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The Puzzle Game. b y Tomasz Dominiak, Zuzanna Klose and Agnieszka Jaremkiewicz from Polsko – Angielskie Prywatne Gimnazjum Poznań, Poland. Instructions.
The Puzzle Game by Tomasz Dominiak, Zuzanna Klose and Agnieszka Jaremkiewicz from Polsko – Angielskie Prywatne Gimnazjum Poznań, Poland
Instructions The rules of The Puzzle Game aresimple. Youcanplayaloneor in pairs. Youchoose one number from the greenboard by clickingit. Then youhave to solve the puzzle whichopenes. To see the solutionclick the SOLUTION button. Ifyousolve the puzzle correctlyyouscore 1 point, otherwiseyoudon`tgetanypoints. Then you go back to the greenboard by clicking the NUMBERS button. Therearetwo JACKPOTS in the game. Ifyoufind one yougetan extra point withoutsolving the puzzle. The gameendswhenthereare no puzzlesleft. The winneris the playerwhoscoresmorepoints.
Puzzle 1 Find 15 wordsconnected with nature SOLUTION
Puzzle 1Solution Find 15 wordsconnected with nature NUMBERS
Puzzle 2 Solve thecrosswordconnected with phrasalverbs. Across 3. It was 12:33 p.m. and my mum asked me to ...... my computer. 4. I ...... smoking 5 years ago. Since then I haven`t smoked any cigarettes. 6. She was very nervous because the police patrol stopped her. She just couldn`t ...... . 7. "......"he shouted: "We are already late.” 10. There was a big mess in the house and I havebeen..... for about 3 hours. 11. Our dishwasherbroke down so I have to do the ...... . Down 1. The plane ...... at 5:00 a.m. so it should be in London at 8:00 a.m. It is 10:00 a.m. and it’sstill not here. 2. My TV ...... and I had to throw it away. 5. I have to ...... early tomorrow so Iwill set my alarm clockbefore I go to bed. 8. The printer ...... of ink and I couldn`t print anything. 9. "Somebody is phoning. Max could you ...... the telephone!" SOLUTION
Puzzle 2Solution T O O K O F F B O K E D O W N Solve the crossword connected with phresal verbs. Across 3. It was 12:33 p.m. and my mum asked me to ...... my computer. 4. I ...... smoking 5 years ago. Since then I haven`t smoked any cigarette. 6. She was very nervous because the police patrol stopped her. She just couldn`t ...... . 7. "......"he shouted: "We are already late.” 10. There was a big mess in the house and I havebeen ...... for about 3 hours. 11. Our dishwasherbroke down so I have to do the ...... . Down 1. The plane ...... at 5:00 a.m. so it should be in London at 8:00 a.m. It is 10:00 a.m. and it’s still not here. 2. My TV ...... and I had to throw it away. 5. I have to ...... early tomorrow so I will set my alarm clockbefore I go to bed. 8. The printer ...... of ink and I couldn`t print anything. 9. "Somebody is phoning. Max could you ...... the telephone!" T U R N O F G A V U P W K E U P C A L M D O N I C K U P A N O U T H R R Y U P L E A N I N G U P W A S H N I G P NUMBERS
Puzzle 3 Unscramble each of the clue wordsconnected with school.Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number. S SOLUTION
Backpack Pen Stylus Compass Teacher Puzzle 3Solution Glue Lesson Break Grades Whiteboard Unscramble each of the clue words.Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number. Crib Library Homework Exams Laboratory PE Principal Notebook Popquiz Math s Student S NUMBERS S C H O O L I S Y O U R S E C O N D H O M E
Puzzle 4 Translate the following words connected with vacations into English Travels in space or by a cruise ship Where the plane lands Where you put up your tent Sports connected with water A person who visits a place for pleasure Not the mainland Not indoor Polish, Russian, German etc. A place where you get on/off the train SOLUTION
Puzzle 4Solution O Y A G E S V A C A T I O N S I R P O R T Translate the following words connected with vacations into English Travels in space or by a cruise ship Where the plane lands Where you put up your tent Sports connected with water A person who visits a place for pleasure Not the mainland Not indoor Polish, Russian, German etc. A place where you get on/off the train A M P I N G Q U A T I C O U R I S T S L A N D S U T D O O R A T I O N S T A T I O N NUMBERS
Puzzle 5 Fill in the crossword connected with nationalities Across 1. Person living in Portugal 4. Person living in Turkey 9. Person living in Greece 13. Person living in Japan 14. Person living in Russia 15. Person living in the United States 16. Person living in Norway 19. Person living in Spain 20. Person living in Finland 21. Person living in Netherlands • Down • 2. Person living in Switzerland • 3. Person living in Australia • 5. Person living in England • 6. Person living in Canada • 7. Person living in Germany • 8. Person living in Ukraine • 10. Person living in Poland • 11. Person living in France • 12. Person living in Sweden • 17. Person living in Wales • 18. Person living in Ireland • 21. Person living in Denmark SOLUTION
Puzzle 5Solution P O R T U G U E S E W I S A S T A L I N T U R K I S H E N G L I H C A N A D A N G E R M A Fill in the crossword connected with nationalities U R I I A Across 1. Person living in Portugal 4. Person living in Turkey 9. Person living in Greece 13. Person living in Japan 14. Person living in Russia 15. Person living in the United States 16. Person living in Norway 19. Person living in Spain 20. Person living in Finland 21. Person living in Netherlands G R E E K P O L S F E C H J A P A N E S E R U S S I A N S W D S • Down • 2. Person living in Switzerland • 3. Person living in Australia • 5. Person living in England • 6. Person living in Canada • 7. Person living in Germany • 8. Person living in Ukraine • 10. Person living in Poland • 11. Person living in France • 12. Person living in Sweden • 17. Person living in Wales • 18. Person living in Ireland • 21. Person living in Denmark A M E R I C A N N O R W E G I A N E L H R I S H S P A N I S H F I N N I S H D U T C H A N I S H NUMBERS
Puzzle 6 Unscramble each of the clue words. Theywill form some popular sayings in English. SOLUTION
A B A D N O Puzzle 6Solution G A I N W O R K M A N W I T H O U T B L A M E S P A I N H I S T O O L S Unscramble each of the clue words. Theywill form some popular sayings in English. T O K I L L A C T I O N S T W O S P E A K B I R D S L O U D E R W I T H T H A N O N E W O R D S S T O N E D O N T D O N T C O U N T T E A C H Y O U R Y O U R C H I C K E N S G R A N D M O T H E R B E F O R E T O T H E Y R E S U C K H A T C H E D E G G S NUMBERS
Puzzle 7 Matchthoseamazinglandmarks with the countries in with theyarelocated. SOLUTION
Puzzle 7Solution Matchthoseamazinglandmarks with the countries in with theyarelocated. NUMBERS
1) Markus Zusak Puzzle 8 2) Alexandre Dumas Unscramble each of the clue words. Then match the titles with the authors. 3) William Shakespeare 4) J.K. Rowling 5) J.R.R. Tolkien 6) L.M. Montgomery SOLUTION
A N N E T H E 1) Markus Zusak Puzzle 8Solution O F L O R D O F G R E E N 2) Alexandre Dumas T H E G A B E L S R I N G S 6) 5) 5) Unscramble each of the clue words. Then match the titeles with the authors. 3) William Shakespeare H A R R Y R O M E O P O T T E R A N D A N D 4) 4) J.K. Rowling T H E J U L I E T D E A T H L Y 3) H A L L O W S 5) J.R.R. Tolkien T H E T H E 6) L.M Montgomery T H R E E B O O K M U S K E T E E R S T H I E F 1) 2) NUMBERS
Puzzle 10 Solvethe crosswordconnected with the United Kingdom. Across 4. Huge prehistoric construction located in England. 5. Money in England. 6. The highest mountain in the UK. 7. What is the name of the jubilee that Elizabeth II celebrated in 2012. 8. One of the best universities in the UK. Down 1. The head/ruler of the UK. 2. The PM of the UK is David ...... . 3. The longest river in the UK. 4. One of the parts of Great Britain. 9. The most well-known English food. SOLUTION
Q U E E Puzzle 10Solution C A M S V R O N C T S T O N E H E N G E R N B E N N E V I S P O U N D S Solvethe crosswordconnected with the United Kingdom. Across 4. Huge prehistoric construction located in England. 5. Money in England. 6. The highest mountain in the UK. 7. What is the name of the jubilee that Elizabeth II celebrated in 2012. 8. One of the best universities in the UK. Down 1. The head/ruler of the UK. 2. The PM of the UK is David ...... . 3. The longest river in the UK. 4. One of the parts of Great Britain. 9. The most well-known English food. L N D I A M O N D I S H O X F O R D A N D C H I P S NUMBERS
Puzzle 12 Fill in the crosswordconnected with sports Across: 1. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. Down: 1. 3. 4. 5. SOLUTION
Puzzle 12Solution S P E E D W A Y N O E B O W L I N G Across: 1. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fill in the crosswordconnected with sports B A S K E T B A L L F O O B A L L O X N G U E N RO W I N G Down: 1. 3. 4. 5. T E N N I S C Y C L I N G S K A T I N G NUMBERS
Puzzle 13 Solve the idiomatic puzzle SOLUTION
Puzzle 13Solution Solve the idiomatic puzzle I HAVE BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH NUMBERS
Puzzle 14 Find19 British bands and singers. SOLUTION
Puzzle 14Solution Find19 British bands and singers. NUMBERS
References https://www.google.pl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=eYq9NA2IDi7GGM&tbnid=XPjG56dMFY8p3M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wykop.pl%2Ftag%2Fgolenie%2F&ei=7s-EU_ijDc-I7AaO94CgDw&bvm=bv.67720277,d.ZGU&psig=AFQjCNH-JDXwO1X-eexWkKkFGj8kR_0mfQ&ust=1401299306151191 https://www.google.pl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=HvZq3z_uOuBwJM&tbnid=uY5eSRZpIobSKM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Flosyziemi.pl%2Fmaslo-nie-jest-takie-grozne-dla-zdrowia-jak-przypuszczano&ei=F9CEU8-3Mer07Ab9hoDQDA&bvm=bv.67720277,d.ZGU&psig=AFQjCNF-sUCpW9L-OTbtcdcAVtKL2OTALQ&ust=1401299349173746 https://www.google.pl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=JiXxEuWj8cHCVM&tbnid=YY-sna5g8TOTQM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.merton.gov.uk%2Fenvironment%2Fenvironmentalhealth%2Fpestcontrol%2Fflies.htm&ei=qdCEU-IiiIyqBu79gPgD&bvm=bv.67720277,d.ZGU&psig=AFQjCNHiezeDMhSTvDcuVOvBIS_CzCsgEg&ust=1401299486892235 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