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HISTORIOGRAPHY Week 9 2016-2017

HISTORIOGRAPHY Week 9 2016-2017. Edward Thompson: Experience, Culture & Commitment. Edward Palmer Thompson (1924-1993). 1989. Thompson, Edward Palmer (1924–1993) historian, writer, and political activist

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HISTORIOGRAPHY Week 9 2016-2017

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  1. HISTORIOGRAPHY Week 9 2016-2017 Edward Thompson: Experience, Culture & Commitment

  2. Edward Palmer Thompson (1924-1993)

  3. 1989 Thompson, Edward Palmer (1924–1993) historian, writer, and political activist by John Rule, `Thompson, Edward Palmer (1924–1993)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edn, Oct 2005 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/40259, accessed 3 Nov 2017]

  4. View over Halifax in the 1960s. www.absolutely-nothing.co.uk/.../959.jpg

  5. George Walker, The Costumes of Yorkshire, 1814.

  6. [Communist Party of Great Britain Historians’ Group], Luddism in the Period 1779-1830, Our History Pamphlet No.2, Summer 1956. E. P. Thompson. `God & King & Law’, The New Reasoner, 3 (1957-8), pp. 69-86.

  7. http://ludditebicentenary.blogspot.co.uk/ Wednesday, 11 October 2017/11 October 1817 11th October 1817: A correspondent to the Nottingham Review blames Parish Officers for the poverty of Framework-knitters At a time (says a correspondent of the Nottingham Review,) when the public mind is much exercised, on account of the lamentable, and much to be regretted dispute between the Hosiers and their workmen, any means that can be devised to remove the evil, in my opinion ought to be immediately put into practice, therefore I will, by your permission state, that as it is admitted almost by every one who has directed his attention to the subject,that overseers of parishes telling their parishioners, the framework-knitters, that if they could not obtain work at the best prices, to get it at any price rather than come away without, and that they would make up the deficiency, has been a great evil to the trade―

  8. George Walker, The Costumes of Yorkshire, 1814.

  9. Photograph showing the Humanities Building c. 1964. Source: University of Warwick, Modern Records Centre, Warwick University Archive. Image credit: Image from the exhibition `The Idea of a University’, Mead Gallery, June 2010.

  10. resistance • resistance-theory • ritual and resistance • resistance in the forms of everyday life • political protest inspired by custom • (James C. Scott, Weapons of the Weak. Everyday Formsof Peasant Resistance, 1985)

  11. Published as a Penguin Education Special, 1973, a few weeks after Thompson’s article `The Business University’, New Society, 19 Feb 1970.

  12. ` … There is never the least sign of submission to “Satan’s Kingdom”. Never, on any page of Blake, is there the least complicity with the kingdom of the Beast’. William Blake, `Behemoth and Leviathan’ (Plate 15) Illustrations of 'The Book of Job' 1823-26

  13. resistance • resistance-theory • ritual and resistance • resistance in the forms of everyday life • political protest inspired by custom • (James C. Scott, Weapons of the Weak. Everyday Formsof Peasant Resistance, 1985)

  14. E. P. Thompson, 1924-1993 The great bustard has winged off, removing as he went one of the prime attractions of these shores, and one of the few remaining reasons for still proclaiming intellectual allegiance to them. Thompson liked to present himself as an earth-bound English creature incapable of much soaring. But he had enough of the lark in him to have died singing, as Blake is said to have done; and who knows but that he did in his own fashion, for he was of that spirit … . Kate Soper, Radical Philosophy, Spring 1994, `Obituaries and Profiles’. http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/default.asp?channel_id=2191&editorial_id=9849

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