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Sacred Union: Embracing God's Blueprint for Marriage

The sanctity of marriage as intended by God, expressed through divine union and the importance of faithfulness in holy matrimony. Reflect on the building blocks of humanity and the covenant of marriage as a divine institution. Discover the joy of marriage, fulfilling God's purpose for union and procreation. Explore the significance of oneness in marriage and the divine design for a fulfilling relationship that glorifies God. Dive into God's math of adding value to your spouse and nurturing love based on biblical principles. Embrace marriage as a vocation and a reflection of God's love. Join the discourse on strengthening the institution of marriage, safeguarding its sanctity and honoring the covenant of unity.

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Sacred Union: Embracing God's Blueprint for Marriage

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  2. The joy of marriage: marriage as it was intended to be

  3. The sanctity of marriage • Hence the creation of Eve, or the woman in general, was direct a divine response to a need within man which man himself was blind to. Therefore the marital blueprint must and should only come from God and his word. While we are free we are to worship, we are not free to worship as we want but as we ought.

  4. The sanctity of marriage • Hence the creation of Eve, or the woman in general, was a direct divine response to a need within man which man himself was blind to. Therefore the marital blueprint must and should only come from God and his word. While we are free we are to worship, we are not free to worship as we want but as we ought.

  5. The Building Blocks of the human race • The Divine Institution of Marriage was established as the basic building block of the human race. A valid question is, if we are killing each other under the blade of HIV/Aids scourge, if we are forced to burry 700 people weekly in the name of holy matrimony are we still building the human race or annihilating it? • If we permit MCP’s are we building or destroying? Does God not say if you are not building with him we are destroying ???

  6. Marriage the perfect relationship

  7. To Glorify God

  8. the full image of God in marriage

  9. Marriage is a vocation

  10. The God’s brightest idea • Marriage was God's best and brightest idea. Marriage was the primordial sacrament. It was in our spouse and in our children that God intended to become visible to us. The family was the Church and the sacraments, as it were, and the living out of the married life was meant to be a delightful way in which to grow closer to God.

  11. God’s math • Two is better than one • One can put a thousand to flight two can put ten thousand to flight. • Through marriage each spouse was to add value to the other. To be a friend and closest companion for each other and to minister to the other Spouse’s need. I hear a lot of the overtones of lack of satisfaction which is inconsistent with the teaching of scripture.

  12. Love as described in First Corinthians 13 must be the underlying principle in the home and in all its relationships especially marriage. I often tell couples, if you love your spouse with less than the Agape love then you are, loving them less than God would have you love them.

  13. Procreation: Is Zoe not the end? • Another purpose for marriage was to produce Godly Offspring ( Gen 1:28 Mal 2:15) .- Godly offspring with abundance of life - Zoe. At the beginning of human history God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to fill the earth. • World view focuses on child bearing, but not the well being of the children in health and having parents alive.

  14. Faithfulness: The dominant theme From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible’s dominant theme is faithfulness in marriage. From Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, Malachi, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and the apostles Paul and John, their message has been to stress the sanctity of marriage. God’s laws in both testaments are designed to protect marriage and the family. From the Garden of Eden to the New Heavens and New Earth, God’s purpose for mankind is summed up by holy marriage

  15. 2. GOD INTENDED FOR MARRIAGE TO BE A COVENANT • Covenant - refers to the act of establishing a standing contract between two parties • MAL 2:13 Another thing you do: You flood the LORD's altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. 14 You ask, "Why?" It is because the LORD is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.

  16. Implications of Covenant

  17. Covenant … • “to be united to his wife” - to cling, to cleave or to keep close company • “and they will become one flesh” – a permanent bond

  18. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.Leaving must be in all dimensions: physically emotionally,psychologicallyculturally

  19. 3 Fold Oneness

  20. John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah, Luke 1:15-17

  21. Noah, Lot, Moses, Jeremiah and Malachi preached against marital infidelity, divorce, and sexual perversion. They preached the gospel message of Hebrews 4:2. They preached Monogamy for both parties. Malachi prophesied that the forerunner of the Messiah, Elijah, would preach the same message: "He will bring fathers and children together again; otherwise I would have to come and destroy your country," Malachi 4:6,

  22. We have Failed marriage • From the Garden of Eden to the sons of Cain, to the days of Noah, to Abraham and Hagar, Sodom and Gomorrah, Jacob and his famous four, unfaithful Israel, King Herod, the Romans, King Henry VIII, and especially in today’s time, mankind has defiled, perverted, been a total failure in living up to faithfulness in marriage. Divorce, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and disobedient children are so prevalent today, that a faithful marriage and a wholesome, happy family, is a rarity.

  23. The church has failed marriage

  24. Culture has failed marriage

  25. History has failed marriage

  26. The church as custodian of the biblical mandate and mission has failed if it ignores marriage. Vigilant we must arise!

  27. “It is not your love that sustains the marriage, but from now on, the marriage that sustains your love”. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  28. “The secret to having a good marriage is to understand that marriage must be total, it must be permanent, and it must be equal”. Frank Pittman

  29. Recommendation: transform culturetransform worldviews

  30. Transforming Categories The church deliberately irradiating that concept with the word of God, The church arising to its mandate and teaching, preaching deliberately engaging the concepts with the word etc Somewhat a biblically transformed concept Biblically transformed concept Concept e.g marriage Current informants in society, the press, the Peers, culture Lowered number of MCP’s Behavior change Lowered HIV infection

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