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Student-View ™ Report Level Two. SAMPLE REPORT. July, 2007. Executive Summary. College 1 appeals to over half of all students based on preferences for school size, location, setting, and other factors
Student-View™ Report Level Two SAMPLE REPORT July, 2007
Executive Summary • College 1 appeals to over half of all students based on preferences for school size, location, setting, and other factors • College 1’s awareness score increased somewhat in the past year, boosting the College’s rank slightly • The College’s perception score also increased modestly, although its perception rank remained steady • College 1’s overall position improved, closing its gap substantially with College 2. Several schools, including College 3, improved their own market position score and closed their gap versus College 1 • Consistent with 2006 data, College 1 continues to enjoy a slightly stronger position among black students and essentially the same position among males and females. • College 1 is best positioned among students with ACT scores between 18 and 20. Its position has improved among students with scores between 21 and 23, but declined among students with score of 17 or lower.
Executive Summary • College 1 remains strongest in central Tennessee, but has improved its position among students in the western portion of the state in the past year • College 1’s position is generally similar among students with various intended majors and family financial backgrounds. Some strengthening among education majors and students from higher income families may have occurred in the past year, but results are within the margin of error.
Survey Methodology • Online survey of Tennessee high school seniors • Conducted in January - April, 2007 • Incentives included several random drawing scholarships • Promoted through mailing to high school guidance counselors and scholarship search sites • Responses were generally reflective of the student demographics • 865 total responses 141 high schools in Tennessee • Distribution generally matched population distribution. Some sample biases include: • Females comprise about 70% of responses • Estimated mean combined ACT scores about 23, somewhat higher than the average national- and Tennessee score • Margins of error • Margins of error for overall awareness and perception are approximately +/- 4% at a 90% confidence level • Margins of error for segmented data vary by type of segmentation • A Margin of Error bar is shown on slides to provide a visual reference
Survey Response Distribution ZIP Code
College Selection Factors How important are the following factors when choosing a college? Students in Tennessee, as well as across the U.S., rate five key attributes as most important when choosing a college or university. These attributes, except for tuition cost, are difficult to measure and are largely determined by personal qualitative judgment. Several lower ranked variables are more definitive and therefore also play an important role in choosing a university. Preferences for these variables are shown in the following pages. Very Unimportant Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
Market Size Distance Preference About 30% of students have no preference regarding a university’s distance from their home. These students should find College 1 an acceptable choice. City A is the only metro area within 30 minutes of College 1 . Approximately 14% of students from this area would prefer a university as close as College 1 College 1 is located within 30-60 minutes of City B’s northwest suburbs and within two hours of City B’s entire metropolitan area. Approximately 15-23% of students in these areas would prefer the distance to the University.
Drive Zones 30-, 60-,120- and 180 minutes around College 1 Drive Zone Map Shown in Actual Report
Market Size College Size Preference More than 60% of students would find College 1’s size to be acceptable or preferred. Nearly half of all students do not have a size preference, while another 16% prefer a university with 5,000-10,000 students.
Market Size Religious Preference What religious affiliation do you prefer? The University should be acceptable to 42% of students with no preference regarding an institution’s religious affiliation and another 11% who prefer a university with no affiliation.
Market Size Setting Preference A small majority of students have no preference regarding a university’s setting. College 1 ’s setting should be acceptable to those students and preferred by the 21% of students who like an urban location.
Awareness Distribution Awareness levels among students who have heard of College 1 College 1 is well-known to students in the state. About 60% of all respondents are somewhat- or very familiar with College 1 . One fourth of the respondents have heard of the University, but were unfamiliar with it to some degree. In addition to students who have heard of College 1, some percentage have never heard of the College 1. Not surprisingly, this Invisibility Index™ for College 1 is a low 13%. Very Unfamiliar Somewhat Unfamiliar Neutral Somewhat Familiar Very Familiar
Index Calculation • Awareness Index is the average of all survey respondents’ familiarity levels • Numeric assignments for awareness • Very Unfamiliar = 0 • Somewhat Unfamiliar = 1 • Neutral = 2 • Somewhat Familiar = 3 • Very Familiar = 4 • Perception Index is the average of all survey respondents’ perception ratings • Numeric assignments for perception • Very Unfavorable = 0 • Somewhat Unfavorable = 1 • Neutral = 2 • Somewhat Favorable = 3 • Very Favorable = 4
Awareness IndexTennessee Universities College 1 has the fifth highest awareness level among Tennessee colleges and universities. This is a modest improvement over 2006 results which showed the University ranked 6th with an awareness score of 2.25. College 1 has moved slightly past College 2. Very Unfamiliar Somewhat Unfamiliar Neutral Somewhat Familiar Very Familiar Margin of Error
Perception Distribution Perception levels among students who have heard of College 1 Nearly 50% of all students have a somewhat- or very favorable view of College 1 , while only about one fourth have an unfavorable view. Overall favorability is more than a measure of academic strength. Respondents are encouraged to consider all attributes of each institution, including academic strength, tuition cost, facilities, campus safety, etc. Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable
Perception Index College 1’s overall favorability rating of 2.34 is up slightly from its score of 2.21 in 2006, although the change falls within the margin of error. While the University’s rank fell from 7th in 2006 to 8th in 2007, this movement is very modest in reality. Essentially four different institutions, including College 1 , are tied for the sixth spot. Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Very Unfavorable Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable Margin of Error
Market Position Matrix Three colleges enjoy superior market positions with relatively higher awareness and favorable perception levels. College 1 is solidly in a cluster of institutions just behind the market leaders. Favorability Awareness
Market Position Index™ College 1 is ranked fifth among Tennessee colleges and universities, solidly behind several market leaders but somewhat ahead of a number of similar-sized institutions. While this rank is unchanged since 2006, College 1 has significantly closed the gap with College 3. College 1’s lead over College 4 has likewise narrowed significantly.
Segmentation Analysis This section is included only in the Level Two report.
Awareness IndexSegmentation: Gender Female and male students have very similar levels of awareness of College 1. Somewhat Unfamiliar Neutral Somewhat Familiar Very Familiar Very Unfamiliar
Perception IndexSegmentation: Gender Male and female students also have similarly favorable perceptions of the University. Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable
Market Position Matrix Segmentation: Gender College 1 has a similar position among both male and female students. This result is consistent with 2006 findings. Favorability Awareness
Awareness IndexSegmentation: Race Consistent with 2006 results, black students have a much higher level of awareness than do their white counterparts. Very Unfamiliar Somewhat Unfamiliar Somewhat Familiar Very Familiar Neutral
Perception IndexSegmentation: Race Black students also have more favorable view of College 1 than do white students. This gap has narrowed somewhat in the past year as perception ratings among black students remained steady and ratings among white students increased. Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable
Market Position MatrixSegmentation: Race College 1 continues to be positioned most favorably among black students. Favorability Awareness
Awareness IndexSegmentation: HS Size (Senior Class Size) Awareness levels of College 1 are very similar among students from high schools of all sizes. Very Unfamiliar Somewhat Unfamiliar Somewhat Familiar Very Familiar Neutral
Perception IndexSegmentation: HS Size (Senior Class Size) Perception is also highly consistent regardless of high school size. Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable
Market Position MatrixSegmentation: HS Size (Senior Class Size) Favorability Awareness
Awareness IndexSegmentation: ACT Score College 1 generally has higher awareness levels among students with lower ACT scores. Awareness has notably increased since 2006 among students with ACT scores between 21 and 23, and decreased significantly among students with scores of 17 or lower. NOTE: The actual report shows either ACT or SAT scores, depending on what is predominant in the home state. Very Familiar Somewhat Unfamiliar Neutral Somewhat Familiar Very Unfamiliar Margin of Error
Perception IndexSegmentation: ACT Score Perception of College 1 is slightly more favorable among students with ACT scores between 18 and 23. In the past year, perception scores have increased solidly among students with ACT scores of 30 or more, and increased more moderately among students with scores between 21 and 23. Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable Margin of Error
Market Position MatrixSegmentation: ACT Score College 1’s position has remained strongest among students with ACT scores between 18 and 20. The University’s position has improved among students with scores between 21 and 23, but declined among students with the scores of 17 or lower. Favorability Awareness
Regional Segmentation Central West East
Awareness IndexSegmentation: Geography While APSU remains strongest in its own central Tennessee region, it has increased its awareness modestly in both the eastern and western portions of the state. Very Familiar Very Unfamiliar Somewhat Unfamiliar Neutral Somewhat Familiar
Perception IndexSegmentation: Geography APSU is viewed most favorably in its home region of central Tennessee. The University has improved its perceived favorability among students in western TN, and to a lesser degree students in eastern Tennessee. Somewhat Unfavorable Very Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable
Market Position MatrixSegmentation: Geography While College 1 remains most favorably positioned in central Tennessee, it has notably improved its position among students in the western portion of the state in the past year. Favorability Awareness
Awareness IndexSegmentation: Income Awareness levels don’t differ significantly by family income levels. Awareness scores did increase among students from families with incomes over $100,000 and to a modest extent among students with incomes below $50,000. Very Unfamiliar Somewhat Unfamiliar Somewhat Familiar Very Familiar Neutral Margin of Error
Perception IndexSegmentation: Income Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable Margin of Error
Market Position MatrixSegmentation: Income College 1’s market position is similar among students from most income levels. The University has improved it awareness with students from the highest income levels. Favorability Awareness
Awareness IndexSegmentation: Intended Major Awareness levels are similar for students in all majors except for engineering. Students majoring in education and those who are undecided have increased their awareness levels of the University in the past year. Neutral Very Unfamiliar Somewhat Unfamiliar Somewhat Familiar Very Familiar Margin of Error
Perception Index Segmentation: Intended Major Perceptions of may be slightly more favorable among students intending to major in nursing and education, but the results fall within the margin of error. Very Unfavorable Somewhat Unfavorable Neutral Somewhat Favorable Very Favorable Margin of Error
Market Position MatrixSegmentation: Intended Major College 1 has a similar position among students in most majors except for engineering. The University’s position has improved notably among education majors in the past year. Favorability Awareness