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Understanding the Strategic Plan & the Long Range Plan. Stevenson Dunn, National Chair Dr. Njema J. Frazier, Alumni Extension Chair (Foundation By: Darryl Dickerson) June 2008. Overview. Part I: Components of the Strategic Plan Outreach Recruitment Retention Professional Excellence
Understanding the Strategic Plan & the Long Range Plan Stevenson Dunn, National Chair Dr. Njema J. Frazier, Alumni Extension Chair (Foundation By: Darryl Dickerson) June 2008
Overview • Part I: Components of the Strategic Plan • Outreach • Recruitment • Retention • Professional Excellence • Impact NLI Virtual Training
Outreach • As the world economy becomes more technologically driven, it is imperative that the black community is an active participant and evolves with the changing economic landscape. NSBE should lead the charge by engaging not only students, but schools, community centers, youth programs, and parents, to ensure that the Black community, especially the youth, can be those active participants. NLI Virtual Training
Outreach • Global Indicators • Number of Black youth interested in engineering, science, math, and medicine, as a career field as a percentage of overall population • Number of students engaged in activities that involve engineering principles and concepts • NSBE Performance Indicators • NSBE Jr. membership • Footprint of PCI programming (how many Black pre-college students NSBE touches each year) • Attendance at NSBE outreach/community events • Number of Black students/families that have heard of NSBE NLI Virtual Training
Outreach • Global Objectives (Spring 2013) • 20,000 African Americans scoring in the top 20% in PSAT, SAT, ACT • Strategies • Create methods in which the majority of Black pre-college students have a basic understanding of engineering as a career field as early as 3rd grade • Expose youth to Black engineers and engineering student role models • Create a culture of academic excellence within the Black community • Partner with other civic organizations to get the NSBE name out to youth and families NLI Virtual Training
Outreach • Tactics (2008 – 2009) • Transform AWFE to an application drive for engineering programs • Expand Summer Engineering Experience for Kids model to the top 5 cities for African- Americans • Influence the structure and output of other summer camp models through partnership with universities • Partner with Engineering Projects In Community Service (EPICS) High to create an engineering community service model • Develop a presence at large networking conferences/events for black pre-college students • Begin an elementary and middle school classroom visit initiative for the top 20 cities for African-Americans stressing academic excellence and the role of engineering in every day lives NLI Virtual Training
Recruitment • Although interest and engagement are important, the next hurdle is to get students to apply to and entering engineering fields. Currently, the number of African Americans entering engineering as freshmen is on the decline and we have no indicators regarding the current status of blacks in engineering fields worldwide. In order to truly drive innovation, and ensure mission success, we must drive more Black students into the engineering field. NLI Virtual Training
Recruitment • Global Indicators • Enrollment of Black engineering freshmen full time • NSBE Performance Indicators • NSBE Jr. seniors applying to and entering engineering degree fields • Global Objectives (Spring 2013) • 10,000 African Americans entering engineering as freshmen NLI Virtual Training
Recruitment • NSBE Objectives (Spring 2009) • 10,000 applications to engineering programs by NSBE • Strategies • Find students at the high school level who have shown interest in engineering and navigate them along the pathway to entering college • Increase the pathways to entry by reaching to non-traditional sources students • Improve relationships with universities to become partners in driving greater recruitment of engineering students NLI Virtual Training
Recruitment • Tactics (2008 – 2009) • Target math and science high schools within the country for NSBE Jr. membership, making sure that seniors apply • Revive the Community College Initiative • Add component to Convention to create best practices in 3+2 programs • Partner with LEAD NLI Virtual Training
Retention As our recruitment strategies began to have a significant effect on the number of students entering accredited engineering programs. We will need to support that new influx of future engineers with direct resources. NLI Virtual Training
Retention • Global Indicators • First year retention of Blacks in engineering • 4,5,6 year graduation rates for Blacks in engineering • Grade Point Average • NSBE Performance Indicators • NSBE First year retention in engineering • NSBE 4,5,6 year graduation rates • Grade Point Average • NSBE Capture/Penetration Rateb NLI Virtual Training
Retention • Global Objectives (Fall 2013) • Reach parity in first year retention (80%) • NSBE Objectives (Fall 2009) • NSBE Capture/Penetration Rate = 80% • NSBE First Year Retention in Engineering = 80% • NSBE Freshman GPA > 3.0 • Strategies • Develop relationships with universities that do not currently have chapters • Improve academic preparation • Expand network of support • Provide holistic programs/services for academic support • Utilize Black engineering professors as the brain trust to drive retention efforts NLI Virtual Training
Retention • Tactics (2008 – 2009) • Capture a large percentage (80%) of the black freshmen entering engineering • Provide Professional Tutorial Services for Freshman Level “Gatekeeper” Courses (Calculus, Physics, Computer Programming, etc.) • Create media that provides tutorials and other supportive content (NSBE Freshman Online Course, NSBE Youtube Tutorials) • Identify three summer bridge-like programs to invest in, partner with, and direct our members’ into NLI Virtual Training
Professional Excellence • NSBE is a diverse organization that provides a wide network of Black engineers. As we strive to be exemplars of our fields, the NSBE network will provide support that will help to overcome the challenges of being a minority while providing access to tools for career advancement. NLI Virtual Training
Professional Excellence • Global Indicators • BS Degrees awarded to Black engineering students • Graduate degrees awarded to Black engineering students • Career advancement of Black engineers (Black executives, tenured Black professors…) • NSBE Performance Indicators • Job offers and internship offers tenured via NSBE • Percentage among NSBE leaders • Black engineering graduate student capture/penetration rate • NSBE graduates/members entering advanced degree programs • Number of entrepreneurs within the membership • Workforce promotions of professional NSBE members • Alumni/Corporate Chapters NLI Virtual Training
Professional Excellence • Global Objectives (Fall 2013) • 5,500 African Americans entering the workforce in an engineering or engineering related field • NSBE Objectives (Fall 2009) • 70% of graduating Black engineers receive job opportunities via NSBE • 80% NSBE Capture/Penetration Rate • Strategies • Provide continuous development of leadership/professional skills • Provide technical content/development to our members through partnerships • Develop the elements of the NSBEPreneur program NLI Virtual Training
Professional Excellence • Tactics (2008 – 2009) • Revisit and recreate MOUs with founder engineering organizations to provide technical content/greater access to technical content at the chapter level and at all conferences • Develop online leadership training modules for each functional area • Track Career Fairs (local, regional, national) and job offers tenured • Define NSBE for graduate students • Track professional success of black engineers (promotions, executive positions) • Develop NSBEpreneur program and baseline entrepreneur population in NSBE NLI Virtual Training
Impact • While excellence within engineering is of primary importance, such excellence must translate into the applications of our skills, knowledge, and abilities for community service and development. We must apply our technical skills for community development while utilizing our position as an organization to affect policy that stands in the way of mission success. NLI Virtual Training
Impact • Global Indicators • Become the unequivocal expert on blacks in engineering • Utilize technical skills to overcome the unique challenges facing our community • Identify and combat policy level barriers to mission achievement Strategies • Become the unequivocal expert on blacks in engineering • Utilize technical skills to overcome the unique challenges facing our community • Identify and combat policy level barriers to mission achievement NLI Virtual Training
Impact • Tactics (2008 – 2009) • Create a data/metrics plan for each strategic issue • Create a position within WHQ • Outsource to a university • Publish a special edition of the magazine in conjunction with Chronicles, Diverse Magazine and Black Enterprise • Publish white paper on Anti-Affirmative Action and its effects on enrollment of Blacks in engineering • Re-define affiliate member as a support mechanism for the Society • Pre-college teachers/parents • Partner with EPICS to create pilot of engineering community service NLI Virtual Training
2008-2009 NSBE NATIONAL DIRECTIVES • Professional Excellence • Outreach • Worldwide Impact • Engineering Excellence • Recruitment and Retention NLI Virtual Training