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Welcome to the Dixie State University (DSU) Spring 2019 Pre-Service Teacher Training Meeting. Please sign the attendance sheet and review the agenda for important information about student teaching and mentorship. Contact information, forms, and guidelines are also included in the meeting packet.
Greeting and Agenda Introductions Faculty Clinical Supervisors Agenda 1. Student Teaching Information 2. Meet With Supervisors
Student Teaching Information 1. Explanations of Information in Mentor Packet • Contact Information • W9 Form • Important Dates and Information/DSU Student Teaching Forms • Weekly Attendance and Progress Record • Unit/Lesson Plan Templates • Disposition Concern Form 2. Mentor Teacher 3. Student Teacher 4. FERPA STATEMENT 5. Assessment 6. Teacher Work Sample (TWS) 7. Capstone 8. DSU University Supervisor
INFORMATION IN PACKETS Contact Information Dixie State University Education Field Placement Director Joy Challis M.Ed. 435-652-7674 Challis@dixie.edu All professors and supervisors are listed in the Student Teaching Handbook.
INFORMATION IN PACKETSW9 Form DSU needs a current W9 form from each mentor teacher. Mentor teachers will receive a stipend from DSU after the student teacher has completed their assignment, and DSU has received all the required forms. The amount is $125.00. A check will be sent to the address you listed on the W9 form.
INFORMATION IN PACKETS Important Dates and Information ELED student teaching is 11 weeks based on USBE guidelines. The student keeps a record of attendance on the WEEKLY ATTENDANCE AND PROGRESS REPORT. If an absence should occur, the student teacher must notify the mentor teacher, university supervisor, and the DSU Placement Director. ALL MISSED TIME MUST BE MADE UP.
INFORMATION IN PACKETSWeekly Attendance and Progress Record The Weekly Attendance and Progress Record is for the student teacher to keep track of their attendance and progress. Your school may also require the student teacher to sign in every day in the office. If that is required, DSU still requires the Weekly Attendance and Progress Record be completed by the student. The student teacher will also record the following information: 1. If the weekly meeting took place with the mentor teacher 2. Any recommendations the mentor teacher had for the student The mentor teacher is asked to sign the form each week to verify attendance.
INFORMATION IN PACKETSDSU Unit and Lesson Plans The following are included in the packet to let you know what the students are required by DSU for their Teacher Work Sample with four (4) lessons, and four formal lesson observations: • Unit Plan Template • Lesson Plan Template
INFORMATION IN PACKETSLesson Observations The following are included in your packet, to let you know what DSU is expecting the clinical supervisors to look for when they observe the students: • Formal Lesson Observation • Informal Lesson Observation
INFORMATION IN PACKETSMentoring/Learning Tips Mentor Teachers have Mentoring Tips in their packet. The Student Teachers have Learning Tips in their packet. Read through those when you have time.
INFORMATION IN PACKETSDisposition Concern Form The Disposition Concern Form is a form used for severe problems that may come up during student teaching. Before using the form the mentor teacher should make attempts to solve the problem in the following ways: • Discussion with the student teacher concerning the problem • Time for the student teacher to fix the problem • Discussion with DSU Supervisor If these attempts fail, the mentor teacher completes the form and contacts the DSU Education Field Placement Director.
Disposition Concern Form This form is for faculty, clinical supervisors, mentor teachers, and staff to record and report disposition concerns about students. All completed forms will be placed in the student’s file. Repeat offenses will advance to the next level of severity. Any infraction determined to be significantly harmful to children, peers, or the DSU program could result in immediate dismissal. The student, ___________________________, has demonstrated an unacceptable level of performance in one or more of the following areas (Check all that apply): ( ) Professional disposition/demeanor/appearance ( ) Breach of ethical behavior ( ) Attendance/punctuality/dependability ( ) Communication ( ) Flexibility and response to feedback ( ) Embracing of diversity ( ) Safe and responsible conduct ( ) Other _______________________ Categories and levels of severity (Mark all that apply): ( ) Instructor/Mentor Teacher/Clinical Supervisor Warning ( ) Departmental Warning & Meeting with Department Chair ( ) Panel Committee Warning with Possible Dismissal from the Program
RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS • Mentors and student teachers should ONLY discuss problems or grievances that may develop during student teaching with the following: • MENTOR TEACHER or STUDENT TEACHER • UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR • PLACEMENT DIRECTOR • Any problems that are severe enough to warrant a change in placement must be handled by the Placement Director.
Mentor Teachers THANK YOU MENTORS You have been selected by your principal to be the influential model and mentor for a DSU student. What does MENTORING look like?
Mentoring An Essential Leadership Skill
MENTOR ING IS PROVIDING FEEDBACK • Make it Safe - Let the student know it is ok to make mistakes – tell them ways to improve and then time to practice those skills. Make the student feel safe so they know you will stand up for them —both in front of them and behind their back. • Be Honest- Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. Tell the truth. • Track Progress - Change happens over time, so new teachers often can’t see how much they’ve grown. You can be that mirror. Remind them to give themselves credit. Help your student teacher see how they’re better at teaching than they were when they started. • Give bite-sized feedback - Give plenty of positive feedback first, then add constructive feedback.
MENTORING IS PROVIDING GRADUAL IMMERSION The student teaching semester takes the form of a gradual immersion over the course of the eleven week experience. Mentor teachers should guide the process and the speed at which their student teachers become involved. There is no set time for the student teacher to take over the classroom. We encourage a dialogue to begin immediately to determine when this can be facilitated.
MENTORING TAKES TIME • TIME TO MEET • Plan formal MENTORING "meetings" weekly. Find 30 minutes. • TIME TO COLLABORATE • We are modeling all the time but mentoring is when specific strategies and procedures are pointed out and clarified. • Mentors need to point things out specifically and STUDENT TEACHERS need to TAKE NOTES. • TIME TO PROCESS • As they’re learning to teach, it’s important to provide student teachers time to process by verbally communicating or writing down what they’re going through.
Discussion Take 5 minutes to discuss ideas about when you can fit a student teaching information meeting in the schedule each week.
Mentor Teacher Procedure for Absence If the mentor teacher is in the building and able to assist the student teacher, there is no need for a substitute teacher. If the mentor teacher will be absent from the school, it is necessary to hire a substitute teacher.
Mentor TeachersWHAT IS YOUR MENTORING STYLE? SUCCESSFUL STUDENT TEACHING takes commitment from both the mentor teacher and the student. Mentor ask yourself these questions: • What kind of mentoring style do Inaturally have? • What is THE BEST WAY TO SHARE INFORMATION ? • What expectations do I have? • When and how is the best way to work with you? • How will you show respect to the student teacher? • How will you communicate successes and challenges? • What do you hope to see over the course of the 13 weeks? • What is the best plan of action for success in student teaching?
Student Teacher Procedure for Absence If the student teacher is unable to attend they must do the following: • Contact the school and mentor teacher • Contact the Clinical Supervisor • Send an email to the Dixie State University Education Placement Director • Plan on a day to make up the absence Remember that all time missed must be made up.
Student Teacher Information Grades Grading for student teaching is a letter grade based on an average of the university supervisor and mentor teacher evaluation scores. Students must have a C grade or better to pass student teaching.
SEE Schedule Spring Student Teaching Schedule: Friday, April 26, 2019 – Complete Student Teaching The SEE apprentice will return to 3.5 hours after student teaching is completed. Once finished with student teaching SEE apprentice can arrange their schedule with the mentor teacher for mornings or afternoons.
Washington County School District FERPA Statement DSU student teachers are finger printed and background checked through USBE just like regular, certified teachers. Student teachers receive a Student Teaching License through USBE. Therefore, DSU students can be granted access to student information, just as any teacher at the school. There is no violation of FERPA for sharing any information with them. DSU students should collaborate and participate in all team meetings. It is encouraged that DSU students participate, and be involved in as many aspects of teaching as possible. This will enhance their experience and prepare them to be an effective teacher.
ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION Formal Lesson Observations (4) SIOP Observation (4) Informal Observation With Feedback (2) Midterm Evaluation Final Evaluation
ASSESSMENT LESSON OBSERVATIONS • The student creates a formal lesson using the DSU lesson observation template. SIOP is embedded in the lesson. • The student teacher provides a copy of the lesson for the supervisor. • The DSU Supervisor observes the lesson. It is recommended that the mentor teacher watch at least one observed lesson with the DSU Supervisor. • After the lesson, the supervisor meets with the student teacher for scores and feedback. • This provides both QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE information for the student teacher.
ASSESSMENT Midterm/Final • The MENTOR TEACHER and SUPERVISOR each complete the midterm/final evaluation, evaluating OVERALL STUDENT TEACHING PERFORMANCE. • The same form is used for both the midterm and final. • The evaluation needs to contain both QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE information. • I will send an email with two forms of the evaluation: • Fill- Means you can complete the form online. • Blank- Means you need to print the form and complete it by hand. • Please email a copy to the supervisor before meeting for the MIDTERM/FINAL CONFERENCE.
Midterm and Final EvaluationConferences After the MENTOR TEACHER and SUPERVISOReach complete the midterm/final evaluation, evaluating OVERALL STUDENT TEACHING PERFORMANCE a time is scheduled for a brief (20 minutes) CONFERENCE. During the first part of the conference, the mentor teacher and supervisor meet to review the final evaluation scores and complete the CONFERENCE SUMMARYon the supervisor form. At this point the student teacher joins the conference and the scores are discussed. All participants are asked to sign the document demonstrating agreement. If a student has a compelling reason that their scores are not reflecting their performance, he/she can request a review of the scores by the placement director before signing.
Signatures of Agreement Supervisor Signature: __________________________________________ Mentor Signature: __________________________________________ Student Signature: ___________________________________________________
GRADING SCALE On Midterm/Final Evaluation Forms 95-100 % 3.8 – 4.0 = A 90-94% 3.6 – 3.7 = A – ____________________________________________________________ 87-89% 3.5 = B+ 84-86% 3.3 – 3.4 = B 80-83% 3.2 = B – ____________________________________________________________ 77-79% 3.1 = C + 74-76% 3.0 = C 70-73% 2.8 – 2.9 = C – ____________________________________________________________ 65-69% 2.7 = D+ 64-66% 2.5 – 2.6 = D 60-63% 2.4 = D – ____________________________________________________________ Below 60% 2.3 = F
Teacher Work Sample (TWS) • The final evaluation for each student is the Teacher Work Sample. • The SAMPLE is their graduation exercise, demonstrating their ability to write a well organized unit, with four (4) detailed lesson plans. • The unit is determined with the mentor teacher. Decide together which unit you will be able to teach and get it on the calendar. • Your teaching of this unit needs to be completed before Spring Breakon March 11th. • Ask if you are expected to use a common assessment and ask about specific materials. • Gather everything you possibly can from your mentor that pertains to this unit.
Teacher Work Sample (TWS)Unit - 4 Lessons • Once the unit is decided, the unit plan is written. • Students should E-mail the plan to their mentor to make sure all is well. • Student can alsocontact their TWS professor with specific questions. • After the unit is checked by the mentor, four lesson plansare included in theunit. • If the unit has more than four lessons, the student teaches all the lesson in the unit, but selectswhich four detailed lesson plans will be included in their TWS. • Students identify three focus students to closely assess their learning during the unit.
Teacher Work Sample (TWS) Analysis - Synthesis - Reflection • Once the unit is taught, the students begin analysis, synthesis and reflection of the unit and lessons. • They include written analysis of test data and determine test validity in measuring student learning. • Students assess the learning of the three focus students and determine an action plan for these target students. • Students reflect on their unit, lessons taught, student learning, differentiation practices, and research connections within lessons taught.
Capstone • Capstone (ELED 4989) is your final DSU course. It is a one credit course and attendance is mandatory. • Capstone begins Monday, February 4, 2019 and will be each Monday from 4:15 – 5:30 p.m. • The purpose of Capstone is to support you through your student teaching and to help you successfully complete your Teacher Work Sample. • Capstone continues on Mondays even after your student teaching ends. • During the month of April you will be working on becoming licensed and ensuring you will graduate.
UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR Each student teacher is assigned a university supervisor. The supervisor will visit and evaluate each student teacher. Some student teachers may need to be observed beyond that which is required. Copies of the lessonobservations and evaluations should be given to the student teacher. The duration of observation evaluations will vary depending on the activity, or subject of the class. Supervisor Schedule • Initial Visit • Formal Lesson Observations (4) With SIOP • Informal Observation With Feedback (2) • Midterm/Final Evaluation/Conference
UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR Initial Visit: The DSU supervisor will visit at the beginning of student teaching, in order to meet the mentor teacher, and provide contact information. Formal Observations: The formal observations are completed during regular classroom time. The observation is to evaluate a formal lesson prepared by the student teacher. Student teachers are asked to provide the lesson plan for the supervisor. The observations should be appropriately spaced during the semester calendar, completed prior to critical dates which include finals, SAGE testing, etc. Informal Lesson Observations: The university supervisor makes at least one unscheduled visit to observe the student teacher in action. We would like two visits if possible. The supervisor gives the student feedback on the observation. It doesn’t need to be a lesson, but any part of the student teacher’s day. Midterm/Final Evaluation: The midterm/final evaluation is completed by the mentor teacher and the university supervisor.