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Vertebral column

Vertebral column. FUNCTIONS: 1. Support 2. Movement 3. Protection of CNS/PNS. Support. Movement. Protection of CNS/PNS. Bones. A typical vertebra. Vertebral canal. Spinal Nerves and plexus. Intervertebral Discs. Characteristic features of SVJ. JOINTS.

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Vertebral column

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vertebral column FUNCTIONS: 1. Support 2. Movement 3. Protection of CNS/PNS

  2. Support

  3. Movement

  4. Protection of CNS/PNS

  5. Bones

  6. A typical vertebra

  7. Vertebral canal

  8. Spinal Nerves and plexus

  9. Intervertebral Discs

  10. Characteristic features of SVJ

  11. JOINTS

  12. Vertebral joints:a. between disks (symphysis)b. between arches (synovial)


  14. I.V.DiscProlapse

  15. Sacrum and Coccyx

  16. Lumbar Plexus

  17. 24 IL = inguinal ligament IC = inguinal crease (a natural skin fold 4–6 cm below the inguinal ligament), FA = femoral artery

  18. Sacral Plexus

  19. SCIATIC NERVE INJURY • Commonly injured in following conditions: • I.V.DiscProlapse • Dislocation of hip joint • Piriformis syndrome • Intramuscular injection

  20. Intramuscular injection

  21. Dislocation of hip joint

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