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Waterfowl & Shorebird Identification

Waterfowl & Shorebird Identification. CTS Wildlife. Classifications. All ducks are divided into two categories: Puddle Ducks Diving Ducks. Puddle Ducks. Tip over to feed Take off straight up off of the water Their legs are situated more to the middle of their body. Diving Ducks.

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Waterfowl & Shorebird Identification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Waterfowl& Shorebird Identification CTS Wildlife

  2. Classifications • All ducks are divided into two categories: • Puddle Ducks • Diving Ducks

  3. Puddle Ducks • Tip over to feed • Take off straight up off of the water • Their legs are situated more to the middle of their body

  4. Diving Ducks • Dive for their food (some dive to 10 metres) • Legs are situated near the back of the body • Take off from the water by running along the surface

  5. Mallard Duck

  6. Northern Pintail

  7. Greenwing Teal

  8. Blue Wing Teal

  9. Cinnamon Teal

  10. Northern Shoveler

  11. Gadwall

  12. American Widgeon

  13. Bufflehead

  14. Red Head

  15. Canvasback

  16. Lesser Scaup

  17. Ring Necked Duck

  18. Common Goldeneye

  19. Barrows Goldeneye

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