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Bellwork : Thursday, 1/9. Go to the board and check to see if you seat number has changed. We have had some additions/drops in the class, so be sure you are in the correct seat today. P ick up a GREEN student information card from the back table.
Bellwork: Thursday, 1/9 • Go to the board and check to see if you seat number has changed. We have had some additions/drops in the class, so be sure you are in the correct seat today. • Pick up a GREEN student information card from the back table. • Return to your seat and begin filling it out. Once the bell rings, I will give specific instructions for certain items on the card.
#mythoughtsexactly • On a Post-It note please write down 2-3 expectations you have for Ms. Gerlach, as your teacher, this semester. Be appropriate and realistic • **When done, put your name on it and stick it to the pick #mythoughtsexactly cabinet!
. JOURNAL (on a sheet of paper): 1st: Look closely at the image. The top is “before” and the bottom is “after.” 2nd: Make a list of 5 things you notice about the top image. 3rd: Make a list of 5 things you notice about the bottom image. Now, focus on one specific character. Explain what happened to this family from the point of view of one of the characters. For example, you might tell the story as if you’re the dog, the mother, the grandmother, etc. This story must be a minimum of 5 amazingly thoughtful sentences.
Bellwork: Journal Prompt #2American Values 1) Take a small colored sheet of paper from the back table. 2) Respond to the definition and examples of “VALUES” by doing the following: • On one side: • Make a list of 3-4 values you feel that American society considers important. • On the other side: • Choose one value you listed on your card and explain how you think it influences the attitudes and behavior of Americans. DEFINITION: Values are broad preferences to appropriate courses of action or outcomes (i.e. things you believe EVERYONE should do/believe in). Values reflect a person's sense of right and wrong or what "ought" to be. Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior. EXAMPLES: "Equal rights for all” and "People should be treated with respect and dignity" are representative of values.
Image 1 Analysis: Groups Topics for discussion (you will have 15 minutes for each image): • 1st: First impressions (details that stand out to you) and your opinions on the “main idea” of the image. • 2nd: What statement(s) or argument(s) does the text seem to be making, and what specific evidence supports your conclusions? • 3rd: Give a possible title for the image • 4th: What American cultural values, lifestyles, and points of view are represented in this text? What is omitted (i.e. “left out”)? • 5th: How might the text be read oppositionally? (i.e. what might be the “other side” of the image that you are not seeing? Could they be another interpretation of the picture’s meaning?
Image 2 Analysis Topics for discussion (you will have 15 minutes): • 1st: What specific changes—in emphasis, perspective, tone, character, subject matter, etc.—are noticeable? • 2nd: What is the main idea of this image? How is this different than the first image? • 3rd: How does the theme change from Image 1 as compared to Image 2? *Think about how does the “story” change from one image to the next? • 4th: Which image most accurately portrays important American values? Give two reasons why. • 5th: Give a possible title for this image.
So, what “is” America? http://myamerica.centerstage.org/#The-Fifth-L
What’s Your Opinion? “My America” Themes #culture and arts#transportation and travel#race and class#war and veterans #immigration and migration#traveling home#consumption and materialism#gender and sexuality #families and generations#community and identity#healthcare#house and home(land) #politics#the American Dream#crime and violence#youth and aging So, what is “your” America? A paradise with boundless opportunities? A place full of hatred and greed? A country with issues? A new start? What is America to you? Frame your opinion using one of the #hashtags to the right, or create your own. We will work with these on Monday.
Statement(s)/Arguments: • Honor our soldiers • Be a role model • Have pride in your country • Serve your country with pride American Values: • Honor war heroes/servicemen • Have pride in your country • Be a leader and a role model
Statement(s) or Argument(s): • Life goes on while war is fought • The hero is welcomed by his loved ones and his community • The hero fights for the safety and happiness of people he loves and his community American Values: • Honor war heroes/servicemen • The household/family is key • Life goes on during war/people at home keep the country running • Work hard • Social class • Housing
Statement(s) or Argument(s): • The hero who returns shares his experiences with others • People from all walks of life honor the hero • The hero fights for the old and the young • The survivors honor the fallen American Values: • Storytelling • Honoring the fallen/dead • The old teaching the young • Work hard • Social class
Statement(s) or Argument (s): • Men and women are not equal • Men “work” or go out into the world, while women stay at home • Men do not include women in “intellectual” tasks. American Values: • The institution of marriage • Domesticity (“home life” versus “public life”) • Equality for men and women (or lack there of)
Statement(s) or Argument(s): Men and women do not agree about politics The relationship between men and women is volatile Men are violently angry and women are pouty and childlike. American Values: • The institution of marriage • Domesticity (“home life” versus “public life”) • Power struggle between men/women • Politics/Democracy
Statement(s) and Argument(s): Women have the power in the relationship. Marriages are complicated and sometimes difficult. American Values: The institution of marriage Pursue all avenues to make a marriage work Equality for men and women (or lack there of)
Statement(s) and Argument(s): It takes both the old and the young to get work done. Kids need the guidance of their elders Hard work has an ultimate pay-off American Values: Family is important Experience teaches the innocent Work and Play
Statement(s) or Argument(s): All children must grow up. Work hard so your children can have a better life. Cherish your time with your family. American Values: • Education • Providing for family • Giving children a better life
Statement(s) and Argument(s) • White and Black are not equal • A service must be paid for American Values: • Equality • Independence • Service and Consumerism • Social class
Statement(s) or Argument(s): • Children are curious and accepting by nature. • Race relations are improving. • Blacks and whites can live together. • American Values: • Equality • Home ownership • Sports • Pets
Statement(s) and Argument(s): • The family is the most important aspect of life • Traditions are important • Hard work makes celebrations possible American Values: • Providing for family • Spending time with family • Traditions • Holidays/National Heritage • Working Hard • Old and young
Statement(s) and Argument(s): • Providing for family • Spending time with family • Traditions • Holidays/National Heritage • Working Hard • Old and young American Values: • Providing for family • Spending time with family • Traditions • Holidays/National Heritage • Working Hard • Old and young
#REMIX Challenge • Remix one of the images assigned to your group. • You will recreate the entire image, using all of your own ideas, but using the original Rockwell painting as a jumping off point. • Your group will present your remixed image, remixed title, and an explanation of your choices to the class. • You will have all of today’s class period to work on your image, and will present your remixed image to the class on Monday.