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Format and Other Simple Ways to Improve Your Paper Score

Format and Other Simple Ways to Improve Your Paper Score. Simple Stuff. Goal: To know and be able to use the easy solutions to point-taxing paper problems. Little changes that make a big difference. #5: Take out all of the first and second person pronouns (I, me, you, etc.).

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Format and Other Simple Ways to Improve Your Paper Score

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  1. Format and Other Simple Ways to Improve Your Paper Score

  2. Simple Stuff Goal: To know and be able to use the easy solutions to point-taxing paper problems.

  3. Little changes that make a big difference #5: Take out all of the first and second person pronouns (I, me, you, etc.). Example: When Montresor toasts to Fortunato’s life, you already know Fortunato’s fate. Better: the reader already knows Best: Fortunato’s fate is already clear.

  4. Little changes that make a big difference #4: Know the paper format. Example: Reader’s Notebook = One Long Paragraph, 1-1.5 pages

  5. Little changes that make a big difference #3: Create your own title. Example: “The Cask of Amontillado” Better: Mood in “The Cask of Amontillado” Best: The Darkness of Revenge

  6. Little changes that make a big difference #2: Know MLA format. • 1” margins all around • 12 pt. Times New Roman • Heading: • Name • Ms. Atkins • Freshmen English 4 • 23 September 2009

  7. Little changes that make a big difference #1: Bring all pieces of the assignment to class the day that it is due. • Printed Final Draft • Turnitin.com Receipt • Any pieces I ask for (rough draft, outline, etc)

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