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Effective ESL Teacher Training Workshops

Join our interactive workshops to debunk language learning myths, enhance language development strategies, and accelerate ESL students' progress. Learn through group discussions, phoneme awareness activities, and collaboration sessions. Our program is designed for in-service EAs working with NEP and LEP students in the DOE. Gain valuable insights and practical skills to improve your teaching practice. Sponsored by KCC's Teacher Preparation Program. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your professional skills!

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Effective ESL Teacher Training Workshops

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  1. EA in ESLTeacher Training WorkshopsJune 4, 6, & 8, 2007 – 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.Kapi‘olani Community CollegeTeacher Preparation ProgramShawn Ford and Veronica Ogata, Facilitators

  2. Monday, June 4Session 1-4:30-4:40 Introduction and Overview of Workshops4:40-5:05 Language Learning Myths and Facts (group discussion & lecture)5:05-5:30 Language Development (group discussion & lecture)5:30-5:40 BREAKSession 2-5:40-5:50 Overview of Session Issues5:50-6:25 Pronunciation: Phoneme Awareness Activity6:25-6:35 BREAK6:35-7:05 Group Work7:05-7:20 Group Reports7:20-7:30 Wrap-up: Homework, Wednesday Preview, Feedback Forms

  3. WELCOME!EA in ESL Teacher Training Summer WorkshopsSponsors: Teacher Preparation Program at KCC, funded in part by a federal Perkins grantAudience: Workshops prepared for in-service EAs who work with NEP and LEP students in the DOE Purpose: Provide EAs with additional training, and Provide EAs with knowledge and strategies to facilitate and accelerate the language development of their ESL studentsWe hope you enjoy our program and find it useful for your teaching situations!

  4. During the workshop, please remember to…1. Actively participate and be open to new ideas.2. Complete all group, reflection, and “homework” tasks.3. Stay on task so we can complete the material in each session on time.

  5. Group Roles

  6. Language Learning Myths and FactsMyths Group Discussion:1. Children learn second languages quickly and easily.2. Children have acquired a second language once they can speak it.3. When learning a second language, it’s best to study grammar and vocabulary first before trying to use the language.4. Children are just like sponges; they absorb the language around them just through exposure to the language.

  7. Children learn second languages quickly and easily.Fact: Learning a second language is as difficult for a child as it is for adults. In fact, it may be more difficult, as young children do not have access to the memory techniques and other strategies that more experienced learners can use in acquiring vocabulary and in learning the grammatical rules of the language.

  8. Children have acquired a second language once they can speak it.Fact: Often, people assume that once children can converse comfortably in English, they are in full control of the language. Yet for school-aged children, there is much more involved in learning a second language than learning how to speak it.

  9. When learning a second language, it’s best to study grammar and vocabulary first before trying to use the language.Fact: This is called the Grammar-Translation Approach and is the traditional method for second language classroom teaching. A great deal of current research shows that the most effective way to approach grammar and vocabulary is through content.

  10. Children are just like sponges; they absorb the language around them just through exposure to the language.Fact: No, children are not like sponges, and language is not acquired through absorption. Language learning for children is challenging and difficult, and takes a great deal of time and active mental energy. Language learning takes place through interaction, as opposed to exposure.

  11. Language DevelopmentGroup Discussion:1. In what ways are everyday conversation skills, general language skills (such as grammar), and academic language skills different?2. How can language skills be taught through required course content?3. What role does feedback play in language development?

  12. In what ways are everyday conversation skills, general language skills (such as grammar), and academic language skills different?BICS is the language used in daily interactions with other people: friends, family, store clerks, etc. CALP is the specialized language used in academic settings.BICS: 2 years through daily interactionsGeneral language skills: 3-5 years through interactions along with focused attentionCALP: 5-7 years of formal study

  13. How can language skills be taught through required course content?Content can provide wonderfully abundant opportunities to teach the whole range of language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and usage.

  14. What role does feedback play in language development?Feedback is an integral part of any interaction. Feedback can be spoken or written and can be either positive (confirming) or negative (clarifying, rejecting). Feedback includes the strategies of repetition, recasting and expansion.

  15. Language Development Maxims:1. Language should not be taught in isolation.Language should always be taught in some sort of context, using meaningful content. Any attention to discrete skills should arise from content demands.2. Learner-directed speech should always encompass BICS and CALP. This can be accomplished by using complete sentences to facilitate interaction. Repetition and recasting, along with expansion of ideas and the encouragement of inquiry should be part of all feedback.

  16. 10 Minute BREAK5:30 - 5:40

  17. Workshop Issues: Pronunciation - Phoneme Awareness Vocabulary - Most Frequent Words in Context Speaking - Suprasegmental Awareness Word Order - SVO, SOV, VSO

  18. Survey of your StudentsLeader - Timekeeper - Recorder1.What are your students’ native languages?2. What are 1-2 of the most common pronunciation difficulties for each language group from Q1 above?

  19. Pronunciation ContrastsMany second language students have difficulties pronouncing the unique sounds of English. This phenomenon can be explained through Contrastive Analysis of two different languages’ sound systems, or phoneme inventories. 

  20. Sample Activity: Pronunciation Focus / t / and / th /Content: Reading/ Language Arts – Holes by Louis SacharContext: 4th grade, Tagalog, Cantonese, Marshallese, and Samoan LEP pullout studentsSkills: reading, speaking, listening, writing

  21. Lesson Plan Overview:1. Visual recognition of symbols: recognizing the phonemes2. Aural distinction of sounds: listening to the phonemes3. Production: selecting the symbols + feedback4. Production: saying the sounds + feedback5. Production: writing the symbols + feedback

  22. 6. Visual recognition of symbols: reading the words7. Aural distinction of sounds: listening to the words8. Production: selecting the symbols + feedback9. Production: saying the words + feedback10. Production: writing the words + feedback

  23. 11. Awareness-raising & practice: minimal pairs/ sentences for reading & listening12. Production: speaking in context13. Feedback & Reinforcement14. Production: writing in context15. Feedback & Reinforcement

  24. 10 Minute BREAK6:25 - 6:35

  25. Group Work:Lesson PlanningLeader – Timekeeper – Recorder – Reporter6:35 - 7:05

  26. Report:3 groups will now share with us the lesson plan that they created, based on their chosen context and teaching approach.

  27. Reflection:Please take 5 minutes to write down your thoughts...• What are your thoughts about this approach to pronunciation?• What are your thoughts about this pronunciation lesson?• What will you adapt or adopt for use in your own teaching situation?

  28. Please write your reflection on another piece of paper as a formal reflection on today’s workshop. Include any other thoughts and comments. Bring it on Wednesday to drop off when you sign in. Also, please take 5 minutes to complete today’s workshop feedback form, which is located in your folder. Please leave it on your tables when you are finished.Thank you! 

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