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ERASMUS+ CBHE 585822-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP INNOLEA: Innovation for the Leather Industry in Jordan and Egypt. WORK PACKAGE 2 CAPACITY BUILDING AND SETTING UP OF LEATHER CENTRES 15.06.2018 – 14.03.2020 2nd meeting: May 3-5th, 2018 Athens, NTUA, Patission Complex.
ERASMUS+CBHE 585822-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPINNOLEA: Innovation for the Leather Industry in Jordan and Egypt WORK PACKAGE 2 CAPACITY BUILDING AND SETTING UP OF LEATHER CENTRES 15.06.2018 – 14.03.2020 2nd meeting: May 3-5th, 2018 Athens, NTUA, Patission Complex Assoc. Prof. Dana Corina Deselnicu University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Romania
WP2 DESCRIPTION Objectives: • To develop a capacity building programme in order to allow target partners to learn from the European experience in setting up and manage leather centres; • To set up and equip 4 leather centres in Egypt and Jordan, based on the EU experience; • To test the functioning and attractiveness of the new established leather centres; • To guarantee the sustainability of the project, through the creation of a collaboration platform; • To guarantee the creation of collaboration and business opportunities through the creation of a collaboration platform.
DELIVERABLES WP 2.1. Training toolkit - 1 WP 2.2. Capacity building programme report - 1 WP 2.3. Equipment - several WP 2.4. Leather centres services - several WP 2.5. Pilot test reports - 4 WP 2.6. Activities brochures - 4 WP 2.7. Collaboration platform – 1
DELIVERABLES • 12 experts involved in the Capacity Building; • 2 capacity building sessions will be held; • 4 leather centres set up and equipped; • 4 brochures dealing with leather centresservices created (printed 200 copies); • Different services/activities for the leather centres set up; • 4 different pilot sessions held; • 4 pilot reports drafted; • 1 collaboration platform set up; • At least 50 users subscribed on the platform by the end of the project.
OUTPUTS WP 2.1: Training toolkit: • Training material in English/ Arabic • An electronic document assembled by UPB after having collected all training materials from the partners. • The training material: texts, slides, exercises, customized to the needs of Jordan and Egyptian partners. • The toolkit will be uploaded on the project web site and made accessible to registered users. • Due date: January 2019
OUTPUTS WP 2.1: Training toolkit: • Creation of the training macrostructure/methodology 2. Creation of the training microstructure (creation of the contents for the capacity building programme) 3. Training materials (creation of the materials for the capacity building programme)
WP 2.1: TRAINING TOOLKIT 1. Creation of the training macrostructure (methodology): Assigned to UPB, supported by NTUA Time: June – July 2018. 2. Creation of the training micro-structure: • detailed structure of the capacity building programme (contents, layout for presentation of the contents, agenda, criteria for the selection of experts, evaluation measures, timetable). Assigned to UPB, supported by NTUA Due date:August – September 2018.
WP 2.1: TRAINING TOOLKIT 3. Creation of the training contents and materials: • The contents and materials will be assembled in the training toolkit by UPB; Contribution to the training materials by UPB, CRETHIDEV, CTIC, ICPI, CIAPE and KTU • Due date: October 2018 – January 2019.
OUTPUTS WP 2.2: Capacity building programme report: • An electronic document in English assembled by UPB and CRETIDEV as the result of feedbacks received by ICPI and CTIC. • The capacity building programme report will contain evaluation feedback and informationabout the training sessions held. • Due date: May 2019
OUTPUTS WP 2.2: Capacity building programme report: • Selection of staff to be trained (3 experts per University); 2. Advanced training in EU premises; 3. Drafting the capacity building training programme report.
WP 2.2: CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME REPORT 1. Selection of experts who will be working in the new leather centres: • The experts will be selected in Egypt and Jordan by SVU, AAST, JUST, and BAU; • Three (3) experts per university will be sent to Europe for the capacity building programme. NTUA will supervise the selection of experts. • Due date: October 2018 – January 2019.
WP 2.2: CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME REPORT 2. Advanced training in EU premises: • CTIC and ICPI will be hosting the 10 days capacity building session for Egyptian and Jordan experts; • CTIC and ICPI will organize the logistics of the capacity building sessions and provide the trainers who will deliver it; • Additional: the visit to Linea Pelle Fair in Milano, Italy; • CIAPE will be in charge of assisting Jordan and Egyptian experts while visiting Linea Pelle. Due date: February – April 2019.
WP 2.2: CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME REPORT 3. Preparation and delivery of the Capacity Building Programme report: • CTIC and ICPI will provide KTUand CRETHIDEV data about the capacity building sessions held and from this feedback the Capacity Building Programme report will be drafted. • Due date: May 2019.
OUTPUTS WP 2.3: Equipment: • In each leather centre -> equipment to be installed: - Dynamometer - Flexometer - Thickness measuring apparatus - Water vapour permeability determination apparatus - Water vapour absorption determination apparatus • Press cut; climatic unit for conditioning control • Equipment with small scale lab drums • Standard test methods and books. Due date: September 2019
WP 2.3: EQUIPMENT • Drafting of specifications: June – July 2019 • International bidding procurement: June – July 2019 • Delivery & setup of equipment: August – Septemeber 2019 Due date: September 2019
WP 2.3: EQUIPMENT Purchasing and equipping the new leather centres: • Assigned to the target countries universities; • CTIC and ICPI will provide support and assistance with selecting the most suitable equipment; • Equipping of the Leather Centres: drafting the specifications, international bidding procurement, delivery and setup of equipment;
WP 2.3: EQUIPMENT 2. Purchasing and equipping the new leather centres (cont’d): • CRETHIDEV, CTIC, ICPI, and ACI from Jordan will be in charge of supporting SVU, AAST, JUST, and BAU in setting up the leather centres: • The organisational matters, lab quality and activities for the centres (B2B, training, research and consultancy activities) will be promoted and set up; • In Egypt this will be provided by a subcontractor (with the responsibility of assignment to SVU). • Due date: September 2019.
OUTPUTS WP 2.4: Leather centres services: • CRETHIDEV, CTIC, ICPI, and ACI support the local universities in setting up the leather centres services. SVU will assign this task to a subcontractor. • Innovative services: new fashion trends, training in innovative and environmental friendly manufacturing techniques, use of proper chemicals, innovative ways of organization of production, certification of products, ways to lower production costs and increase of productivity, development of quality products, information about investment and funding opportunities. • Due date: November 2019.
OUTPUTS WP 2.5: Pilot test report: • CRETHIDEV, CTIC, ICPI, and ACI support the local universities in setting up the leather centres services. SVU will assign this task to a subcontractor. • At the end of the pilot, each target university partner will gather feedback from experts and users of the leather centres => the feedback will be summarised into pilot test reports (in English, electronic). • The reports will be examined by CTIC and ICPI => suggest improvements for the last 6 months. • Due date: March 2020.
WP 2.5: PILOT TEST REPORT • Pilot phase of leather centres: December 2019 – March 2020 • Pilot test report evaluation: December 2019 – March 2020
WP 2.5: PILOT TEST REPORT 7. Pilot testing of the leather centres: • Testing if leather centres’ equipment and services are fully operational; • Each target countries university will produce a pilot report; • Pilot reports will be analysed by CTIC and ICPI and corrective actions will be taken in the last 6 months.
OUTPUTS WP 2.6: Activities brochures: • 4 different brochures (one for each leather centre) will be created. • In English / Arabic • The brochures will be available in electronic format and in paper version - 200 in total during the implementation of the project. • NTUA will supervise this task and provide support. • Due date: March 2020
OUTPUTS S WP 2.7: Collaboration platform: • Virtual space set up and managed by AAST from Egypt; • It will increase cooperation of the leather centreswith: • companies, both European and of the target countries; • other relevant stakeholders, such as policy-makers, research centres; • initiative groups / universities who would like to create other leather centres; • Facilities: chat, space for videos and contents, community, personal profiles of users. • Due date: March 2020
RESPONSIBILITIES Lead organization: UPB, will: • Create the training macro-structure and microstructure • Produce training materials for the capacity building programme • Be responsible for collecting all training materials and assembling the training toolkit.
RESPONSIBILITIES CRETHIDEV will: • Produce training materials for the capacity building programme • Support the creation of the training macro-structure and micro-structure • Setting up and make leather centres operational • Draft the capacity building programme report (for what concerns quality aspects).
RESPONSIBILITIES CTIC will: • Produce training materials for the capacity building programme • Provide trainers for the capacity building training programme and deliver one session • Support the setting up of the leather centres and making leather centres operational • Support the purchasing of equipment of leather centres • Analyse 2 pilot testing reports and suggest improvement for the new-established leather centres
RESPONSIBILITIES ICPI will: • Produce training materials for the capacity building programme • Provide trainers for the capacity building training programme and deliver one session • Support the setting up of the leather centres and making leather centres. CIAPE will: • Produce training materials for the capacity building programme • Accompany Egyptian and Jordan partners for the visit to Lineapelle.
RESPONSIBILITIES KTU will: • Producing training materials for the capacity building programme • Draft the capacity building programme report. NTUA will: • Supervise target partners in the selection of the experts for the capacity building • Support the creation and development of leather centres services brochures.
RESPONSIBILITIES BAU will: • Select the experts for the capacity building training programme • Participate to the capacity building training programme • Equip the new leather centre • Implement the pilot phase of its own leather centre • Develop the brochure for the new-established leather centre.
RESPONSIBILITIES AAST will: • Select the experts for the capacity building training programme • Participate to the capacity building training programme • Equip the new leather centre • Implement the pilot phase of its own leather centre • Develop the brochure for the new-established leather centre • Create and implement the collaboration website platform.
RESPONSIBILITIES SVU will: • Select the experts for the capacity building training programme • Participate to the capacity building training programme • Equip the new leather centre • Implement the pilot phase of its own leather centre • Develop the brochure for the new-established leather centre • Assign to a subcontractor the support the setting up of the leather centres and making leather centres operational
RESPONSIBILITIES JUST will: • Select the experts for the capacity building training programme • Participate to the capacity building training programme • Equip the new leather centre • Implement the pilot phase of its own leather centre • Develop the brochure for the new-established leather centre ACI will: • Support the setting up of the leather centres and making leather centres operational