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Warm-Up Physics

Warm-Up Physics. Convert the following to the base unit. 0.0003361 M g 4,674 mm "The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success.  I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price." – Vince Lombardi.

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Warm-Up Physics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-Up Physics Convert the following to the base unit. 0.0003361 Mg 4,674 mm "The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success.  I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price." – Vince Lombardi

  2. Fence method Objective: TLW use 2-step fence method to change prefixes

  3. Notes • 2-step fence

  4. Homework • Additional Practice Worksheet • Must show all work. Can use separate piece of paper if necessary

  5. WARM-UP 9/11 • Spend five minutes working/checking answers from yesterdays homework. • Ask a neighbor for help, if you’re stuck

  6. Objective • TLW describe and count the number of significant figures in a given number

  7. Work time • You have another 10 minutes to work on Additional Practice worksheet • If you have questions this is a great time to get some extra help! • When finished answer the last two questions in your notes. We will do rewriting with SI prefixes together.

  8. Converting to SI prefixes • Open your notes to the last page.

  9. Warm-up 9-12-13 • Convert 3 hr and 15min into seconds • The Detroit String Quartet played Brahms last night. Brahms lost.– Bennett Cerf

  10. Objective • TLW describe and count the number of significant figures

  11. Significant Figures • The number of significant figures in a result is simply the number of figures that are known with some degree of reliability. The number 13.2 is said to have 3 significant figures. The number 13.20 is said to have 4 significant figures.

  12. Rules • (1) All nonzero digits are significant • (2) Zeroes between nonzero digits are significant • (3) Leading zeros to the left of the first nonzero digits are not significant; such zeroes merely indicate the position of the decimal point • (4) Trailing zeroes that are also to the right of a decimal point in a number are significant • (5) When a number ends in zeroes that are not to the right of a decimal point, the zeroes are not necessarily significant

  13. Practice • 1.234 g • 1002 kg • 0.001 oC • 0.012 g • 0.0230 mL • 0.20 g • 50,600 calories

  14. Homework • Pg. 28 #11a-f, 16, 18, 19 • Show all work • Write neat and clear

  15. Warm-up • How many significant figures are in the following? • 2135.45 g • 95648.000 mV • 8230.251 cF • 0.00002125 kL • 0813.54 Mm • Objective: TLW describe and discuss the Scientific Method.

  16. Homework Check

  17. Finish Outline

  18. Homework • We need to review the scientific method. • Pg. 27 #2 and 4 • Quiz tomorrow over Significant Figures and Fence Method. • Test early next week Tuesday or Wednesday

  19. Warm-up 9/14 • Spend five minutes studying for the quiz. Look over the fence method. • If you feel confident ask a neighbor to quiz you or practice old problems. • Objective: Check for understanding of fence method

  20. Quiz • Box in your final answer! (Thank you ) • Please show all work. • When you are done turn over your quiz and wait quietly for everyone else to finish

  21. Scientific Method- 4 steps • Make observations and collect data that lead to a question. • Formulate and objectively test hypotheses by experiments • Interpret results, and revise the hypothesis if necessary • State conclusions in a form that can be evalulated by others.

  22. Homework • Pg. 27 #1 and 2 • This weekend you need to start reviewing the outline and then come in with a question or two that you have about the chapter

  23. Exit Slip

  24. Warm-up • What are you excited for this week? • Name the number of significant figures in the following • 120.012 g • 10.0230 mL • 0.20 g • 50,600 calories • Objective: TLW identify the number significant figures after completing operations (+,-,*,/)

  25. Notes • Given that addition and subtraction take place in columns, round the final answer to the first column from the left containing an estimated digit • Multiplication or division the final answer has the same number of significant figures as the measurement having the smallest number of significant figures

  26. Practice • 97.3 + 5.85 = • 123 * 5.35 =

  27. Homework

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