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Project Presentation PAGANINI by Maarten Hajer (partner) at Kick-Off Workshop, Brussels, 11-12 november 2004. P A R T I C I P A T O R Y G O V E R N A N C E AN D I N S T I T U T I O N A L I N N O V A T I O N. Herbert Gottweis (coordinator).
Project Presentation PAGANINI by Maarten Hajer (partner) at Kick-Off Workshop, Brussels, 11-12 november 2004 P A R T I C I P A T O R Y G O V E R N A N C E AND I N S T I T U T I O N A L I N N O V A T I O N Herbert Gottweis (coordinator)
To clarify under what conditions civic participation would/could be a central component of the future of European polity. To gain conceptual and empirical insight in forms, mechanisms and practices of civic participation in the broader domain of ‘politics of life’ To develop new theory on the basis of the empirical research in regard to governance as deliberative practice in civil society, and the roles and relations of expertise, formal authority and citizenry in such a practice in multi-level contexts. OBJECTIVES
What institutional reactions can we discern to the challenges of the newly developing “politics of life”? Which new institutional practices were created and encouraged to deal with the new policy challenges? What is the status and the meaning of civic participation within these new institutional practices? Do these new practices provide an increase in democratic legitimacy and/or effective problem solving? How do new experimental designs deal with the key issues of uncertainty, risk, value conflicts, and individual and collective responsibility? To what extent produce newly introduced participatory practices systems of institutional learning and generation of trust? Are they capable of involving excluded vulnerable social groups? What are the potentials, problems, and limits of participatory approaches in the context of European multi-level governance? CORE QUESTIONS
WORKPACKAGE 1:THEORY AND METHOD.Responsible: Maarten Hajer (University of Amsterdam). WORKPACKAGE 2: DEFINING HUMAN LIFE: Human embryonic stem cell research between politics and ethics. Responsible: Herbert Gottweis (University of Vienna).Case Studies: D, UK, I, EU and US WORKPACKAGE 3:GOVERNING UNCERTAINTY: Active Civic Participation and New Forms of Governance Concerning Genetic Testing.Responsible: Kathrin Braun (University of Hannover)Case Studies: CY, DK, D, UK, EU WORKPACKAGE 4: BUILDING TRUST THROUGH PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:Learning from conflicts over the implementation of the Habitat Directive.Responsible: Yrjö Haila (University of Tampere)Case Studies: FIN, GR, EU WORKPACKAGES
WORKPACKAGE 5:LEARNING AFTER THE EVENT:Assessing the institutional role of civic participation after food scandals and food scares.Responsible: Maarten Hajer (University of Amsterdam)Case Studies: D, NL, UK, EU WORKPACKAGE 6:GM-FOOD:The role of participation in a techno-scientific controversy. Responsible: Bronislaw Szerszynski (University of Lancaster)Case Studies: UK, GR, EU WORKPACKAGE 7: Nuclear Power Dilemmas and the Challenges of Participatory Governance in new member states.Responsible: Leonardas Rinkevicius (University of Kaunas)Case Studies: BG, CZ, LT, SK, EU WORKPACKAGES
DISSEMINATION • WEB PAGEhttp://www.paganini-project.net • Workshops and Conferences 6 transnational workshops • Co-operation with the Danish Board of TechnologyReach out to practitioners as part of knowledge development and dissemination