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ENGLISH II HONORS FEBRUARY 28 TH. Get out one piece of paper. Write you name and date on it before the announcements begin.

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  1. ENGLISH II HONORSFEBRUARY 28TH Get out one piece of paper. Write you name and date on it before the announcements begin. Write To Kill A Mockingbird Quiz #3. While the announcements are on, you’ll take the quiz. No talking/looking at each other/eye contact until all quizzes are collected. When you’re done, turn your quiz over on the desk.

  2. T.K.A.M. QUIZ #2 Briefly, but in detail, describe Scout and Francis’ encounter in Ch. 9.

  3. REMINDERS • Homework: • Complete the next Word Roots worksheet (due Mon.) • Read until the end of Chapter Twelve by Monday. (When the bell rings, write it down in your phone, if it helps you remember!) • Possible quiz!

  4. STANDARDS Literary Criticism 3.11 Evaluate the aesthetic qualities of style, including the impact of diction and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme, using the terminology of literary criticism. (Aesthetic approach)

  5. CHARACTER AND THEME • Quick review: What’s a Static V Dynamic Character? • Let’s discuss Chapter Seven Analysis: • Pair up, discuss, and I’ll pick someone to read their response • At the end of the chapter, Jem and Scout learn about the tree’s knot-hole being filled with concrete. Mr. Radley says that he filled it with concrete because the tree was dying; when they ask Atticus, Atticus says that it looked very healthy. After hearing this, Jem goes off by himself and cries. • Why do you think he was crying? • What does Jem learn from this?

  6. CONFLICT • Turn to your To Kill a Mockingbird novel guide for Chapter Nine.

  7. CONFLICT • Conflict= the major problem that the main character of the story encounters. • There are four different types of conflict: • Man vs. Man • Man vs. Nature • Man vs. Society • Man vs. Self

  8. CONFLICT Fill out your Analysis questions (think, pair, share): • In Chapter Nine, we are introduced to the major conflict in the book. 1. The main conflict is between Atticus and who else? 2. What type of conflict would this be considered? 3. What does Atticus believe and what are the beliefs of the person/people that he is in conflict? 4. What do we learn about Atticus through this conflict?

  9. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD • Let’s continue reading Chapter Ten of To Kill a Mockingbird. • Homework: Read to the end of Chapter Twelve.

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