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Taxonomy . By Katy Blalock. The Kingdoms. How are organisms put into their kingdoms? Organisms are put into their kingdoms based on: Their cell type How they make food The number of cells in their body. There are six kingdoms: Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae

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  1. Taxonomy By Katy Blalock

  2. The Kingdoms How are organisms put into their kingdoms? Organisms are put into their kingdoms based on: Their cell type How they make food The number of cells in their body There are six kingdoms: Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia

  3. Eubacteria • Eubacteria are single-celled yet complex organisms. These are the bacteria more commonly known. • While a lot of eubacteria is helpful, some can be harmful! • Eubacteria lives in more moderate conditions, and are both autotrophic, heterotrophic as well as chemotrophic!

  4. Examples of Eubacteria Eubacteria can make foods, like yogurt. The first bacteria causes strep throat, while the second helps make yogurt!

  5. Archaebacteria • Archaebacteria are found in extreme environments, like boiling water, in conditions with no oxygen or places that are highly acidic. They are also prokaryotic. Arcaebacteria are heterotrophic and chemotrophic!

  6. Protista • Protists are a large group of organisms, mostly unicellular, that move and obtain energy in different ways. • Protists can move with: • Cilla • Flagella • pseudopodia Protists can get energy either hetertrophicly or autotrophicly

  7. On the far left we have an amoeba, which move with pseudopods. On the upper right we have an euglena, which uses flagella to move, and on the bottom right is a parameclum, which uses cilla to move.

  8. Fungi • Most fungi are multicellular organisms. • Fungi were once confused as plants, but they cannot produce their own food. Fungi are decomposers. While some fungi taste great, others are poisonous!

  9. These fungi are mushrooms. This type of mushroom is edible! This fungi is mold, and turns food bad.

  10. Plantae Plants are multicellular autotrophs, who make their food with the use of photosynthesis. Without plants, life on earth wouldn’t exist!

  11. Animalia • Animals are complex, multicellular organisms. • Animals are heterotrophs Animals are the most complex organisms! Humans are in the kingdom Animalia!

  12. About Our Frozen Yogurt." The Wandering Cow RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2013.WebsiteComments "InstitutRosell - Lallemand - Lactobacilli." InstitutRosell - Lallemand - Lactobacilli. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2013.WebsiteComments "An Introduction to Taxonomy - The Kingdoms and Domains Of Life." Squidoo. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2013.WebsiteComments "Protozoa." BrainPOP. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2013.WebsiteComment "The Six Kingdoms." The Six Kingdoms. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2013.WebsiteComments "Types of Helpful Bacteria." LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2013

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