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Governments had increased control during WWI Rejected liberalism Will of the masses dominated over the individual Obedience & participation Often radically nationalistic Could be far right (fascists) or far left (communists) Technologically savvy.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Governments had increased control during WWI Rejected liberalism Will of the masses dominated over the individual Obedience & participation Often radically nationalistic Could be far right (fascists) or far left (communists) Technologically savvy Totalitarianism

  2. 1919: verge of bankruptcy high inflation & unemployment unhappy with terms of Versailles Mussolini’s Fascio di Combattimento appealed to veterans; used brute force & nationalistic rhetoric 1922: march on Rome w/ his Black Shirts Il Duce Italy

  3. Nationalistic ideology Militarization Rampant sexism Education; massive indoctrination & propaganda Loyal to landowners & industrialists; NOT the lower classes Secret Police; censorship Lateran Accords Fascism in Italy

  4. Fascist Youth

  5. State “Corporatism” 1926: National Council of Corporations created • Guilds of employers & employees established to manage the economy • Supported by small capitalists & the middle class; all felt threatened by the rise of Socialists • Goal  harmonize the interests of workers, managers and the state by abolishing class warfare. • Reality  This system hampered technological progress and destroyed workers’ rights.

  6. 1919-24: Versailles’ punishments Ruhr, hyperinflation & unemployment National Socialism Beer Hall Putsch 1924-29: stability & prosperity Nazis organize & plan 1929-33: The Great Depression Nazis come to power Hyperinflation in Germany Weimar Germany

  7. The GermanMark

  8. 1923 - Ruhr Valley Fiasco

  9. Weimar Republic Politics

  10. Unemployment during the Great Depression

  11. The Great Depression

  12. 1931: King Alfonso XIII abdicated; a Popular Front formed 1936-39: Spanish Civil War Nationalists vs. Republicans Franco’s Nationalists win “dress rehearsal for WWII” Picasso’s Guernica Republican At the Instant of Death Spanish Civil War

  13. Picasso’s Guernica

  14. France: 1920s: Raymond Poincare Ruhr Valley fiasco Cartel of the Left 1936: Leon Blum’s Popular Front; “France’s New Deal” Great Britain: massive unemployment Keynesian Economics Massive Unemployment The Democracies & Depression

  15. Culture Between the Wars Mass Media: radio & cinema • BBC • Goebbels’ The Triumph of Will Art: surrealism & modern art • Dali’s Persistence of Memory • Dadaism Literature: “stream of consciousness” Dali’s Persistence of Memory

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