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TPTF Update for TAC March 30, 2007 Trip Doggett

TPTF Update for TAC March 30, 2007 Trip Doggett. Agenda. Meeting Summary. Meetings February 28 - March 1, March 5-7, and March 22-23 On February 28, TPTF discussed the following: Review and consideration of draft NPRR: Generation Subsystem Changes to Incorporate Approved Whitepapers

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TPTF Update for TAC March 30, 2007 Trip Doggett

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  1. TPTF Updatefor TAC March 30, 2007Trip Doggett http://nodal.ercot.com 1

  2. Agenda http://nodal.ercot.com 2

  3. Meeting Summary • Meetings February 28 - March 1, March 5-7, and March 22-23 • On February 28, TPTF discussed the following: • Review and consideration of draft NPRR: • Generation Subsystem Changes to Incorporate Approved Whitepapers • On February 28, TPTF approved the draft NPRR for Generation Subsystem Changes, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Allen and City of Eastland). All Market Segments were present. • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Generation Subsystem Requirement Document • Additional discussion deferred until March 1 http://nodal.ercot.com 3

  4. Meeting Summary – February 28 • On February 28, TPTF discussed the following: • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS SCADA Requirement Document • On February 28, TPTF approved the EMS SCADA Requirements, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Dallas and Town of Flower Mound). All Market Segments, except Cooperative, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 4

  5. Meeting Summary – March 1 • On March 1, TPTF discussed the following: • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Data Models Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Data Models Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with one abstention (CPS San Antonio). All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Generation Subsystem Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Generation Subsystem Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 5

  6. Meeting Summary – March 1 • On March 1, TPTF discussed the following: • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Network Security and Stability Analysis Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Network Security and Stability Analysis Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (CenterPoint and NRG). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS State Estimator Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS State Estimator Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 6

  7. Meeting Summary – March 1 • On March 1, TPTF discussed the following: • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Dynamic Ratings Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Dynamic RatingsRequirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with one abstention (Brazos). All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. • CRR Project Update • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Outage Evaluation Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Outage Evaluation Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 7

  8. Meeting Summary – March 1 • On March 1, TPTF discussed the following: • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Voltage Support Services Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Voltage Support Services Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. • Draft NPRR for Opportunity Outage • On March 1, TPTF approved a draft NPRR for Opportunity Outage. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Allen and Eastland). All Market Segments, except Cooperative, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 8

  9. Meeting Summary – March 1 • On March 1, TPTF discussed the following: • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Forced Outage Detection Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Forced Outage Detection Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Allen and City of Eastland). All Market Segments, except Cooperative, were present. • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Overall Energy Management System Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Overall Energy Management System Requirements v0.91. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Allen and City of Eastland). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 9

  10. Meeting Summary – March 1 • On March 1, TPTF discussed the following: • EMS Requirements Discussion • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Load Forecasting Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Load Forecasting Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with one abstention (Calpine). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumers, were present. • Review Disposition of Comments and consider possible approval of EMS Wind Power Forecasting Requirement Document • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Wind Power Forecasting v0.91. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (CPS San Antonio and CenterPoint). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 10

  11. Meeting Summary – March 5 • On March 5, TPTF discussed the following: • Nodal Program Update • NMMS Project • Draft NPRR for Hub Clarification • Commercial Systems Project • Draft NPRR to clarify HSL values for WGRs and WGR values to be used in RUC Capacity Short Calculation • On March 5, TPTF approved a Draft NPRR to clarify HSL values for WGRs and WGR values to be used in RUC Capacity Short Calculation. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with three abstentions (City of Allen, City of Eastland, and Exelon). All Market Segments, except Independent Generator, were present. • Market Management System Project Update http://nodal.ercot.com 11

  12. Meeting Summary – March 5 • On March 5, TPTF discussed the following: • Commercial Systems Project • Draft NPRR for Settlement of Non-Modeled Generators • On March 5, TPTF approved a Draft NPRR for Settlement of Non-Modeled Generators. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with four abstentions (LCRA, Calpine, City of Allen, and City of Eastland). All Market Segments were present. • Discussion of Protocol Revision Request (PRR) 697, Posting Requirement Changes http://nodal.ercot.com 12

  13. Meeting Summary – March 6 • On March 6, TPTF discussed the following: • NPRR040, Synchronization of EECP Event Realignment • Market Information System (MIS) Update • IDA Project - Interface Update • Market Readiness Advisor (MRA) Metrics Update http://nodal.ercot.com 13

  14. Meeting Summary – March 7 • On March 7, TPTF discussed the following: • Training Update • Accountable Executive Update • NPRR037 – Conforming Section 13 to Nodal Format • Draft NPRR for Removal of Pseudo Resource • On March 7, TPTF approved a Draft NPRR for Removal of Pseudo Resource. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 71.4% in favor, with two abstentions (GEUS and CPS San Antonio). All Market Segments were present. • Draft NPRR for Pricing During an EECP Event http://nodal.ercot.com 14

  15. Meeting Summary – March 22 • On March 22, TPTF discussed the following: • Nodal Program Update • Market Readiness Advisor Update • IRT Project • EDS-1 Approach Document • On March 22, TPTF approved the EDS-1 Approach Document v1.4, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with five abstentions (CenterPoint, City of Dallas, City of Allen, City of Eastland, and Town of Flower Mound). All Market Segments were present. • Initial Review of EDS-2 Approach Document • Proposed changes to Telemetry Standards and timing for RTU to ICCP changes • IRT Project • Market Feedback on Ancillary Service Self-Certification • Draft NPRR for Standard Form MP Agreement and Registration Corrections http://nodal.ercot.com 15

  16. Meeting Summary – March 23 • On March 23, TPTF discussed the following: • MIS Update • EDW Project • Initial Review of Independent Market Monitor (Section 17) EDW Requirements • Initial Review of EDW Conceptual System Design Document • Approach to prepare Performance Monitoring and Compliance EDW Requirements • IDA Project • Posting of Use Cases • Training Update • Commercial Systems Project • Draft NPRR on Voltage Support • On March 23, TPTF approved the draft NPRR on Voltage Support. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with three abstentions (CenterPoint, Reliant, and GEUS). All Market Segments, except Independent Generators, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 16

  17. Meeting Summary – March 23 • On March 23, TPTF discussed the following: • Draft NPRR, Companion to PRR697, Posting Requirement Changes for Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (PASA) • Update on Hub Clarification • Draft NPRR for New Trading Hub at Venus Switching Station • Service Level Agreement for MP Sandbox http://nodal.ercot.com 17

  18. Next Meetings • Next meetings • Monday, April 2 and Tuesday, April 3 • Monday April 23 through Wednesday April 25 • Monday May 7 and Tuesday May 8 • Monday May 21 through Wednesday May 23 http://nodal.ercot.com 18

  19. Next Meetings (continued) • On April 2-3, we plan to discuss: • Nodal Program Update • MIS Update • Market Readiness Advisor Update • CRR Project • Review of Optimization Run Time • Status of Detail Design Documents • IDA Project • Update on Integration Activities • MP Interface Document • Registration of Assets • Review of Communications Handbook & Discussion of Other Interface Documents http://nodal.ercot.com 19

  20. Next Meetings (continued) • On April 2-3, we plan to discuss: • IRT Project • Initial Review of EDS-3 • Initial Review of Market Participant Qualification Guide • Draft NPRR on Standard Form Market Participant Agreement • Review of Registration Approach • Draft NPRR on Hub Clarification • Draft NPRR for New Trading Hub at Venus Switching Station • Companion NPRR to PRR697, Posting Requirement Changes - PASA only discussion • Companion NPRR to PRR709, Scarcity Pricing Mechanism • NPRR040, Synchronization of Emergency Electric Curtailment Plan (EECP) Event Realignment • Companion NPRR to PRR647, Gross and Net MW/Mvar Data Reporting • Review of TPTF Charter • Review of Transition Plan • PRS Assignments http://nodal.ercot.com 20

  21. TAC Approval of Milestones • On February 28, TPTF approved the EMS SCADA Requirements, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Dallas and Town of Flower Mound). All Market Segments, except Cooperative, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Data Models Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with one abstention (CPS San Antonio). All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Generation Subsystem Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Network Security and Stability Analysis Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (CenterPoint and NRG). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS State Estimator Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 21

  22. TAC Approval of Milestones • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Dynamic Ratings Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with one abstention (Brazos). All Market Segments, except Consumer, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Outage Evaluation Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Voltage Support Services Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with no abstentions. All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Forced Outage Detection Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Allen and City of Eastland). All Market Segments, except Cooperative, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Overall Energy Management System Requirements v0.91. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (City of Allen and City of Eastland). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 22

  23. TAC Approval of Milestones • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Load Forecasting Requirements v0.92, as modified by TPTF. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with one abstention (Calpine). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumers, were present. • On March 1, TPTF approved the EMS Wind Power Forecasting v0.91. The motion was approved by a ballot vote of 100% in favor, with two abstentions (CPS San Antonio and CenterPoint). All Market Segments, except Cooperative and Consumer, were present. http://nodal.ercot.com 23

  24. TAC Approval of Milestones (continued) • The Transition Plan says: “Any declaration of the accomplishment of a major milestone (business requirements, conceptual design, and successful completion of Market Participant testing) or a decision to proceed is contingent on the approval of both ERCOT and TAC.” • Request TAC approval of the following Milestones – Business Requirements Complete for: • SCADA • Wind Power Forecasting • Voltage Support • State Estimator • Outage Evaluation • Network Security and Stability Analysis • Load Forecasting • Data Models • Dynamic Ratings • Energy Management System • Forced Outage Detection • Generation Subsystem http://nodal.ercot.com 24

  25. Questions ? http://nodal.ercot.com 25

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