dropped since the 80’s. Yet the statistic for our police department shows more criminal arrests than departments with twice the amount of police officers. Some of the credit should go to the fact that we operate our own Comm Center and our officers receive information quicker, are aided in research, and assisted with data entry so they can spend more time on the street. While at this time it is unclear if it will be necessary to increase the number of police officers. It is clear that the number of crimes is not going to decrease. If our number of arrests decrease sharply it will show that more officers are needed to keep up with the crime. One additional police officer would cost $74,256.00 in salary and benefits, not including all the equipment. All possibilities must be considered.
EQUIPMENT Computer – New updated car computers would for three cars. Price per car Computer $1,600.00 New in car modem w/GPS $ 395.00 Installation $ 275.00 Cell Phones – Three additional cell phones. Relocate cell monitoring to police department office. $500.00 Redo network of officers can access email and user profiles from cars. $400 - $800 These are out best estimates at the equipment to would be required to interface with Dauphin County. Since the county declined to met with us, we are not sure that this list is complete.
EXAMINING THE CALL CENTER ALTERNATIVE Number of calls through just the Comm Center and police department are as follows: 112,950 60,000+ With the modest monthly fee charged by the call center and the per call fee the following is the estimated cost for a call center. We have based this estimate on charges on 50% of the calls. Allowing for police calls taken by county. 2008 112,950 $34,274.75 2009 60,000+ $19,713.50 Phones would be forwarded to an 800 number at the close of business each day.
KEY ALTERNATIVES ELECTRONIC KEY CARD SYSTEM The system would need to be very complex allowing for: • One time user • Access during certain hours only • All borough buildings • Knox box type key storage – for keys to • Business/organizations held by borough. • One key to open another key to close System would have to be purchased. Equipment and software maintained and supported by vendor. Computers, servers, and security would have to interface with Olmstead Recreation. Determine where fiber optic, wifi, or dedicated phone lines would be needed. Determine number of doors that would require access, and list of equipment to be purchased. Olmstead Recreation and borough staff would have to be trained. Salary of staff to maintain system. This alternative doesn’t give anyone to contact if there is a problem with the facilities.
HIRE STAFF TO HAND OUT KEYS Hire someone to hand out keys for rentals. Hours would need to be covered from the close of borough office until 11pm weekdays and 7am through 11pm on weekends. Possibly offset hours needed with the hours the library is open. 64.50 hrs per week $40,281.28 46.50 hrs per week (with library) $29,039.92 Cheapest part time employee is $12.01 per hour. This option does have a contact for problems with the facilities.
RECEPTIONIST The elimination of the Comm Center, would create a void in the answering of the borough phones during business hours. The Comm Center has answered all borough calls that do not call an extension directly. Calls are fielded by the dispatcher and transferred to the appropriate office if not resolved. An auto attendant answer system was previous put in place. This system would prompt you to make a selection from the menu. This system was abandoned because of residents complaints, they want to talk to someone. This leaves the alternative of hiring a receptionist to answer borough lines during business hours. We have used the lowest part time rate and lowest full time rate as potential salaries for this position. Final salary would have to be negotiated with the union. $35,176.96 and $46,562.60
POSSIBLE SAVINGS ELIMINATE SUPERVISOR POSITION Return the supervision of the Comm Center to the Police Department. The would eliminate the supervisors salary and benefits from the budget. $53,000.00 + $18,550.00 = $71,550.00 Adjust the savings by 10% allowing for possible compensation of police personnel supervising the Comm Ctr. $71,550.00 - $7,155.00 = $64,395.00
Possible Savings ELIMINATE 5TH FULL TIME POSITION Eliminate the 5th full time position from the budget. $37,897.60 + $15,159.04 = $53,056.64
Possible Savings REDUCE OVERTIME Once under the police department, move the police secretary under the Comm Ctr. Since the police secretary is also trained as a dispatcher, have her fill in as the daytime dispatcher when there is someone on vacation. Move the regular daytime dispatcher into the vacation slot. This will eliminate overtime to cover vacations and personal days. Also cross train dispatchers to assist with police secretary duties. Number vacation hours per year – 440 Number personal hours per year – 64 Average Comm Ctr salary - $18.94 Average OT salary - $28.41 OT savings $12,500.40 – vacation $1,818.24 – personal Adjusted 25% on vacation and 50% on personal days for days scheduled with notice to short to change schedule according to teamster contract. ($3,125.10) – vacation ($909.12) – personal $9,375.30 - vacation and $909.12 – personal
POTENTIAL REVENUE 1. Negotiate holding cell agreements with neighboring municipalities. Generating a modest income. 2. Become a booking center, train Comm Center staff to do the processing. Recover the fee for each processing. Unknown costs or equipment needed at this time. 3. Negotiate with Dauphin County to be a DUI center. Recover DUI processing fee.
BUDGET LESS SAVINGS $452,360.00 Eliminate Supervisor (64,395.00) Eliminate 5th position (53,056.64) OT savings (12,000.00) $322,908.36 less net surplus (41,938.96) Adjusted Budget $280,969.40 Comm Center used only 79% of its 2010 budget. Leaving a surplus of $94,995.60. Remove the 5th position from the surplus $94,995.60 - $53,056.64 = $41,938.96 This is a reduction of 37.85% in the budget.
FUNDED ALTERNATIVES Re-occurring Expenses $59,160.00 $55,000.00 Holding Cells $48,415.29-$81,164.93 $64,790.11 Civilian Personnel 1 - $53,318.72 $79,978.08 1 ½ - $79,978.08 2 - $106,637.44 Call Center $19,713.50-$34,274.75 $26,994.12 Key Alternatives $29,039.92-$40,281.28 $34,660.60 Receptionist $35,176.96-$46,562.60 $40,869.78 $302,292.69
UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 39 – 66 WEEKS Full Time $151,091.20 x 60% = $90,654.72 Part Time $24,980.80 x 60% = $14,988.48 $105,643.20
UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE GRIEVENCES Middletown Police Association had submitted at letter to Mr. Clouser when he was reviewing the Comm Center. They feel that without negotiating with the association could be considered a substantial change in our job description and possibly a hazardous working environment. Unsure if the teamsters would have legitimate grounds to file a grievance. Solicitor should be consulted