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Stay updated on the latest changes in NFHS Wrestling Rules for concussion recognition, management, and points of emphasis. Learn about coaching conduct, skin lesion forms, and ejection rules for a fair wrestling competition.
2010-2011 Wrestling Rules Meeting
NFHS Wrestling Rules EachstatehighschoolassociationadoptingNFHSwrestlingrulesisthesoleandexclusivesourceofbindingrulesinterpretationsforcontestsinvolvingitsmemberschools.AnypersonhavingquestionsabouttheinterpretationofNFHSwrestlingrulesshouldcontactDarinBoysenattheNSAAoffice. TheNFHSisthesoleandexclusivesourceofmodelinterpretationsofNFHSwrestlingrules.OnlytheNSAArulesinterpretermaycontacttheNFHSformodelwrestlingrulesinterpretations.Noothermodelforwrestlingrulesinterpretationsshouldbeconsidered.
2010-11 NFHS Wrestling Points of Emphasis Concussion Recognition and Management- Communicable Diseases- Fleeing the Mat-
Concussion Recognition and Management A concussion is a brain injury that results in a temporary disruption of normal brain function- A concussion occurs when the brain is violently rocked back and forth or twisted inside the skull as a result of a blow to the head or body- Neither referees, nor coaches, are expected to “diagnose” a concussion, as that is the job of an appropriate health-care professional- Referees, coaches and administrators are being asked to make all efforts to ensure that concussed athletes do not continue to participate-
Concussion Recognition and Management The referee is not responsible for the evaluation or management of the athlete after he or she is removed from competition- If an appropriate health-care professional on the mat determines that the athlete HAS NOT suffered a concussion, the athlete may return to competition- If there is no appropriate health-care professional available to evaluate the athlete, the athlete SHOULD NOT be allowed by the coach to return to competition- Athletes with continued concussion symptoms are at significant risk for recurrent, cumulative and even catastrophic consequences of a second concussive injury-
Competition - Rule 1 • Rule 1-2-2: No wrestler shall represent the school in more than one weight class in any meet or compete in more than five matches (championship or consolation), including forfeits in any one day. (Does not apply to a dual tournament, quad, or triangular.) • Rule 1-2-3: No contestant shall wrestle in two consecutive matches with less than a 45-minute rest between them. The conclusion time of each match shall be recorded. • Rule 1-2-4: A contestant shall not accept a forfeit in one weight class and compete in another class.
Team Benches - Rule 2 *NFHSRule2-2-1:Fordualmeets,allteampersonnel,includingcoaches,otherthanactualparticipatingcontestantsshallberestrictedtoanareawhichisatleast10feetfromtheedgeofthematandthescorer’stable,wherefacilitiespermit. *NFHSRule2-2-2:Duringtournamentcompetition,amaximumoftwoteampersonnel(coachesand/ornon-participatingcontestants)willbepermittedonchairsattheedgeofthemat.Itispermissibletoallowcoachesonthecornerofthematinarestrictedzone.Intournamentswherecoachesarepermittedonthecornerofthemat,therestrictedzoneshallbedefinedbyeitheracontrastinglinemarkedonthematwithpaintortapeoracontrastingcoloredsurfaceunderthechairs.Therestrictedzoneshallbenocloserthan5feettotheedgeofthecircle.Coachesshallbeseatedatleast10feetfromthescorer’stable,wherefacilitiespermit.
Conduct of Coaches, Team Personnel and Others *NFHSRule7-5-2:Coachesandotherteampersonnelarerestrictedtothebench/chairswhiletheclockisrunningandduringnormaloutofboundsandresumptionofwrestling.Thecoachmaymovetowardsthematonlyduringachargedtime-outorattheendofthematch.(SeeRule2-2) *NFHSRule7-5-3:Unsportsmanlikeconduct–iscalledoncoachesorotherteampersonnelwhoviolatethebenchdecorumrule(7-5-2).
NFHS & NSAA Ejection Rules –Page 42-43 • A participant or coach ejected from a contest for Unsportsmanlike Conduct or Flagrant Misconduct shall be ineligible for the remainder of the entire contest (including all duals within a triangular, quad, or dual tournament) and the entire next contest at that level of competition and any other contest at any level during the interim. • Coaches Misconduct has a different enforcement. • Please refer to the Penalty Chart within the National Federation Wrestling Rule Book for ejection penalties within any form of competition (dual, triangular, quad, individual tournament or dual tournament): • a. Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Contestants (not during the match), Coaches and Other Team Personnel • b. Flagrant Misconduct – Contestants • c. Flagrant Misconduct – Coaches and Other Team Personnel
NSAA Sportsmanship Penalties Coaches who are ejected: Have 10 days to successfully complete NFHS “Teaching and Modeling Behavior”online course at Coach or School Expense Coaches who are ejected a 2ndtime: Have 10 days to successfully complete NFHS “Fundamentals of Coaching”at Coach or School Expense
NSAA Sportsmanship Penalties Athletes who are ejected a 1st time: Must sit-out 1 complete contest date Athletes who are ejected a 2nd time: Must sit-out 2 complete contest dates Athletes who are ejected a 3rdtime: Must sit-out 3 complete contest dates
NSAA Sportsmanship Penalties Athlete and coach ejections occurring in the final match of the season carry over to the next season of the same sport. Schools having coaches or students with multiple ejections must submit to the NSAA: A written management plan explaining how they plan to remediate the problem.
OFFICIALS REMINDERS • District/State Application due December 19, 2010 • NSAA Supervised Test Dates: -December 8th or December 13th • Open Book Test due November 19th Keep Schedules Current on the NSAA Login
OFFICIALS REMINDERS • District Assignments will be made in mid- January. • Be on time for contracted meets! Verify your officiating schedule. Skin Checks a MUST!! • DO NOT CUT THE HAIR OR TRIM THE FINGER NAILS OF A WRESTLER!!
COACHES REMINDERS • Before Practice Starts: -Athletic Physical signed and on file at school. -Parental consent forms signed and on file. -Documentation of team Educational Instruction regarding proper weight management • During the Season: -Monitor each athletes weight control program. -Check each athlete for skin disorders. -District entries due January 31, 2011.
COACHES REMINDERS • Catastrophic Injury Preparations: 1. Have a plan in place for practice and matches. 2. Document your instructions of correct wrestling techniques and drills. 3. Correct illegal holds and potentially dangerous holds in practice and in meets and document if they persist.
COACHES REMINDERS 2010-11 WRESTLING SCHEDULES All schools are required to submit their schedule electronically using the NSAA web site. Must be completed by November 24th Only matches on a schools 30 point Schedule can be counted towards District Seeding
2011 State Wrestling Championship-Omaha • Class A & D have early Sessions • Class B & C have late Sessions • Ticket Order Form is located on the NSAA Wrestling Web page. • Due to Qwest by December 3rd • Ticketmaster opens sells after January 1st
NEW NSAA State Wrestling ChampionshipCoaches Passes 1-5 Qualifiers = 2 Coaches Passes 6-9 Qualifiers = 3 Coaches Passes 10-14 Qualifiers = 4 Coaches Passes ** No Manager Pass **