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Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre. Teaching International Students Workshop Telling stories, breaking down barriers 17/02/2011 Helen Bowstead University of Plymouth. www.health.heacademy.ac.uk. Telling stories, breaking down barriers. Helen Bowstead University of Plymouth.
Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre Teaching International Students Workshop Telling stories, breaking down barriers 17/02/2011 Helen Bowstead University of Plymouth www.health.heacademy.ac.uk
Telling stories, breaking down barriers Helen Bowstead University of Plymouth
Telling stories • “Just as each of us has the sense that our life story is unique, so too each of us knows that who we meet always has a unique story” (Butler cited in Cavarero 2000 p.xvi).
Narratable selves • “Every human being, without even wanting to know it, is aware of being a narratable self” (Cavarero 2000, p.33) • Even when I don’t know what a student’s life story is, I know they have one.
Pary • Pary wants to practise her spoken English. Tell me how you came to be in Plymouth. Pary begins to talk. Of life under Saddam Hussein. Of her battles with a hostile administrative system. Of chemical warfare and of infertility. Of twelve nights in the basement of her house, hiding in the dark. Of the need to rebuild her country.
Auto ethnography • Pary brought me back a pair of orange pyjamas from Iraq. I think they are pyjamas, although she said they were for wearing before bed. Pary likes to bring colour into my life. She says the greys and blacks I wear make me ‘disappear’. Well, yes, I think, that’s the point. I arrived late to a colleague’s lecture yesterday. I realise I do this often. Someone once said I do it on purpose. To draw attention to myself. Perhaps they are right. Next time I’ll wear orange pyjamas. Make a real splash. The lecture has begun and I fumble in my bag for a pen. I can only find a red one. I search again. A bit more desperately this time. Where’s my pencil? My black bic? I can’t write in red pen. I realise I am causing yet more disturbance. I stop searching. I feel unable to write. I feel ashamed. Embarrassed. The same feeling I have when I say ‘teacher training’ instead of ‘teacher education’, and someone notices.
Discourse and identity • By subjecting personal narratives to a very intense and focused gaze, we can “arrive at an understanding of the social, of the way individual subjectivities are created and maintained through specific kinds of discursive practices, within particular historical moments, in particular contexts” (Davies and Gannon 2006 p.4)
Ethics • Crossing professional boundaries?
Bibliography • Cavarero, A. (2000) Relating Narratives; storytelling and selfhood. Oxon: Routledge. • Cixous H. (1991) Coming to writing and other essays. Harvard University Press • Cixous, H. (1997) Rootprints. London: Routledge. • Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. (1988) A Thousand Plateaus. London: Athlone Press Ltd. • Davies, B. and Gannon, S. (2006) Doing Collective Biography. Open University Press. • Ellis, C. and Berger, L. (2003) Their story/my story/our story. In Gubrium, J. and Holstein, J. Postmodern Interviewing. Sage Publications. • Foucault, M. (1972) The Archaeology of Knowledge. Routledge. • Foucault, M. (1980) The Eye of Power. In Gordon, C. (Ed) Power / knowledge. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. • Gale, K. and Wyatt, J. (2006) Inquiring into writing. Qualitative Inquiry. Vol.42. No. 6 pp.1117 – 1134. Sage Publications. • Gubrium, J. and Holstein, J. (2003) Postmodern Interviewing. Sage Publications. • Pelias, R. (2004) A Methodology of the Heart. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press. • Richardson, L. and St. Pierre E. (1994) Writing: A Method of Inquiry in The Handbook of Qualitative Research. Denzin, N. and Lincoln, S. (Eds). Sage. • Richardson, L. (1997) Fields of Play: Constructing an academic life. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. • St. Pierre, E. (1997a) Methodology in the fold and the irruption of transgressive data. Qualitative Studies in Education. Vol.10. no. 2, pp175 -189 Taylor and Francis Ltd. • St. Pierre, E. (1997b) Circling the text: Nomadic writing practices. Qualitative Inquiry. Vol.3. No. 4. pp.403 – 417. Sage Publications. • St. Pierre, E. (2004) Deleuzian Concepts for Education: The subject undone. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Vol.36 No.3 pp283-296 Blackwell Publishing.
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