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Risk and Complaince

Cybercriminals have a large range of tools and resources to launch phishing and malware attacks against online platforms. Izoolgic provides from well-established banking malware, such as Dyre, ZeuS and Kronos, to more recently discovered malware, such as Shifu and CoreBot. Read More: http://www.izoologic.com/

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Risk and Complaince

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Presentation Transcript

  1. About Us iZOOlogic is an internet company dedicated to providing niche brand protection and phishing solutions. The iZOOlogic platform is an integrated suite of solutions allowing real time intelligence into the online threat landscape and provides a seamless 24x7x365 Global Incident Response. iZOOlogic is headquartered in the UK, with operations in US and Australia, protecting major brands and organisations across the world.

  2. Malware Threats Malware is constantly evolving and is the leading cause of electronic fraud losses across the globe. Trusted brands are often hijacked to distribute and deliver generic crimeware. Organisations need to adopt layered anti-fraud controls to combat sophisticated malware. Counter measures should also include a monitoring regime to provide intelligence and identify schemes where corporate branding is used in malicious manner. Mobile malware is becoming a growing concern to any business transacting online.

  3. Risk and Compliance Government and Industry Regulatory agencies as well as market expectations are placing an ever increasing compliance burden on banking, financial and other organisations. Operational and compliance risks now present the business with an emerging and complex set of challenges increasing the risk for failed processes and deliverables. As the business opens end user transaction channels and deploys new technologies they will continue to experience a high degree of risk and losses, ranging from monetary losses to brand reputational risks.

  4. Contact Us 14 Hanover Street, W1S 1YH City of Westminster, London UNITED KINGDOM +44 20 3734 2726 info@izoologic.com www.izoologic.com

  5. Thank You

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