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BIO 130: Anatomy and Physiology I Spring 2013

BIO 130: Anatomy and Physiology I Spring 2013. Dr. Rebecca Pearson pearsor@sunysuffolk.edu http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/pearsor Please sign in!. Website. Necessary and helpful materials for this course can be found on the course website: www2.sunysuffolk.edu/pearsor Lecture Schedule

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BIO 130: Anatomy and Physiology I Spring 2013

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  1. BIO 130: Anatomy and Physiology ISpring 2013 Dr. Rebecca Pearson pearsor@sunysuffolk.edu http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/pearsor Please sign in!

  2. Website • Necessary and helpful materials for this course can be found on the course website: www2.sunysuffolk.edu/pearsor • Lecture Schedule • Lecture notes (powerpoint slides) • Terminology assignments • Sample exam questions • Links to Chris Pickens’ websitefor: • Laboratory Histology • Animations • www2.sunysuffolk.edu/pickenc • Laboratory schedule • Laboratory Homework assignments (for my lab only)

  3. Course Grade Lecture = 66% 6 Terminology Assignments (1% each) = 6% 4 Exams (10% each) = 40% Final Exam = 20% Cumulative exam My Lab = 34% 10 Homework Assignments = 10% Midterm Practical = 12% Final Practical = 12% Keep track of your grades on the Calculate your grade link!

  4. Terminology Assignments Assignments are due by the date indicated on the lecture schedule. Assignments are to be handwritten on index cards or in a notebook. Notecards should minimally include definitions should also include examples, where/when/how/why used, other associated terms, synonyms, flowcharts, drawings (the more detailed, the better to study from) Assignments that are late or incomplete (at least half complete) will receive half (½) credit **If you are going to miss class for any reason, make sure you email your assignment to me before class is scheduled to start, or the assignment is considered late.

  5. Lecture Exams 50 multiple choice questions = 2 points each. 2 bonus questions = 2 points each. bring at least 2 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers, and a calculator (cell phone calculators are NOT permitted).

  6. Make-Up Exams If you miss a lecture exam, you will be permitted to take the same exam as the rest of the class up to 1 week of the original date of the exam you are responsible for contacting Professor Pearson to schedule the make-up exam (e-mail is best) PRIOR to the test date. after this time you will take a different exam format will be at the discretion of Professor Pearson If you miss a lab exam you can take the exam with another section the section may or may not be taught by Professor Pearson. You should arrange this as far ahead of time as possible.

  7. Laboratory Practicals • 25 stations with 2 short answer, identification or fill in the blank questions • Each answer (not station) is worth 2 points • You will spend 2 minutes at each station to answer the question(s) • You will receive an additional 10 minutes to revisit stations to finalize your answers

  8. Extra Credit Opportunity • You may submit test corrections for each of the first three lecture exams. • Each proper correction will receive 1 point of credit on the exam, up to a maximum of 10 points per exam. • Only properly formatted test corrections will be accepted. Consult the handout/ website for formatting.

  9. E-mail and ID cards Every student that is registered must obtain a photo ID card that they must have with them whenever on campus. You will need your student ID # for the final exam. Every student that is registered must obtain an official college e-mail address. If you email me from an outside email address (ex: yahoo, gmail, etc), please put the course # and your name in the subject line. I do not answer emails that I do not recognize.

  10. Rules and Regulations Lecture Attendance Attendance will be taken every lecture initial the attendance sheet at the front of the lecture room You are permitted 3 unexcused absences each additional unexcused absence will result in the reduction of your course grade by 1 point Excused absences require appropriate documentation (legal document, doctor’s note, note from employer, police report, etc.) Laboratory Attendance Attendance will be taken at each lab If you miss a lab, you can make it up during another session It is your responsibility to arrange the makeup laboratory Any laboratory material that you miss, you are responsible for come exam time

  11. More Rules and Regulations Cell Phones The use of cell phones (including texting) is prohibited during the lecture and laboratory. You will be asked to leave and will be regarded as an unexcused absence. You may keep your phone on ONLY if kept in vibrate mode. Cell phones must be completely OFF during any exam given in lecture or lab. Talking during lectures Questions are welcomed, discussion is encouraged, but talking which detracts from the lecture or otherwise disrupts learning will NOT BE TOLERATED. You will be asked to leave and will be regarded as an unexcused absence.

  12. Even More Rules and Regulations Food and Drink prohibited in the laboratory allowed in lecture (if you make a mess, clean it up) Footwear in the laboratory must completely cover your feet (flip-flops and sandals are prohibited) You will be asked to leave (to return only if you have proper footwear) Withdrawals Do not just disappear from the course without officially withdrawing from the course. Withdraw yourself at the Registrar’s office on or before the middle of the semester (June 25th) After the middle of the semester to the last day of lecture, obtain a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s office, fill it out and have me sign it. Otherwise, you will receive an F for the course.

  13. Keys to Success Helpful studying aids: study for a minimum of 2 hours every day Attend EVERY class write down analogies used in lecture write down questions that I ask you during lecture form study groups draw flow charts read the text and redraw important figures view lecture animations repetitively study practice exams constantly ask questions of Why, When, How and Where to any/all physiological steps in a process ask for clarification!!

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