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Training for New DLPs 23 rd April 2014

Training for New DLPs 23 rd April 2014. Prayer Colette Stevenson. Objectives. To identify and discuss the requirements of the DLP role To gain a further understanding of the function of Towards Healing To identify further training opportunities for the role of DLP. Key Times.

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Training for New DLPs 23 rd April 2014

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  1. Training for New DLPs 23rd April 2014

  2. Prayer Colette Stevenson

  3. Objectives • To identify and discuss the requirements of the DLP role • To gain a further understanding of the function of Towards Healing • To identify further training opportunities for the role of DLP

  4. Key Times • Break- 11:30-11:45 • Lunch 13.00-14.00

  5. What is the role of the DLP? Niall Moore

  6. BREAK

  7. Role at a National Level Niall Moore

  8. Role of the Bishop/Congregational Leader • To be responsible for all safeguarding practices by: • Ensuring that the appropriate safeguarding structures and personnel are in place. • Liaising with the Holy See as appropriate. • Ensuring compliance with canon and civil law. • Upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.

  9. Role of the Designated Liaison Person • Hearing safeguarding concerns • Passing on safeguarding concerns to civil authorities and NBSCCCI • Managing the case and all associated documents (Recording Training) • Liaising with the Support Person, Adviser and Bishop/Provincial. • Convening internal inquiries (Case management Training) • Contributing to upholding the 7 standards in practice and behavior.

  10. Passing on Safeguarding Concerns (Point 2) Niall Moore

  11. Step 1: Reporting Procedures Information concerning risk to a child or young person emerges DIOCESAN / CONGREGATIONAL DESIGNATED LIASION PERSON Emergency Option CIVIL AUTHORITIES Gardai, HSE, PSNI, HSCE BISHOP / CONGREGATIONAL LEADER/NBSCCC

  12. Step 1: Sources of Concern Designated Liaison Person

  13. Reporting Procedure • If you have a safeguarding concern you must report this without delay to your Designated Liaison Person (DLP). • Make a record which will be submitted to the DLP. • The DLP will respond back to you that the allegation has been received. • Store this correspondence with the document you have submitted to the DLP securely, in your local setting (but not in your own home). • The DLP will report this to the civil authorities, having ascertained that it is a safeguarding concern and not a disciplinary matter which does not constitute abuse. • The Civil Authorities will write back to the DLP to say that they have received the report • The DLP will store this correspondence with the report they made securely. • You will only be contacted if requested by the civil authorities. • If the DLP decides not to refer the incident, you have the right to reasons in writing for this decision and to refer the matter yourself to the civil authorities.

  14. Step 2: Role of the Civil Authorities An Garda/PSNI To investigate To establish if a crime has been committed HSE/HSC To assess risk to children To put in place protection arrangements for children

  15. Informed respondent that an allegation has been received Elicit Response Advise of right to access civil and canon law advice Appoint Adviser Step 2: Role of Bishop/Provincial

  16. Step 2: Responsibility of the Church • Appoint Support Person • Appoint Adviser • Set up Advisory Panel

  17. Step 2: Role of DLP • To liaise with support person, to keep complainant informed • To liaise with advisor, to keep respondent informed • Co-ordinate Church activities • Record all information in case file

  18. Hearing Safeguarding Concerns (Point 1) Colette Stevenson

  19. LUNCH

  20. Towards Healing (Point 4) Melissa Darmody Maggie O’Neil

  21. Towards Healing A Catholic Church Response to Clerical/Religious Abuse

  22. Towards Healing: February 2011 • Helpline Support • Referral to Face to Face counselling for survivors and their families: 80 & 20 session Model • Bridging Service: Advocacy • Parent Coaching • Facilitated Listening Meeting • Practical Workshops: Self care, assertiveness, parenting, sexuality, anger management • Friendly Call • Group work: • Therapeutic for Survivors

  23. What to expect when you call

  24. Support & Child Protection • All Client are Potential Child Protection Case: Up to 12 weeks to name abuser to be reported • Reporting to the Civil Authorities • Gardai (Police) Now Central • Social Services/Social Worker

  25. Questions & Answers

  26. Communication and Supervision (Point 4) Colette Stevenson

  27. Role of the Bishop/Congregational Leader • To be responsible for all safeguarding practices by: • Ensuring that the appropriate safeguarding structures and personnel are in place. • Liaising with the Holy See as appropriate. • Ensuring compliance with canon and civil law. • Upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.

  28. Role of the Designated Liaison Person • Hearing concerns or allegations. • Passing on concerns or allegations to civil authorities and NBSCCCI • Managing the case and all associated documents. • Liaising with the Support Person, Adviser and Bishop/Provincial. • Convening internal inquiries. • Contributing to upholding the 7 standards in practice and behavior.

  29. Role of the Support Person • Keeping the complainant informed of the process of the case. • Helping direct the complainant to counselling and support. • Recording any meetings or contact they have with the complainant, and reporting to DLP as appropriate. • Upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.

  30. Role of the Adviser • Keeping the respondent informed of the process of the case. • Helping direct the respondent to counselling and support. • Recording any meetings or contact they have with the respondent and reporting to the DLP as appropriate. • Upholding the 7 standards in practice and behaviour.

  31. Group Work Discuss the following: 1. How do you manage communication between the 4 roles? 2. How are you supported in your role?

  32. Feedback

  33. Evaluations and Thanks

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