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Final Presentation

Final Presentation. Spring 2010 CS-422/EEE-436. Interactive Classroom Application 13.05.2010. Group 6 Besim Namık Avcı Semih Ekiz Çağrı Kahraman Bekir Topaloğlu. We have focused on. Our Aim. Interactive Classroom Application (ICA) A wireless ad-hoc network with various

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Final Presentation Spring 2010CS-422/EEE-436 InteractiveClassroomApplication 13.05.2010 Group 6 Besim Namık Avcı Semih Ekiz Çağrı Kahraman Bekir Topaloğlu

  2. We have focused on

  3. OurAim • Interactive Classroom Application (ICA) • A wireless ad-hoc network with various classroom functionalities • Teachers: • - Take attendance • - Make quiz • Share course material • Share Slide Show Students: - Sign attendance - take exams - obtain course materials

  4. Why ICA? • Advantages of the Application • Time efficient and easy to use • Taking attendance quickly • Automatic exam and quiz grading • Reliable attendace and exams • Better sharing of lecture material

  5. ICA’sFeatures • UDP based underlying communication protocol • Working on a ad-hoc network • 2 different user profiles: student and teacher • Java platform

  6. Function 1: Logging in • Teacher registers students in student list • Each student is assigned to a username and password • In each session, students log in according to their registration info

  7. Function 2: Attendance • Teacher broadcasts an attendance request • Timer is set and systems wait for a certain time • Each student submit their info on warning window • Teacher automatically saves them and creates attendance. txt

  8. Function 3: Broadcast File • Teacher can broadcast a file by choosing them on folder tab on the window • Java Class FileChooser is used • Files are saved in student’s public folder

  9. Function 4: Slide Show • Teacher opens a ppt file • We have used an API to convert them into picture files • Each picture is sent to student and student window is refreshed simultaneously

  10. Function 5: Quiz / Exam • Essay question or multiple choice • Teacher has a special editor to create and save both question types • Saves questions and answers for itself • Sends only questions to students • Student has special reader and sends its answers

  11. Thank YouQuestions?

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