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History / euro class Chapter I: Jerusalem in the 20th c. Lesson 1: JERUSALEM, A CITY OF « ISRAEL AND PALESTINE » The key characteristics of the Levant region... 20 questions that might help you solve the presentation of the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
History / euro class Chapter I: Jerusalem in the 20th c. Lesson 1: JERUSALEM, A CITY OF « ISRAEL AND PALESTINE » The key characteristics of the Levant region... 20 questions that might help you solve the presentation of the Israeli-Palestinian issue...
1. Is it in the Near or Middle East? Near East Derivesfromthe « Eastern question » = the Ottoman lands, viewedfrom the West, and the dangerosity of Islamicrepression onto Christians (Armenianminorityslaughtered in 1890s – Hamidian massacres *) Near = proximity of IslamicTurkish power with West Europe Today: the eastern part of Orient, bordering the Mediterranean Middle East A junction place... Eurocentric concept (1850s British India Office) * Armenians and others were to be converted to Islam at gunpoint… or to die > 300,000 deaths
2. Is it in the middle of nowhere? Locate correctly 1 Mediterranean sea Golan Heights Jordan river Lake Tiberias Dead sea Gulf of Aqaba Red sea COUNTRIES... 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...
4. How smallisIsrael? The land of Israel is a narrowstrip of land, of the size of New Jersey, between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean. It is so small that “Mosescould view all of it standing on Mt Nebo” in Jordan. Distances from... to... (km) Jerusalem Tel Aviv Jerusalem Eilat Jerusalem Tiberias Jerusalem Dead Sea Jerusalem Mediterranean 58? 68? 78? 309? 420? 502? 100? 150? 180? 22? 32? 42? 42? 52? 62?
5. How are Near East inhabitantsnamed? • ISRAEL • Israelis • Israeli • PALESTINE • Gaza strip • West bank • Palestinians • Palestinian • Others: • LEBANON Lebanese • SYRIA Syrians • JORDAN Jordanians • SAUDI ARABIA Saudians • EGYPT Egyptians
6. How manyIsraeli / Palestinian cities do you know? Label and mark the main cities • Where would you locate... • Nazareth? • Eilat? • Jerusalem? • Tel Aviv? • Hebron? • Gaza? • Ramallah? • Haifa? • Bethlehem? • Ashqelon? • Masada?
DESCRIBE trends, main changes, ratios, measuringmethod, result INTERPRET Possible causes / consequences 7. How many people live there and where? All lands Israel except Palestinian lands Gaza strip La confession religieuse (le courant religieux): church, denomination, faith
Jewish enclaves / settlements 300,000 Israeli settlers live among 2.5 million Palestinians
8. Is Arabcitizenship possible in Israel ? Arab citizens of Israel are the Palestinian Arabs who remained within Israel's borders after the 1948 War, as well as those who had left during the exodus andwho have since re-entered as lawful residents (family reunifications)
Israel, being a « Jewish state » (i.e. usingHebrew as the official language), is a secular place for everyonewhowants to be an Israelicitizen... • The Druze: Arab-speaking citizens of Israel • Numbered 117,500 (2006) • living in former British Mandate Palestine • persecuted under the Ottomans • became Israeli citizens in 1948 • some identify themselves as "Palestinian Druze",but most consider as Israeli rather than Arab • Serve in the Israel Defense Forces • represented in mainstream Israeli politics and business e.g. The Druze community(their religion = Ismailism): a mystical and philosophicalbranchinside of Islam God is "the whole of existence", rather than "above existence"
9. Whydoes E. Todd talk about a strugglingdemography? How come Jewish populations increased? How come Palestinian populations increased? « Aliyah » (ascent) Immigration to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel) # Yerida (descent, emigration) Ultra-Orthodox birth rates (associated to allowances) Islamic encouragement Financed immigration Child allowances Fertility rates http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Israel
Aliyah numbers by country since 1948 From France since 1880s: 51,000 people From Morocco since 1880s: 271,000 people
In 2008, “the latest Bank of Israel report includes a clear answer to the controversy: "The birthrate in the ultra-Orthodox sector has declined in recent years, while it has remained largely unchanged among the non-ultra-Orthodox Jewish population.“” (Haaretz) In 2012, the situation has changed: “Once a tiny minority, ultra-Orthodox Jews - also known as Haredim - now make up more than 10 % of Israel’s population and 21 % of all primary-school students. With the community’s fertility rate hovering at more than three times that of other Israeli Jews, demographers project that by 2034, about one in five Israelis will be ultra-Orthodox”. (The Daily Beast)
Debate: If every family has the right to bring as many children as it likes into the world, does it have a right to require the taxpayer to pay for them? “The Muslim birthrate had remained virtually unchanged until 2005, then it plummeted from 4.5 to 4 children by 2005. The change among the Bedouin was even more dramatic: it declined by 1.5 children, from 9 to 7.6. Like the Haredim, the cut in the child allowances, which was implemented mainly in June 2003, really affect the birthrate” Haaretz, sept. 2008 ...
A burning issue for traditionalists “The impact will reach well beyond the neighborhood quarrels over segregated buses or modest attire, another Haredi preoccupation that has stirred tensions across Israel. Most ultra-Orthodox Jews lack the skills to work in a modern economy, having studied little or no math and science beyond primary school (their curriculum focuses almost entirely on religious texts such as the Torah and Talmud). As a result, more than 60 percent live below the poverty line, compared with 12 percent among non-Haredi Jews”. http://thedailybeastcom Jan. 2012 “There were several reasons for the public battle to reduce child allowances. One was that over the years, the allowances had turned into special allowances for the Haredi and Arab sectors that enabled parents in these sectors not to work. In that way, they seriously damaged the gross national product. Another was that the allowances were extremely discriminatory, as fifth children - which are mainly found in Haredi and Arab families - received almost five times as much as first and second children. A long list of economists and other experts claimed that these allowances encouraged having children, thus giving rise to large families and poverty”. Haaretz, sept. 2008
Who is supplied by water? • The western basin of the Mountain Aquifer, the Yarkon-Tanninim • The northern basin is called the Nablus-Gilboa Aquifer • The eastern basin 8. Is water distribution a problem? Water resources in West Bank 340 M cubic meters / year domestic use of 2.5 M Israeli civilians 20 M m3 / year Palestinians 115 M m3 / year, Agricultural irrigation in the kibbutzim and moshavim in the northern valleys 25 M m3 / year Palestinians 40 M cubic meters/ year Israeli agricultural settlements in the Jordan Valley 60 M m3 / year Palestinians
Israel is using about 80 percent of the groundwater basins in the West Bank to meet 25 percent of its water needs. Palestinians are denied the right to utilize water resources from the Jordan River since 1967. They also have brackish water and face severe water shortages. Water consumption by Palestinians is approximately 73 litres per capita per day (l/c/d) compared to about 300 l/c/d for Israelis around four times higher / lower
9. How is water carried to Israelicities? The national water carrier
10. Whatmakesthatregion a crossroads? Between… Empires Egypt / Mesopotamia Commercial routes India / Ethiopia Arab Peninsula / Mediterranean
11. A many-sidedidentity... How was the regionnamed in History? Under the Canaanites Under the Assyrians 1300 BCE 900-600 BCE
Under the Romans (Time of Herod) Under the Jewishkingdoms Under the Romans (after the diaspora) 1000 BCE 20 BCE 70 – 120 CE
How to name this land? Under the Abbassids Under the Crusaders Under the Ottoman rule 8-9th c CE 11-12th CE 15-20th BCE
Why did Romans call that place « Palestine »? Palestine philistine = the principal enemies of the Jews
Under the Ottoman rule The zone was split between asanjak, i.e. a land linked to a banner / flag = an aristocratic power led by governors and the northern vilayets (districts of Syria and Beirut) Many people saw the region as a large Syrian or Transjordan territory
Under the British Under the UN You notice that Jordan should a Palestinian state today... 1919 - 1947 CE 1947 - 48 CE
TO RECAP... • The land changed hands so many times that it’s impossible to say « I was there first » or « This land is strictly mine ». It isn’t possessed, but punctually controlled. • The land’s name is a matter of misunderstanding for everyone • The Palestinian lands given in 1948 were to cross the Jordan river, but the Jordans expelled the residents to establish their regime • The Egyptians also rejected the creation of a Palestinian state; then they accepted the Gaza strip only
12. WhydidZionists call the Jewish homeland « Palestine »? Philistines ZionistPalestinians Arab-MuslimPalestinians Who’swho? Zionists and British call future Jewish inhabitants “Palestinians” Balfour Declaration, 1917: “His Majesty's government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country” 1170 BCE A Palestiniannationality emerged slowly in the Palestinian refugee diaspora Palestine: a wrong term to name the region Philistine Hebrew language: "to divide", "go through", "to roll in”, “to invade"
13. Why are Jordanian and Palestinian flags sosimilar? • The flag of Jordan, adopted 1928 • - consists of horizontal black, white, and green bands connected by a red chevron. • Pan-Arab Colors, representing the Abbasid (black band), Umayyad (white band), and Fatimid (green band) caliphates. • red chevron is for the Hashemite dynasty and the Arab Revolt vs. the Ottomans. • the seven points = the seven verses of Islamic belief, mentioned at the beginning of Qur'an (faith in one God, humanity, humility, national spirit, virtue, social justice, and aspiration) • - star also stands for the unity of the Arab nation
Originally, the British had devised a partition between a Jewish and an Arab Palestines... Jordan is a Palestinian land in fact. Which was not given to « Palestinians ».
14.WherePalestiniansexpelled by Jewish colons and troops? “Stricken with panic” “Overtaken by panic” F R O M T O The tragedy of Deir Yassin The strategic lies and mistake of Muslim leaders
The map the Arabs had after all... The map the Arabs refused...
JewishinhabitantsfleeingJerusalem, captured by Jordan The city remainedforbidden to Jewsuntil 1967 (6-Day War) Palestinian civiliansfleeing to West Bank territories, wheretentswere the onlyshelters, Jordaniansrefusing to let them enter massively
15. How to nameIsraeli enclaves in West Bank: Illegalsettlements? Occupiedterritories? Jewish implantations? Colonies? Israel: a legal state West Bank: not recognized as an Israeli territory by UN Palestine: not a legal state, not a state Colonists / Colonizers = Homesteaders Conquerors Pioneers
16. How do Israelis / Palestiniansobstructeachother? Israelis Palestinians “In 2002, the Israeli government adopted a plan to construct a security barrier in the West Bank. It maintains the barrier is essential to protect its citizens from _________ and to prevents_________ bombers from entering Israel” Graf arts on the Fence Most of the fence runs roughly along the Green Line Named the « Apartheid Wall »
« From the Palestinian perspective, the wallis a land grab, intended to create a de facto annexation of land to Israel. (...) Why are wallsbuilt, whom do they serve and how do they becomeobsolete? » (Geographicalreview, Shaul E. Cohen, 2006) Grab = illegal acquisition
“The combined impact of these impediments, coupled with complex permit restrictions, has been a fragmentation of the socio-economic space in the West Bank into a northern, a central and a southern economic zone, bounded on three sides by the separation barrier and to the west by a Jordan Valley that is increasingly difficult for Palestinians to access”. Yet, the Fence is not completely closed... Doctors Chemists Engineers Merchants ISRAEL
Israelis Palestinians Lobbying in America... “The world body’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the principal organ under the U.N. Charter tasked with addressing human rights and fundamental freedoms, has just concluded its annual session by turning a blind eye to the ongoing massacres by the Assad regime. Instead, a list of all its resolutions for the entire world shows that ECOSOC condemned only one single country: Israel. Two resolutions were adopted against Israel, and one report. Sponsored by Algeria for the Third World grouping known as G-77, and by Turkey, a one-sided and politicized resolution was adopted on July 26 2012 with the following title: “Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan.” www.Unwatch.org “In April 2008, J Street was established, describing itself as the only federal "pro-peace, pro-Israel" Political Action Committee (PAC). Its goal is to provide meaningful political and financial support to candidates for federal office from US citizens who believe a new direction in US policy will advance US interests in the Middle East and promote real peace and security for Israel. Founded by former President Bill Clinton, advisor Jeremy Ben Ami and policy analyst Daniel Levy and supported by prominent Israeli politicians and high-ranking officers, J Street supports diplomatic solutions over military ones, including with Iran; multilateral over unilateral approaches to conflict resolution; and dialog over confrontation with a wide range of countries and actors”
Israelis Palestinians Roadblock policy in the West Bank: >500 checkpoints are impediments to some free inter-Palestinian movements No peace talk with Israel unless Israelis freeze all construction in both the West Bank and east Jerusalem Rockets Launched Into Israel (Sept. 2012) This Month 9 Last Month 24 This Year 553 Last Year 676 Total Since 2001 15,554
Israelis Palestinians WhenHistorydoesn’tmatter... 2003 Palestinian maps: Israel and Jews are erased from History "A land without a people for a people without a land" = a widely-cited sentence during the 19th and 20thcenturies (not Zionist at first) The Zionist Israel Zangwill used another sentence to establish a Jewish homeland in “Palestine” (in 1901 in the NewLiberal Review): "Palestine is a country without a people; the Jews are a people without a country"
Palestinian textbooks and TVs monitored for incitement against Israel and Jews Are Palestinian calls to violence a solution? “The Palestinian Authority has combined anti-Semitic motifs - Holocaust denial, updated blood libels*, and Jewish conspiracy themes - with its general incitement to violence. Some Palestinian Christians have developed a "liberation theology" that plays on older anti-Semitic efforts to de-Judaize Christianity. As for Muslims, they openly see themselves as engaged in "a war against the Jews." Hamas has embraced a vision of the "Jewish peril" derived from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. PA TV program for kids, "The Best Home": Host: "Laila, what do you want to recite next?" Laila: "When I was young I was taught that Arabness is my honor... and that our lands extend from one end to the other, and that our wars were for the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and that our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail... Our division is by your hands [Arab rulers]. May your hands be cut off. We are fed up with our division, while all people are uniting." Host: "Bravo, bravo, bravo.“ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGTVCEH0b1k&feature=player_embedded TO CATCH WORLD AWARENESS... AND TO SPREAD ... ? * libel= diffamatory writing
The example of WafaIdris, the first female suicide bomber Circa 6,000 residents 2 schools (girls / boys) The U.N. al-Am'ari Refugee Camp in Ramallah, where she used to work for the Red Crescent Established in 1949 on 90 dunes By 1957, all tents were replaced with cement block shelters Her parents were refugees who had lived in the Am'ari Refugee Camp since 1948 The bomb she detonated in 2002 killed 2 persons + wounded 100 Al-Sha’ab Egyptian press: "It is a woman who teaches you today a lesson in heroism, who teaches you the meaning of jihad, and the way to die a martyr's death” ...
Do martyrdom and the cult of violence help solve the problem? The culture of the “shahids” (= martyrs) In 2010, a Palestinian mother, Raida Abu Mustafa, was wishing her ill son to become a suicide bomber… The Palestinian child with a rare disease was eventually being treated by Israeli doctors, with operations funded by donations from Israeli citizens. The mother before her boy was cured by Israeli doctors: "For us, death is a natural thing. We are not frightened of death. From the smallest infant, even smaller than Mohammed, to the oldest person, we will all sacrifice ourselves for the sake of Jerusalem. We feel we have the right to it. You're free to be angry, so be angry.”
17. How do Israelis / Palestiniansjustifytheirpresencethere? Palestinians Israelis The lands where 1920s - 30s colonists settled was rather empty (arid and inhospitable) There is no other country but Israel in the Jewish identity Otherwise, Jews remained exiled (« thewandering Jew »)... Palestine was a culturalrealitybefore 1948 The Jews grabbed the lands and the water The Jihad (personal spiritual struggle) may be used for war against those perceived to be enemies of Islam
"There have been two competing mythologies about Palestine circa 1880. The extremist Jewish mythology, long since abandoned, was that Palestine was 'a land without people, for a people without a land.' (This phrase was actually coined by the British lord Shaftesbury in his 1884 memoir) The extremist Palestinian mythology, which has become more embedded with time, is that in 1880 there was a Palestinian people; some even say a Palestinian nation that was displaced by the Zionist invasion. The reality, as usual, lies somewhere in between." Alan Dershowitz, LLB, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard University, in his 2003 book The Case for Israel http://israelipalestinian.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000352
18. How to namearmedPalestinians: freedomfightersor terrorists? AL-AQSA MARTYRS BRIGADE Palestinian fedayeen mainly left-wing nationalist proclaimed purposes to defeat Zionism, to "liberate Palestine" to establish it as "a secular, democratic, nonsectarian state" HAMAS ("Islamic Resistance Movement") mainly far-right-wing religious nationalists Captions "There is no god but Allah“ "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.“ Top is a map = the boundaries of Israel proclaimed purposes to destroy Israel (“hanging a huge map of the world on the wall at my Gaza home which does not show Israel on it”) use antisemitic conspiracy theories
Hamas Charter extracts "fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors" "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious“ "The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews [and kill them]; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: Oh Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!“ “For a long time, the enemies have been planning (…) for the achievement of what they have attained. With their money, they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world with the purpose of achieving their interests and reaping the fruit therein. They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about, here and there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others in different parts of the world for the purpose of sabotaging societies and achieving Zionist interests.” “They were behind World War I (…), They were behind WWII”… "renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion" The charter states that Hamas is humanistic