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Weathering, Erosion and Deposition

T EST THE T HIRD. Weathering, Erosion and Deposition. “The test is to recognize the mistake, admit it and correct it. To have tried to do something and failed is vastly better than to have tried to do nothing and succeeded.” Dale E. Turner.

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Weathering, Erosion and Deposition

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  1. TEST THE THIRD Weathering, Erosion and Deposition “The test is to recognize the mistake, admit it and correct it. To have tried to do something and failed is vastly better than to have tried to do nothing and succeeded.” Dale E. Turner "Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward." Vernon Law "A liberally educated person meets new ideas with curiosity and fascination. An illiberally educated person meets new ideas with fear.“ James B. Stockdale Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

  2. Name ________________________________________________ Date ______________ Period _______ TEST THE THIRD: WEATHERING, EROSIONANDDEPOSITION Directions: This test is designed to let your teacher know how much information you have learned over the past few weeks, and to allow you to gauge this as well. Remember to think about your notes, and all the examples and demonstrations that we’ve done in class. Read each question carefully and completely before making your response, and make sure that whatever you write answers every part of the question. Do not leave any blank questions or naked numbers. Blank questions will be marked off at twice the rate of a wrong answer. Relax, good luck, and enjoy! 0. What’s the best kind of Jell-O? 1. Which type of climate would have the most frost action? A. Warm and wet B. Cold and wet C. Mild and dry D. Hot and dry _________ 2. Which graph below best represents the SLOPE of a river in relation to the size of the particle that it might be able to carry? _________ 3. In the space below, explain at least two characteristics of a stream flowing down the side of a mountain. You may write, draw, or both. 4. Which agent of erosion was most likely responsible for causing the long, U-shaped valleys found in central New York? A. Running water B. Slow-moving marshes C. Chemicals D. Glaciers _________ 5. What is the largest particle that could be transported by a stream that is moving at two METERS PER SECOND? 6. What is one difference between the sediment deposited by a glacier and that deposited by a stream emptying into a lake? A B C D

  3. 7-10. Refer to the diagram of a stream below to answer questions seven through ten. • 7. At what point or points will there be more deposition • than erosion? EXPLAIN your answer for full credit. • 8. At some point in the not-too-distant future, the segment of the stream indicated with a dotted line may become a lake. For full credit: • What kind of lake will it become • Why will it become this type of lake? • 9. Where is this stream most likely located? • A. Flat land B. A mountain C. A newly-formed volcano D. A cheese factory _________ • 10. In the space below, IDENTIFY and EXPLAIN at least two types of physical weathering. You may write, draw, or both. • 11. The diagram below shows several geological features. What type of chemical weathering most likely formed these features? • 12. Which is an example of chemical weathering? • A. Frost action B. Acid rain C. Ionic deposition D. Organic action _________

  4. 13. What factor determines the general landscape of a particular region? A. The type of bedrock present and the climate. B. The highest summer temperatures. C. The amount of snow present on the mountains. D. The angle of the sun. _________ 14. Look at the graph below. Given that these two cities in Africa have about the same average annual precipitation, which would have more chemical weathering and WHY? 15. As the velocity of a stream increases, deposition in the stream _______________. A. Increases B. Decreases C. Dances D. Remains the same _________ 16. Which rock layer from the diagram below is the most resistant to weathering? 17. Which diagram best represents the relationship between the velocity of a stream and its discharge? _________ A B C D

  5. 18. A stream flowing at a velocity of 250 centimeters per second is transporting sediment particles ranging in size from clay to cobbles. Which transported particles will be deposited by the stream if its velocity decreases to 100 centimeters per second? A. cobbles, only B. cobbles and some pebbles, only C. cobbles, pebbles, and some sand, only D. cobbles, pebbles, sand, silt, and clay _________ 19. Use the map and key below to answer the following question. 20-22. Use the map below to answer questions twenty through twenty-two. 21. Across which reference line was this profile taken? A. AB B. CD C. EF D. GH _________ 22. A major difference between sediments in the outwash and sediments in the moraines is that the sediments deposited in the outwash are A. larger B. more angular C. sorted D. older _________ In which New York State landscapes is Grenville-age bedrock exposed at Earth’s surface? A. Erie-Ontario Lowlands and St. Lawrence Lowlands B. Catskills and Allegheny Plateau C. Tug Hill Plateau and Atlantic Coastal Plain D. Hudson Highlands and Adirondack Mountains _________ 20. Which agent of erosion transported the sediments that formed the moraines shown on the map? A. Wind B. Water C. Ice D. Mass movement _________

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