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ER Verb Conjugation!

ER Verb Conjugation!. You probably know more than you think you do! =) Translate: Manger Je mange Nous mangeons Tu manges Vous mangez Il mange Ils mangent. ER Verbs. The most common form of French verbs. The infinitives end in the letters ER.

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ER Verb Conjugation!

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  1. ER Verb Conjugation! You probably know more than you think you do! =) Translate: Manger Je mange Nous mangeons TumangesVousmangez Il mange Ilsmangent

  2. ER Verbs • The most common form of French verbs. • The infinitives end in the letters ER. • We’ve already used so many of them: jouer, aimer, toucher, ecouter, manger, danser, chanter, fermer, crier, marcher, regarder, commander, etc! • When we conjugate these verbs, there are rules that we follow, and they are the same every time. • (But be careful! Some verbs ending in ER are “irregular verbs” and do not follow the same rules. ex: aller)

  3. We’ve already seen and used these conjugated: • Il joue au foot = ? • J’aimedanser = ? • Nous chantons = ? • Ellesecoutent de la musique = ? Remember, when they are in the infinitive, they mean “to _______”. We have been using that the most often (Je veuxjouer, Tu vas manger, Elle aimeregarder la tele, etc).

  4. But, as we have seen (mostly in our stories & specific vocabulary phrases), when they are conjugated to the PRESENT TENSE, they look like this: danser = to dance Je danse = I dance Nous dansons = We dance Tudanse = You dance Vousdansez = You (all) dance Il danse = He dances Ilsdansent = They dance • The person is directly doing the action, not “wants to” or “likes to” or “is going to”, as we have used most of these so far. • Actually, each one has three meanings: • I dance. • I do dance. • I am dancing.

  5. THE RULES Drop the “er” from the end of the word. (jouer becomes jou, which is called the stem of the word). Then add the following for each subject pronoun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv4nRXD6oEk

  6. Combine the base with the new ending: JOUER Je joue Nous jouons TujouesVousjouez Il/Elle/On joueIls/Ellesjouent … Ask me about the boot!

  7. Try your own! Conjugate: • aimer • toucher • danser Make sure spelling is correct! Translate them as well!  We will check them in a few minutes!

  8. AIMER J’aime Nous aimons TuaimesVousaimez Il/Elle/On aimeIls/Ellesaiment TOUCHER Je touche Nous touchons Tu touches Voustouchez Il/Elle/On toucheIls/Ellestouchent DANSER Je danse Nous dansons TudansesVousdansez Il/Elle/On danseIls/Ellesdansent

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