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The mishandling of Yongsan fire.

The mishandling of Yongsan fire. Hijo Byeun. Who?. People, who are opposed to the government policies and redevelopment in Yongsan . Police government. Where?. South Korea, Seoul ( Dongdaemun , Jong -no, Eujiro ). What?.

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The mishandling of Yongsan fire.

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  1. The mishandling of Yongsan fire. Hijo Byeun

  2. Who? • People, who are opposed to the government policies and redevelopment in Yongsan. • Police • government

  3. Where? • South Korea, Seoul ( Dongdaemun, Jong-no, Eujiro).

  4. What? • Many demonstrations against the government’s policy and the police’s mishandling of Youngsan fire, are being held in Seoul. • The demonstrators attempted to hold a protest around Chung-Gea square, but they were held back by the police. The police used buses to block the road causing the demonstrators to move their protest to Dongdaemun, Jong-no and Eujiro.

  5. Why? • People are forced to moved to another land because of redevelopment and were given inadequate payment. • Last month the 19th, 30 people who were opposed to the redevelopment, went up to a building in order to protest redevelopment. • As the police went up to the building in a container, the fire erupted on the where the protesters were. • 6 people including one police officer perished in the catastrophe. • People are now outraged because they thought that the police rushed in too hastily and didn’t plan effectively.

  6. Yongsan Fire

  7. Reflection • I hope the police and people will settle this riot peacefully. • I reflected on when people rioted over importing U.S beef. • I hope that the government will find a way to assuage people’s anger.

  8. How it relates to what we are learning… • This is another form of resistance and struggle between people vs. government and the police. This is not the first time but similar types of protest have been repeated several times. • Although French revolution was a much bigger resistance, it is similar to how people unite in order to show opposition to the government. People come to together and unite, to make their voices heard.

  9. Bibliography • http://www.1318virus.net/modules/news/view.php?id=13837 (Korean) • http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=003&aid=0002513864 (Korean)

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