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How can you involve stakeholders effectively in the regulatory improvement agenda?

How can you involve stakeholders effectively in the regulatory improvement agenda? David Quezada Bonilla General Coordinator. Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission (COFEMER), MEXICO Rotterdam, the Netherlands. March, 2007. COFEMER is Mexico’s Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission.

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How can you involve stakeholders effectively in the regulatory improvement agenda?

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  1. How can you involve stakeholders effectively in the regulatory improvement agenda? David Quezada Bonilla General Coordinator. Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission (COFEMER), MEXICO Rotterdam, the Netherlands. March, 2007

  2. COFEMER is Mexico’s Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission. COFEMER was created in year 2000, through a reform to the Federal Administrative Procedures Law. COFEMER is an autonomous agency of the Ministry of the Economy. COFEMER’s Mission: To ensure transparency and public consultation regarding draft regulation; to promote that the benefits of new regulation exceed its compliance costs; to promote changes in regulation to reduce administrative burdens and obstacles for competitiveness. COFEMER’s personnel: 60 professionals, mainly experienced on fields such as Economics and Law. ¿What is COFEMER?

  3. COFEMER is supported by a Council which is comprised by five Ministries, a number of government agencies, as well as representatives of the Private Sector, Universities and Research Centers. COFEMER’s Council meets ordinarily twice a year, although extraordinary sessions could also be summoned. Sessions from 2004 to 2006 were chaired by President Fox, showing the interest of the Government in furthering the Regulatory Improvement Agenda. Private Sector has had a very active and relevant participation in the Council’s meetings and the former’s opinions and suggestions have been taken into account. COFEMER’s Council

  4. Since 2004, a significant part of Mexico´s Regulatory Improvement Agenda, has been defined following a demand-oriented approach through Public-Private Dialogue. Public- Private Dialogue within COFEMER’s Council

  5. The Public-Private Dialogue has built a new vision of regulatory improvement, achieving: Improvement of 63 high impact formalities in specific sectors of the Economy (2004). E.g. Regulations to the Gambling Law (gambling permits); bus services in roads and highways (reduction in timeframe for issuing permits). Establishment of a Regulatory Moratorium from 2004 to 2006, which reduced the issuing of regulation with compliance costs in around 23%. Development of a Systemic Approach to define 36 regulatory improvement priorities to promote competitiveness by analyzing complete regulatory systems, in order to propose and implement solutions to the detected situations (2005-2006). E.g. Telecommunications; Financial; Foreign Trade facilitation; etc. Public- Private Dialogue within COFEMER’s Council

  6. Due to the positive results obtained with the Public-Private Dialogue, federal authorities and the Private Sector agreed to formalize their work relationship. In August, 2006, the Council's Rules were modified to create two new levels of work with public-private participation: the Executive Committee and the Working Groups. The objective of creating such new levels is to have an agile structure to promote discussion, definition and implementation of regulatory changes to foster competitiveness. Public- Private Dialogue within COFEMER´s Council

  7. PPD in Mexico: Future Tasks COUNCIL COMPETITION ECONOMY CONSUMER PROTECTION FINANCE Regulatory Improvement Council (High level political decisions). Minister level and its equivalent in the private sector LABOR COFEMER UNIVERSITIES COMPTROLLER GENERAL PRIVATE SECTOR Executive Committee (High level technical decisions). Underminister level and its equivalent in the private sector. Executive Committee Foreign Trade and Customs Working Groups Working Groups (Technical Work) Director General level and its equivalent in the private sector. Business Start-Up Energy Health Social Security Labor Technical Standards Financial Migration Telecommunications Transportation

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