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Join the Republic of Mozambique National Institute of Meteorology for a workshop on assessing the social and economic benefits of meteorological and hydrological services. The workshop will be held in Seychelles from 4-8 May 2015. For more information, contact Anacleto Duvane (anacleto.duvane@gmail.com) or Francisco Nostado (fnostado@gmail.com).
RepublicofMozambiqueNationalInstituteofMeteorology Workshop ontheAssessmentof Social andEconomicBenefitsofMeteorologicalandHydrologicalServices Seychelles 4-8 May 2015 Anacleto Duvane DeputyNational Director Email:anacleto.duvane@gmail.com & Francisco Nostado Headof Financial andAdministrativeDepartment Email:fnostado@gmail.com
Mozambique BackgroundLocation (10°27‘S - 26°25‘S ) Borders: To the East - the Indian Ocean; to the southwest – Swaziland and South Africa; to the west – Zimbabwe; to the northwest-Zâmbia and Malawi; and to the north - Tanzania; Area: 801,590 km2 ; Extension: 2700 km Population: 25,727,911
Mozambique Background Annual GDP : -Total: USD 15.32 billion; Composition (%): • Agriculture: 28.7 • Services: 24.9 - Industry: 46.4
Mozambique Background (Cont.) Main Climate and weather related hazards • Floods (every year) • Tropical Cyclones (every 3 to 4 years) • Drought (every 3 to 4 years) • Epidemics • Windstorms • Sea level rise • Erosion
National Institute of Meteorology-INAM • INAM is a public Institute under the Minister of Transport and Communication, with headquarter in Maputo and delegations in 9 provinces. • At the Headquarter INAM has 7 departments, with a total of 154 staff, that some of them work in 3 shifts • At the Provincial and district level INAM is represented by Delegations and Meteorological Stations. • The main activity at the Provincial and district level is to guarantee the meteorological observations and transmissions for various purposes.
National Institute of Meteorology-INAM • Staff A total of 392 all over the country; 154 at the headquarter;and 238 at the Delegations. • Annual budget The budget proposed for this year is around 7 million USD. Around 1 million on this budget is foreseen to be revenues of service provision.
Products & Servicesprovidedby INAM • The National Institute of Meteorology (INAM) is mandated to provide meteorological information for safeguard of life and properties. This information is also important for planning purposes. • INAM provides daily, 3 forecasts: • 2 valid for 24 hours (issued one in the morning and other in the afternoon); • 1 valid for 4 days (issued in the morning). • Apart of these routine forecasts, through specific requests, forecasts covering different purposes and periods are prepared; • In the beginning of the rainy season, INAM prepares a seasonal forecast. • This information is useful for Water authorities, Disaster Management Authorities, Health Authorities and Agriculture.
Products & Servicesprovidedby INAM • Apart of the information on the previous slides, INAM also provides specific service for the aviation. • The main user of our services is the aviation sector since in all the airports we have dedicated team to provide meteorological information to this sector.