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Maximizing Data Accuracy for English Language Learner and Migrant Students

Learn how to ensure accurate data entry and reporting for English Language Learner and migrant students to comply with federal regulations and secure appropriate funding.

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Maximizing Data Accuracy for English Language Learner and Migrant Students

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  1. English Language Learner and Migrant Data RequirementsAttendance ConferenceTennessee Department of EducationApril 2010 Jan Lanier, ESL Coordinator, Federal Programs (jan.lanier@tn.gov) Trish Kelly, Director, Data and Research, Federal Programs (trish.kelly@tn.gov)

  2. Data Drives Federal Compliance with No Child Left Behind • Data drives funding – failure to identify key student characteristics reduces funding • TN is required to report student and teacher counts to USDOE (October 1, school year, testing period) • TN is monitored on the accuracy of its counts • TN is evaluated and published on federal websites and quoted in research in relation to these data

  3. The System Rests on You • Data entry is the foundation of the entire system. • Identify Immigrant and ELL status at enrollment. • For the October 1 count, check your data several times (month before, two weeks before, week before, day before). • Verify enrollment data throughout the year to insure accuracy of school year and testing period counts.

  4. What’s EIS? Why use it? • Education Information System (EIS) http://www.state.tn.us/education/eis • TNDOE’s operational database (districts, schools, teachers and students) • District transmit data to EIS via their student information systems • TNDOE and LEA staff access EIS by login • Contact your district’s EIS contact for a login.

  5. Child count • ELL • The ELL child count is used for BEP 2.0 funding purposes. It includes T1 and T2 for BEP. • October 1 is the pull date • Official verification occurs in mid-October • The ELL portion of the child count is used for the district allocation of Title III funds. • Private School ELL Count • The private school ELL count is entered in the Private School Survey on CREP website. • The Private School Survey is open January-February each year..

  6. Problems to Date • English was sometimes entered for the native language for ELLs and NELBS • Undercounts – 42 LEAs identified fewer than 10 English Language Learners (Ls) for 2009-10 (as of mid-March) • Undercounts – only ~12,900 students were identified as immigrants for 2009-2010 (as of mid-March 2010)

  7. How to Verify your ELL Count • You should go into EIS prior to October 1 and verify your count. • From the EIS Home Page, go to EIS Production • Enter your login on the Login Authorization Page • Enter EIS district tab. • Use school year 2009 in the October 1 count for 2009-10. • Enter District No. • Click Go. • Select Research Queries (bottom left on screen). • Choose English Language Learners from the list. • Using the ELL Code drop down box, choose the correct codes (ELL, T1 and T2). • Click go. • Review data or choose delimited file to download data.

  8. EIS Home Page

  9. EIS Production

  10. Login Authorization

  11. District / Research Query

  12. English Language Learners

  13. ELL Status based on English Language Background • EIS includes English language background codes for all students including Native English speakers. • Choose Any or one of the following: • English Language Learner (ELL or L) • Transition Year 1 (T1 or 1) • Transition Year 2 (T2 or 2) • Non-English Language Background (NELB or N) • Completed ESL in High School (G) • Native English Speaker (E or EN) • New codes for SY 2010-11: • Former ELL Student (F) • Waived ELL Services (W)

  14. EIS Data Dictionary, Appendix EEnglish Language Background • L - “English Language Learner (ELL)” --- Students whose first language is not English and who qualify for the services of an English as a Second Language “ESL” teacher. • N - “Non-English Language Background (NELB)” -- - Students whose first language is not English, and DO NOT qualify for the services of an ESL teacher. • E -“English Native” – A student whose primary or native language is English. • 1 - Transitional 1 the first year after scoring fluent in English. • 2 - Transitional 2 the first year after scoring fluent in English. • G -A student who was an L, 1, or 2 in grades 9, 10, or 11 is a “G” in all years after completion of “2” status. Note: If the student’s current status is L, 1, or 2, DO NOT use the “G” code. This code will only be used for graduation rate purposes. It is not a federally recognized ELL code and is not tied to ELL funding.

  15. To download data, select Delimited File.

  16. L, 1,2, N, G – Native Language is NOT English

  17. E (EN) – Native Language is English

  18. Immigrant Grant • Qualified districts will be invited to apply • Immigrant count is pulled with Child Count • Immigrants are NOT born in the US (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) • Date First Enrolled - required for federal reporting • Country of Birth – required for Title III monitoring (can NEVER be US for immigrants). • Verify count in EIS using the Immigrant District Research • Select Yes to produce a list of immigrant students

  19. Immigrant Research Query

  20. Immigrant = Yes Query Results

  21. Lists required • ELL • Transition I and Transition II • Non English Language Background (NELB) • Immigrant • Students who were eligible, but not exited with reasons

  22. Teacher Data • Go to the district tab • Select Research Queries • Select Staff Current Assignment • From drop down box, select EL • Choose delimited file

  23. Staff Current Assignment Research Query

  24. ESL Teacher Assignment Code = EL

  25. Professional Development • LEA Title III Coordinator completes Title III Professional Development Survey annually • 2009-10 survey to be completed in Survey Monkey • 2009-10 survey deadline May 3, 2010 • Is divided into topics • Needs number of participants

  26. Title III PD Survey

  27. Data Warehouse ELL Reports • Three ELLreports are available for districts on the Data Warehouse Portal. • Each district has two staff persons with Data Warehouse logins to: • https://edu.warehouse.state.tn.us/portal/page/portal • Select Federal Programs Reports to access: • AMAO 1 • AMAO 2 • ELP (ELDA) Composite Level Score by Time in ESL

  28. Data Warehouse Portal Login

  29. Go to Federal Programs Reports

  30. AMAO 1, AMAO 2, ELP Composite: District Reports

  31. AMAO 1 School Report

  32. AMAO 2 Student Report:Subtest and Composite Scores

  33. ELP (ELDA) Score by Time in ESL

  34. Accessing School and Student Reports • Select HTML Portlet • Select Yes to run the district report. • Otherwise select No. • Click on the school or student report. • Select Yes when the dialog box appears. • To export the data, select File / Export /Next. • Enter a filename and select Next. • Select school year from the drop down box. • Enter Next / Finish. • The export complete dialog box appears.

  35. Select HTMPL Portlet

  36. District, School and Student Reports

  37. Select File / Export

  38. Select Next

  39. Enter a File Name & Select Next

  40. Select School Year from Drop Down Box

  41. Select Next / Finish. The export complete dialog box appears.

  42. Migrant Data Collection • EIS • ISR Forms • September Confirmations • Encrypted Files

  43. Migrant Students in EIS •  A student must be certified as migrant by the state through the granting of a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). • The migrant student list for your district that appears in EIS is vetted by (TOPS) Tennessee Opportunity Programs. • Districts cannot change the migrant data that appears in EIS. • Districts check their migrant student data in EIS and inform TOPS of any discrepancies. •  Select District / Research Queries / Migrant Student List / Go.

  44. Migrant Student Definition • A child between the ages of 3 and 21who has not graduated from high school or does not hold a high school equivalency certificate and • the child is a migratory agricultural worker, dairy worker or migrant fisher or has a parent, spouse, or guardian who is a migrant agricultural worker, dairy worker or migratory fisher and • the child has moved within the preceding 36 months in order to obtain or to accompany (or join) a parent, spouse, or guardian to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in qualifying agricultural, dairy or fishing work and • such move was made out of economic necessity

  45. Migrant Research Query

  46. Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD) • EIS lists a Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD) on the right side of the screen. • Students with QADs from any year appear in the list. • Students exhaust eligibility 36 months from the QAD. (If eligibility ends mid-term, the student remains eligible until the end of the term.) • Students who are eligible for migrant services in: • SY 2009-10 have QADs of 9/1/2006 or later. • SY 2010-11 have QADs of 9/1/2007 or later. • Export data to Excel. • Sort exported data by QAD to identify students who are eligible for migrant services.

  47. Migrant Research Query Results

  48. ISR Form • Individual Student Record (ISR) • Information used to populate the federal Migrant Information Exchange data base (MSIX). • Collection is authorized under sections 1301-1309 of Part C of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.

  49. Submission of ISR Form • At the end of the school year for who were in your district the last day of school • Within 4 days of withdrawal during the school year upon request of a receiving school

  50. Handling Data Securely • Protect student/teacher identity. • Always Password protect files. • Use TNDOE’s secure server to exchange student level data with TOPs. • Student and teacher data should not be saved on laptops, hard drives, thumb drives and other portable devices. • Delete data (including Recycling/Trash ) or move to a network folder or another secure site. • Logoff your computer when you leave your desk. • Do not share login information with anyone.

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