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Organic Viticulture in Europe and World-wide

Organic Viticulture in Europe and World-wide. Helga Willer Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-5070 Frick Paper presented at the Organic Viticulture Conference in the frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, June 16-17, 2008, Levizzano, Italy.

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Organic Viticulture in Europe and World-wide

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  1. Organic Viticulture in Europe and World-wide Helga WillerResearch Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-5070 Frick Paper presented at the Organic Viticulture Conference in the frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, June 16-17, 2008, Levizzano, Italy Archived at http://www.orgprints.org/10909

  2. The Global Organic Survey 2008 • Since 2000 the global organic survey is carried out by FiBL, IFOAM and SÖLsupported by Nürnberg Messe, since 2008 also by ITC and SECO • Data provided by country experts, including representatives from NGOs, certification bodies, governments, researchers • Data of 31.12.2006 • Data from 135 countries • Land use information for almost 90 % of the world‘s organic land, varying levels of data depth though. • Main results as well as other information on the current status of organic farming published in the book ‚The World of Organic Agriculture‘ (FiBL/IFOAM and Earthscan)

  3. Global Organic Agriculture 2006: Key data • 30.4 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically • 12.3 million hectares are in Australia • Almost 30 % of the agricultural land in Liechtenstein are organic • During 2006: Growth in all continents

  4. Development of organic and in-conversion land area 2000-2007 • In 2006 the organic/in-conversion area grew by 1.8 million hectares • Largest growth in Europe and Oceania • Major growth expected to have happened in 2007

  5. Organic and in-conversion land area: The 10 leading countries Source: FiBL Survey, June 2008

  6. European Organic Agriculture: Key data 2006 • Organic area: • 30.4 million hectares worldwide • 7.4 million hectares in Europe • 6.9 million hectares in the EU 27 • Largest area: 1.15 million hectares in Italy • Shares • 1.65 % of the European agricultural area • 4.0 % of the EU-27 agricultural area • Highest share in Europe: Liechtenstein: 29 % • Highest share in the EU-27: Austria: 13 %

  7. Development of organic farming in Europe 1985-2007 (2007 provisional) • Latest figures show strong growth for 2007 • Major increases during 2007: - Bulgaria +160‘000 ha, - Spain: +61‘000- Poland: +57‘000- Germany: +50‘000 ha

  8. Use of organic/in-conversion land world-wide 2006 Source: FiBL Survey, June 2008

  9. Use of organic/in-conversion permanent cropland (total: 1.5 million hectares) Source: FiBL Survey, June 2008

  10. Organic/in-conversion grape area: Key data 2006 • Total grape area: 7.4 million hectares (FAO) • At least 113‘000 hectares of organic/in-conversion grapes • 95‘000 hectares in Europe • 1.5 % of global grape area is organic • In Europe ca. 2.2 % of the grape area is organic, in the European Union ca. 2.5 % Total Organic Source: FAO and FiBL Survey, June 2008

  11. Development of the organic/inconversion grape area world-wide Source: FiBL Survey, June 2008

  12. The 5 countries with the largest grape areas 2006: Organic/in-conversion and total compared Source: FiBL Survey 2008, Picture Ecovin

  13. The five countries with the largest organic/in-conversion grape area 2006 Source: FiBL Survey 2008, Picture Ecovin

  14. Organic/in-conversion grape area: Distribution by countries (total: 113‘000 ha) Source: FiBL Survey, June 2008

  15. Organic/in-conversion grape area: The leading countries Source: FiBL Survey 2008, Picture Ecovin

  16. Share of organic/in-conversion grape area of the total grape land Source: FiBL Survey 2008, Picture Ecovin

  17. Organic/in-conversion land and grape land compared (shares 2006) Source: FiBL Survey, June 2008

  18. Distribution of Global Revenues by Region 2006 Source: Organic Monitor (Sahota 2008)

  19. Growth of the global market for organic food 2002-2006 (in billion US Dollars) Source: Organic Monitor (Sahota 2008)

  20. Retail sales with organic products 2007, the ten leading countries Source: Survey of Aberystwyth University, Agromilagro Research, FiBL, ZMP

  21. Growth of the major European organic markets 2006/2007 Source: Survey of Aberystwyth University, Agromilagro Research, FiBL, ZMP

  22. Market data for organic wine ? • Turnover ? • Market shares ? • Growth rates ? • Production ? • Exports ? • Imports ?

  23. Organic wine sales: Example in Switzerland • Switzerland has the highest per capita consumption of organic products world-wide: 104 Euros per year • The total market is 789 Euros corresponding to 4.6 % of food sales • Overall market growth in Switzerland during 2007 5 % • Growth of turnover with organic wines at Coop during 2007: 15 % Source: Coop, Switzerland

  24. Wine sales 2005-2007 in 40 organic supermarkets in Italy Source: Pinton Organic Consulting

  25. Picture: Ecovin

  26. Current trends • The organic/in-conversion grape area has grown considerably since 2004 • There is a trend for large wine estates to convert (e.g. Germany, New Zealand) • The share of the organic/in-conversion grape area, however, tends to be lower than that of organic farming general; possible reasons: • production based problems, • direct payments not high enough, • in Northern Central Europe: Competition from Southern countries. • There are signs of a strongly growing market for organic wine in many countries, triggered by a generally growing interest in organic products and growing demand (particularly in Europe and North America)

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