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Bell Work Dec. 2009

Bell Work Dec. 2009. Ms. Freisberg English 9/9H. Tuesday, Dec. 1. Sliced Peanut Butter. Good idea or bad idea? Explain. *OR*.

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Bell Work Dec. 2009

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  1. Bell WorkDec. 2009 Ms. Freisberg English 9/9H

  2. Tuesday, Dec. 1 Sliced Peanut Butter. Good idea or bad idea? Explain. *OR* Most shampoo bottles include instructions like these: Wet hair. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Write your own common sense instructions for a ridiculously easy task.

  3. Wednesday, Dec. 2 Write a three-sentence paragraph consisting entirely of three-letter words. *OR* Choose a square foot that you can see from where you are and that is not on a person. Describe that square foot. (You may think there’s not much to say about it, but look again.)

  4. Thursday, Dec. 3 It’s 2060. Describe the new car you have just bought. *OR* The phone number is this: 920-555-BURP. Describe the business that would want this customized phone number. Use at least five sentences.

  5. Thursday, Dec. 5 The princess kissed the frog. What you think happened did not. Describe what did happen. *OR* Write a yellow paragraph. (Only you can decide what that means—but no felt pens, crayons, colored pencils, etc. allowed.)

  6. Monday, Dec. 7 If dust could talk, what would it say? *OR* Imagine that Hansel and Gretel used a GPS to save themselves, avoiding the whole roasting-the-witch-in-the oven scene. How could modern technology come to the rescue of other fairy tale characters?

  7. Tuesday, Dec. 8 Think in fives. Write five sentences using as many five letter words as you can. *OR* Mikala likes to cook, and she is really creative. She is so creative that her friends come up with excuses when she invites them over to eat. Describe Mikala’s latest creation.

  8. Wednesday, Dec. 9 Other kids imagine monsters in the closet or creepy things under the bed. Clarence imagines something else entirely. What is it? *OR* Write a letter to your refrigerator. Express a strong emotion.

  9. Thursday, Dec. 10 In the strongest terms possible (no offensive language), explain why Leonora Tellewiddlewill never, ever patronize Aunt Minnie’s Tea Shoppe again. *OR* Write a paragraph about Manny and his Great-Granny Annie using at least 10 words that rhyme with Manny.

  10. Friday, Dec. 11 Zwick Gunderson was born an adult. He never had the opportunity to appreciate the finer points of childhood—KoolAid, Play-Doh, etc. Explain what is great about childhood to Mr. Gunderson. *OR* A genius has invented a car that runs on thoughts alone, no gasoline. Explain how to use it.

  11. Monday, Dec. 14 Take this line from the much-loved children’s book Goodnight Moon: “And good night to the old lady whispering ‘hush.’” Use the sentence as the beginning of a scary story. *OR* Write a paragraph that starts with this sentence: I’m turning off the oven.and ends with this one: That’s absurd.

  12. Tuesday, Dec. 15 Invent a word of five or six syllables. Then use it in three different sentences that show its meaning. *OR* ROFL is Internet slangfor “Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing.” Come up with five other definitions that ROFL can stand for.

  13. Wednesday, Dec. 16 Dr. Seuss made The Cat in the Hat famous. It’s your turn for fame. Write the first four rhyming lines of The Bug in the Rug, The Fish in the Dish, or…? *OR* Write a four-line (min.)poem about chapped lips. It must rhyme.

  14. Thursday, Dec. 17 Sherelle is shallow. Describe three things Sherelledoes that show her shallowness. *OR* You are in charge of marketing the new movie Raptor in a Tar Pit. Write an exciting plot summary of this movie, one that will really draw people to the movie theater.

  15. Friday, Dec. 18 Forrest Gump says, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” Is it? List all the reasons you can think of to support your answer. *OR* How did Little Bo Peep manage to lose her sheep? What on earth happened? And did the sheep really just come home, wagging their tails behind them? Or did something else happen…?

  16. Monday, Dec. 21 Imagine that you work for the Totally Terrible Toy Company, and you are the Vice President of Bad Toys. Come up with three new awful-sounding, alliterative toy names. Include a brief description of each product. *OR* Write a four line (min.) rhyming poem about the shoes you are wearing.

  17. Tuesday, Dec. 22 Write a rhyming, four line (min.) poem about winter break. *OR* What is one gift that fits everyone? Explain why.

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