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Refined and Incremental Centroid-based Approach for Genre Categorization of Web Pages. Chaker JEBARI King Saud University College of Computer & Information Sciences Computer Science Department jebarichaker@yahoo.fr. WWW’2008 Conference. NLPIX’2008 Workshop April 22, Beijing, China.
Refined and Incremental Centroid-based Approach for Genre Categorization of Web Pages Chaker JEBARI King Saud University College of Computer & Information Sciences Computer Science Department jebarichaker@yahoo.fr WWW’2008 Conference NLPIX’2008 Workshop April 22, Beijing, China
Overview • Introduction • Related works • Centroid-based categorization • My approach • Experiments • Comparison
Introduction • Web page categorization become more and more useful to enhance search engine results • As the number of web pages increase every day, topic categorization become insufficient • Genre is another criteria used to classify web pages (Jebari and Ounelli, 2007)
Introduction • The genre of web pages (cybergenre) is characterized by the triple <content, form, functionality> (Shephered and Watters, 1999). • Web genres changes over time • I proposed a Refined and Incremental approach for genre categorization of web page
Centroid-based categorization • Finds a description (centroid or prototype) that summarizes all documents belonging (or not) to a given category. • The time and memory required by centroid-based models are proportional to the number of categories instead of the number of training documents like other machine learning techniques (Naïve Bayes, K nearest neighbors, decision trees, etc).
Centroid-based categorization • Centroid-based models can add more training documents and easily recalculate centroids. • Many models have been proposed to calculate centroids (Rocchio, average, sum, normalized sum models, etc). • Normalized sum is a most powerful model
Centroid-based categorization The centroid Cj for a category cj is defined as follow: A document dj is assigned to the category having most similarity calculated as follow:
Training web pages Pre-processing centroids Construction of centroids New web page Hypertext structure URL Logical structure Combination categorization My approach
Construction of centroids • c = {c1, … , ck}: set of k predefined categories • C = {C1, …, Cj, …, Ck}: set of genre centroids • using the normalized sum formula I discarded web pages that have a similarity with a centroid less than a predefined threshold s0 (noisy web pages). • For each category cj, I calculate a new set of training web pages sj as follow:
Construction of centroids Where pi is a web page and sim is the cosine similarity The centroids Sj obtained after refining, using the normalized sum formula, is defined as follow:
Pre-Processing • Feature extraction: URL, Logical structure (the content of title and Hn tags) and Hypertext structure (the content of anchors) • Remove special characters and stop words • Stemming remaining words • Weighting terms using NormTFIDF (=0.5, =-1 and =-0.5) (Lertnattee and Theeramunkong, 2004)
Categorization of a new page • Categorization of new web pages is performed one by one (incremental categorization). • For each new web page p, I calculate its cosine similarity with all centroids. • I refine the centroids, which have a similarity with the page p, greater or equal than S0.
Categorization of new pages • The refining step consists in: • Adding the new page p to the normalized centroid of the corresponding genre and renormalizes the centroid. • Each normalized centroid Sj is associated with the non-normalized centroid NSj. • Refinement of the centroid Sj can be performed by the following operations: And
Combination • The aim is to combine the outputs of three homogenous classifiers, which uses respectively the URL, the logical structure and the hypertext structure (Jebari, 2007). • I used the decision templates for combination (Kuncheva et al., 2001)
Genre Genre # Of web pages # Of web pages Article Student 1541 127 Faculty Download 1063 151 Staff Link collection 126 205 Private portrayal Department 170 126 Project Non private portrayal 474 163 Course 875 Discussion 127 Help 139 Shop 167 Experiments Corpora: KI-04 WebKB
Experiments • Aims: • Measure the effect of vocabulary size in genre categorization of web pages • Measure the usefulness of refining, incrementing and • Combination in genre categorization of web pages • Comparison with other works and machine learning techniques • Experimental setup: • I have used the Micro-averaged accuracy as a performance measure • I used 5*2 cross-validation methodology
Results Effect of vocabulary size: Micro-averaged accuracy for each feature and for both (a) KI-04 and (b) WebKB corpora is obtained by varying the number of terms between 5 and 3000 (b) (a)
Results Usefulness of refining: Micro-averaged accuracy for each feature and for both (a) KI-04 and (b) WebKB corpora is obtained by varying the refining threshold between 0 and 1 by step of 0.1 (a) (b)
Results Usefulness of incrementing: I varied the proportion of testing web pages on each feature between 10% and 90% by step of 10%. For both KI-04 (a) and WebKB (b) corpora I have obtained the following micro-averaged accuracy (a) (b)
Results Usefulness of combination: Micro-averaged accuracy for each classifier (URL, logical, hypertext and combined classifiers) and for both KI-04 (a) and WebKB (b) corpora
Comparison • Problems: • No publicly available and standard benchmark corpora for genre categorization task • Not agreed sense of web page genres and each study focuses on a different set of genres • Comparison with other works: • Only Kanaris and Stamatatos (Kanaris and Stamatatos, 2007)provide good micro-averaged accuracy using KI-04 corpus because they are based on structural information as in my approach. • (Jebari and Ounalli, 2004)
Author KI-04 WebKB [14] 0.70 - [1] 0.75 0.80 [9] 0.84 - [17] 0.70 - My approach 0.96 0.98 Comparison
Comparison • Comparison with other machine learning techniques: • I have compared my approach with other categorization techniques implemented in the program Rainbow (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mccallum/bow/rainbow/) • I have used Rocchio, Naïve bayes (NB), K Nearest • Neighbors (KNN) with K=30, SVM with Fisher kernel and TreeNode because they are widely used in genre categorization of documents.
KI-04 URL Logical Hypertext SVM << ~ << ROCCHIO << < << NB << << <<< KNN << << <<< TreeNode <<< <<< <<< WebKB SVM ~ << ~ ROCCHIO << < << NB << << <<< KNN <<< << <<< TreeNode <<< <<< <<< Comparison To show that obtained results are really meaningful and not due to chance, I used the 5*2 cross-validation t-test (Dietterich, 1998)
Comparison • Time is a very important aspect for comparison. • Following figures shows a comparison of the time that each classification technique needs to execute, in both training and classification phases for each corpus and for each feature.
Comparison Train and test time spend for URL and both KI-04 (a) and WebKB (b) (a) (b)
Comparison Train and test time spend for logical structure and both KI-04 (a) and WebKB (b) (a) (b)
Comparison Train and test time spend for hypertext structure and both KI-04 (a) and WebKB (b) (a) (b)
Conclusion • The approach proposed in this paper uses three new features (the URL address, logical and hypertext structures). • My approach implements three new aspects (refinement, incrementing and combination) which not explored in previous studies on genre categorization. • Conducted experiments show the usefulness of each aspect in genre categorization. • The comparison with other approaches show that my • approach is the fastest and outperforms many known • categorization techniques.
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