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Some experience gained at the Air Force Academy (VLA) in Kosice

Some experience gained at the Air Force Academy (VLA) in Kosice. Josef.Blazek@tuke.sk. Meeting of NATO Working Group, Bojnice, SR, March 8 th and 9 th , 2006. HISTORY OF THE FACULTY OF AERONAUTICS. The AIR FORCE ACADEMY

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Some experience gained at the Air Force Academy (VLA) in Kosice

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  1. Some experience gained at the Air Force Academy (VLA) in Kosice Josef.Blazek@tuke.sk Meeting of NATO Working Group, Bojnice, SR, March 8th and 9th, 2006

  2. HISTORY OF THE FACULTY OF AERONAUTICS The AIR FORCE ACADEMY of Gen. M. R. Štefánik (after 31 years) merged with Technical University Košice 1st September 2004 INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS Technical University Košice 1st September 2004 FACULTY OF AERONAUTICS Technical University Kosice 1st February 2005

  3. Some historical results • Full digital sensors and measurement system: • The Original Fluxgate ( ferroprobe) sensors • Self-oscillation • Relaxation • Sensitivity apr. 1 nT, 0 – 500 Hz, • Dynamics up 100 dB (one direct range 1 – up 100000 nT) • Vector type • Amorphous and nanocrystaline materials (from SAS) • VLF and LF VEctor Magnetics Analysers „VEMA“ • Industrial correlation magnetometers HFT and BSP • Magnetometers BG • DSP, stochastics (averege value, dispersion, correlation) • Transformations and graphic displayof data

  4. T(B) T=k Ferroprobe RV Comparator Generator ±UR SV T1(B) T1(B) T2(B) T2(B) Generator ±IP Control circuits PV External B Diode load Auxiliary circuits Ferroprobe SV Pulse exciter BV External B Autooscillating and relaxing sensorsuse transition actions on ferroprobe..In autooscillating sensor transition actions are generated with potential pulses supplied to control coil, via feedback.Relaxing sensor utilize change of magnetic potential energy of ferroprobe core fromstate of technical saturation, induced by short current pulse, to state given by external magnetic field to make an electrical work in the load of sensing coil.


  6. Some results (examples) of measurements and visualisation:The space-map of local magnetic field (0 Hz) in the room 1. AREAL DEVELOPMENT X – COMPONENTS OF LOCAL MAGNETIC FIELD 2. AREAL DEVELOPMENT Y – COMPONENTS OF LOCAL MAGNETIC FIELD 3. AREAL DEVELOPMENT Z – COMPONENTS OF LOCAL MAGNETIC FIELD

  7. Another way of processing and visualisation of measured data (from discrete points of place) Total of magnetic field Bx changing from move Line wiev of total

  8. The mapping of VLF and LF mag. fields: radiation of PC monitor (CRT), frequency of shots, (Bx component) RADIATION OF COMPUTER MONITOR MONITOR RADIATION

  9. LATEST SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES of AFA Research Projects: 11-01-VL01-00/1998 OPAS Protection of fuel systems and aviation kerosene against biologicalcontamination 11-01-VL03-00/2002 SIRIAD Situational control - application models in the armed forces 11-01-VL03-00/2000 NASYP Navigation in the automated systems of data transfer 11-01-VL02-00/2000 SENMAG Development of magnetic sensors, systems and methods for reconnaissance 11-01-VL02-00/2002 MUPOS Multisensoric subsystem of acquisition, processing and distribution of data 11-01-VL01-00/2000 OKO 2 Unmanned areal reconnaissance vehicles of the Slovak Armed Forces

  10. Some ectract from SENMAG:4 until12-channel magnetometer with CPLD • full digital magnetometer with CPLD CoolRunner-II • through to 12 sensors with PWM mode, (relaxing) • synchronized sampling 1 kHz, all channels at the same time • saving • time, frequency (DFT) and stochastic analyses • mapping of place and space • visualization of signal of channels or maps or special-transformations (magnetic situation)

  11. N-chanel analyser PC - SW ANAMAG ALGORITMUS Experiments of four chanel localisation and visualisation of „magnet“ position Parametresof the set: • 4 independent mag. sensors (component of vector type) • F sampl 1kHz (4x) • Sensitivity1,7 nT • Dynamic Range 80 000 nT • Magnet 0,3 T ø70x15 mm HW • 4-chanel vector magnetic analyser • PC SW • ANAMAG 1.0 (Setting of modes, data collect, tables, Osc-visual, DPU) • ALGORITMUS (visualisation of magnetic situation) Fig. Program ANAMAG Supply 2 3 2m 1 4 2m Fig. Measurement Set

  12. 1500 1000 1k 500 2k 0 Magnetic field [nT] 1 3k 33 65 97 129 161 193 225 257 289 321 353 385 417 449 481 513 -500 4k -1000 -1500 The number of sample (Fs 1kHz) 2000 1500 1000 1k 500 2k 0 magnetic field [nT] -500 3k -1000 4k -1500 -2000 -2500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 magnet positions The demonstration of data from two basic experiments Fig. Rotating motion of magnet Fig. Linear (displacement) ) motion

  13. SW: ALGORITMUS WA • Active principleof weighting for transformation from B1 – B4 to Bxy • Input: component of magnetic field vectorsBi (4 corner points) • Output: Bxy as value for point of magnetic wiev ( Bxy is not magnetic field value in point xy if magnetic source is in place) • Option of scaning x, y (for example 100 x 100 points) X B1 B2 0 x 0 S3 S4 y BXY S2 S1 Y B4 B3 Fig. Principle of weighting algoritmus

  14. Some modifications of WA • Field gradient multiplying K • Background deduction • Color scale • Cyclical color scale Fig. Magnetic view – color scale Fig. Magnetic view – cyclical color scale

  15. Situation view - rotating motion of magnet Fig. magnet rotation

  16. Situation view – linear displacement

  17. OKO 2 – intended to be an unmanned helicopter designedto performreconnaissance using: TV and IR camera , chemical, radiation, biological and magnetic sensors Head researchers: • Prof. Jozef Považan, CSc., Jozef.Považan@tuke.sk • Prof. Jozef Hudák, CSc., Jozef. Hudak@tuke.sk Fig. Ground control WS OKO-II Fig. Fully operational model of OKO-II

  18. OKO 2 – intended to be unmanned helicopter • Emphasis was placed on aiborne electronic equipment enabling autonomous flight into the area of interest with the option of manual input of the operetor. • It was anticipated to feature autonomous navigation, controlling and stabilization with programmable take-off and landing. • Telemetrics transfer of control and reconnaissance informations is made via ground control workstation featuring recording function. • The project has managed to accomplish a fully operational flying model and much of the real helicopter and aiborne and ground electronic system. • In the advanced phase of the real system implementetion named OKO 2 has however been stopped by MoD because of termination of the AFAs activities within the branch of the Ministry of Defence (2004).

  19. 30000 20000 10000 0 B [nT] 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 -10000 -20000 -30000 -40000 Time [ s ] Magnetic reconnaissance –basic consideration Measuring of disturbance of uniform magnetic field caused by FO Fig. Reason of disturbance -vehicle monitoring through stationary sensors -“target“ monitoring through moving sensors Fig. Smooth transition of car ( Bx, By, Bz )

  20. 6000 4000 2000 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 -2000 X1 B [nT] X2 -4000 -6000 -8000 -10000 -12000 time [s] Magnetic reconnaissance –basic consideration Measuring of disturbance of uniform magnetic field caused fromFO -Monitoring of phase shift between two sensors (measurements of velocity and direction of „vehicles“) - Comparing of amplitude and shape ( estimate of identity of „vehicles“)

  21. Magnetic reconnaissance –basic consideration and problems Radius(sensitivity 1 nT) (m) Mass (ton) • Cartridge 13mm (Fe) • Hand grenade (Fe) • Antipersonnel mine (Fe) • Anti tank mine (Fe) • Armour piercing projectile(Fe) • Launched grenade(Fe) • Aviation bomb 250kg • Aviation bomb 500kg • Depth in metres Of the values above, it is evident hbat this type of search requires considerable attavilion to navigation. Exact search of larger areas within the range of the probe can be successful only 4m Graphic presentation of the search signal on an airborne LCD display. Figure : Magnetometer featuring proton resonance MX500 6m Floating probe (Tow-Fish) of the magnetometer with proton resonance. Figure : Probe of PROTONservices by J.W.Fisher

  22. Magnetic reconnaissance –basic consideration and problems • Some problems for UAV: • radius (penetration) • overall dimensions and arrangement of magnetometers • weight

  23. Magnetic reconnaissance – some resources of SR • Some relevant institute of SR: • G – trend • Faculty of aeronatics TUKE • Slovak Air Force Institute Košice • SAS: Institute of Measuremant Institute of Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics Institute of Geotechnology • Edis Košice • Faculty of Math and Physics (Deparment of Geotechnology) UK • FEI STU Bratislava • We are supporting and recommend activity of G-trend and SMoD for an UAV for the Detection... • You will welcome at „ New Development Trends In Aeronautics“ and „Aplied Magnetometrics“ Košice 6th -8th sept. 2006 www. ntrl.sk

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