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N ational I ncident M anagement S ystem

N ational I ncident M anagement S ystem. Break-Out Session Al Fluman, Acting Director Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD), National Integration Center. National Incident Management System (NIMS)

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N ational I ncident M anagement S ystem

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  1. National Incident Management System Break-Out Session Al Fluman, Acting Director Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD), National Integration Center

  2. National Incident Management System (NIMS) A consistent nationwide approach for all levels of government to work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for and respond to domestic incidents Core set of concepts, principles and terminology for incident command and multi-agency coordination Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5

  3. NIMS is based on the premise that the utilization of a common incident management framework will give emergency management/response personnel a flexible yet standardized system for emergency management and incident response activities. NIMS is flexible because the system components can be utilized to develop plans, processes, procedures, agreements, and roles for all types of incidents and is applicable to any incident regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity. Additionally, NIMS provides an organized set of standardized operational structures which is critical in allowing disparate organizations and agencies to work together in a predictable, coordinated manner. NIMS: Key Concepts

  4. NIMS Components

  5. NIMS Components

  6. NIMS Components

  7. Incident Command System (ICS) Positive – Some form of ICS used at all levels of government during incident (Local, State, and Federal) Continued use of ICS requires significant additional training and exercises Need to standardize ICS forms and reporting in general for use by everyone Officials at all levels need to understand ICS, NIMS, and NRP and the use of Incident Actions Plans (IAPs) Need to standardize IAP formats between Joint Field Offices and practice incident action planning NIMS – Command & Management Lessons Learned

  8. Incident Command System (ICS) IAP Issues: If done properly most of the questions asked by the White House, DHS, FEMA HQ can be answered from the IAP! IAP Issues: Need to use IAP’s and operational reporting periods to answer requests IAP Issues: More time needs to be spent at all levels developing strategies and tactics that support incident objectives. Objectives, strategies and tactics need to support field objectives. Bottom up not top down! Strike teams and liaison functions at all levels need to be formalized NIMS – Command & Management Lessons Learned (Continued)

  9. Must figure out a way to balance the emphasis between natural hazard and terrorism preparedness activities Need to continue to build Federal, state, and local capability (i.e. evacuation plans, distribution plans, purchasing plans, etc.) Additional planning, training and exercising necessary – Feds, States, Locals need to train and exercise together NIMS – PreparednessLessons Learned

  10. Nationwide credentialing system needs to continue to be a priority Need to build our response capability by “growing” our personnel to fill positions All positions need to be “typed” and trained to Need to pre-designate Incident Management Teams (IMT’s) along with strike teams and liaison personnel Involve personnel from all Federal agencies in the response when disaster positions are identified and typed NIMS – PreparednessLessons Learned (Continued)

  11. Need compatible resource management systems at all levels of government so what when help arrives “systems” can be utilized Local jurisdictions need appropriate resource management tools and systems in place prior to the event. Resources need to be typed. Local government needs assistance is meeting resource typing requirements. Need to promote/educate all on mutual aid and the benefits of Emergency Management Assistance Compacts (EMAC) NIMS – Resource Management Lessons Learned

  12. Pre-incident contracts should be established for commonly used resources (i.e. water, food, tents, tarps, generators, etc.) At all levels of government need to develop a better way to track resources from start to finish Field personnel needs “visibility” on all resources requests (i.e. status of request, status of resource, location, arrival time, etc) NIMS – Resource Management Lessons Learned (Continued)

  13. Still need to emphasize the need for a common operating picture (and the tools to facilitate its development) for disasters Still need to emphasize the need for redundant communications at all levels of government Communications equipment must arrive at scene with arriving units Communications equipment must either be pre-positioned closer to disaster scenes or be made more mobile NIMS – Communications and Information Management Lessons Learned

  14. Evaluating/Measuring NIMS Implementation among all NIMS Components – All components must “fit” together! NIMS components are “linked”. All components of NIMS need to be integrated together under a cohesive system. Failures in one component will impact the effectiveness of the entire incident management system. Exercises can test entire system if designed properly. Longer-Term NIMS Implementation

  15. Plans incorporating the use of standing MAC groups. (Links Preparedness and Command & Management) New metric that can be incorporated under the FY08 MACS compliance requirement Interoperability of communications equipment used for response. (Links Communications & Information Management and Command & Management) New metric that can be incorporated under the FY08 ICS compliance requirement Mutual aid agreements and/or assistance agreements in place to acquire resources to fill any gaps identified in the resource asset inventory. (Links Preparedness to Resource Management) New metric that can be incorporated under the FY08 RM compliance requirement (inventory response assets to conform to typing standards) Measuring NIMS “Linkages”

  16. Develop a Training Plan to train emergency management/response personnel. (Links Preparedness to Command & Management) Recommended- New compliance requirement in Prep/Training section Train and exercise Unified Command. (Links Preparedness to Command & Management) New metrics that can be incorporated under the FY08 all-hazards exercise program requirement Training/briefing of Elected/Appointed Officials so they know their roles in an incident. (Links Preparedness to Command & Management) Recommended- New compliance requirement in Prep/Training section Measuring NIMS “Linkages” (Continued)

  17. Assistance agreements specify the communication systems and platforms through which jurisdictions/agencies agree to utilize or share information during an incident. (Links Preparedness to Communications & Information Management) New metric that can be incorporated under the FY08 communications requirement (common operating picture) Protocols in place to prevent jurisdictions/agencies assets/resources from (Links Resource Management to Command & Management) spontaneous deployment; and/or responding to a request that bypassed official resource coordination process (i.e., resources requested through improper channels). Recommended- New compliance requirement in RM or C&M section Measuring NIMS “Linkages” (Continued)

  18. Mechanisms (systems, tools) in place to gather resource availability information during an incident. (Relates Communications & Information Management to Resource Management) New metric that can be incorporated under the FY08 communications requirement (common operating picture) Measuring NIMS “Linkages” (Continued)

  19. NIMS Website Information http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nims Contact the NIC Email: FEMA-NIMS@dhs.gov Phone: 202-646-3534 National Integration CenterIncident Management Systems

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