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International/EU Student Orientation September 2011. Welcome to RGU from the Student Services Department www.rgu.ac.uk/studentservices. International Student Orientation. Dean of Students – Christine Buchanan Student Services Manager - Pamela Tosh
International/EU Student OrientationSeptember 2011 Welcome to RGU from the Student Services Department www.rgu.ac.uk/studentservices
International Student Orientation Dean of Students – Christine Buchanan Student Services Manager - Pamela Tosh International Student Advice Team Leader – Margaret Christie International Student Advisers- Angie Arkwright & Jill Raistrick
New Student Induction - www.rgu.ac.uk/newstudents. Get yourself off to the best possible start Enrolment Procedure First Things First: Bank, Police, GP, Health & Safety, Accommodation Visas and work conditions Student Services IT Transport International Student Orientation
After this presentation: Photocopying of passports in room H408 (for visa nationals only) If you do not have your passport/immigration documents please return tomorrow with them to room H408 from 11 am Supported Enrolment in room H123 between 11 am and 2 pmeveryday EU students can proceed directly to H123 after this presentation Pay your fees (to become a current student) Get your RGU student ID Card (only if fees have been paid) Please keep your ID card with you at all times Update your contact details Collect Welcome Packs/Welcome Envelopes/Student Handbook Enrolment
The bank needs your: Full name / date of birth / nationality UK residential address Home address & country of residence You will need to take: Your passport (original, not photocopy) Evidence of student status (bank letter from InfoZone) Your original unconditional offer letter/ letter of acceptance offer Opening a UK Bank AccountIf you wish to open a UK bank account you will need to prove to the bank who you are and where you live
It may take up to approximately 14working days to open an account British Money – £ Sterling ATMs/Hole in wall/Cash Machine – ‘Free Withdrawals’ Keep it safe – don’t carry lots of cash on you! Which bank should I choose? Think carefully, ask friends and speak with different banks. Make sure you ask about bank charges Request monthly postal bank statements (student visa extension) Obtain a ‘Bank letter’ from InfoZone. Ensure your details are up to date before requesting one Opening a UK Bank Account
Who should register with the police? Students with ‘leave to remain’ which states: REGISTER WITH POLICE WITHIN 7 DAYS How do I register? You are advised to make an appointment to attend the Nationality Office at Grampian Police Headquarters on Queen Street Appointments can be made by telephoning (01224 306105) or by emailing:NationalityOffice@grampian.pnn.police.uk Appointments available Mon, Wed, Fri from 9am to 12.30 pm and 1.30pm-3.30pm Register with the Police
You should take: Original Passport (Containing valid visa) Photograph (One recent passport sized photograph) Confirmation of address (Tenancy agreement, Letter from the University) RGU student ID card (After enrolment) £34 fee (Payable only in cash) Remember: Keep your police registration document safe You will need it for any future visas or to extend your student visa and when leaving and re-entering the UK Contact the Nationality Office at Grampian Police Headquarters to report any new changes e.g. address, passport, employment, university)
Health care in the UK is free but YOU MUST REGISTER! You can register with any General Medical Practice (Doctor) in Aberdeen Three General Practices associated with RGU - Albyn Medical Practice (City Centre) Garthdee Medical Group (Garthdee) Denburn Health Centre (close to Woolmanhill) Pick up a ‘Doctor Registration Pack’ at any GP Practice Return your completed form to your chosen medical practice You will be offered an initial appointment to review and assess your health needs You must attend your appointment – if not then you must cancel Register with a Doctor
Dental Health Care Dental care in the UK is primarily private which means that you will have to pay for all treatment which can be expensive You can register with any dental practice that is accepting new patients Eye care Eye test costs are free in Scotland under the NHS If you require glasses/contact lenses you will have to pay for these Dental Health Care & Eye Care
NHS 24: 08454 242424 For Emergencies only (immediate threat to life or property): Dial 999 (landline) or 112 (mobile) for Fire, Ambulance, Police & Coastguard Do not walk home alone late at night Be careful crossing roads – be aware of ‘road safety’ If you cycle: wear a helmet; use lights at night; don’t cycle on pavements; get a good lock! If you drive in the UK make sure you have the correct insurance Health & Safety
Accommodation RGU: Accommodation is here to provide help for all international students in all accommodation matters, both when you arrive and during your time as student at RGU. For face to face enquiries about accommodation go to one of our InfoZones located at Garthdee and St Andrews Street (City centre). Alternatively: Tel: 01224 262130 Email:accommodation@rgu.ac.uk Website:www.rgu.ac.uk/accommodation Apply online: www.rgu.ac.uk/roomonline If you choose RGU accommodation you must sign a lease.
Tier 4 of the Points Based System Points Based System (PBS) Tier 4 – adult students/ student visa extensions RGU and Compliance with PBS The International Student Advice, Visa & Immigration Service plays an important role in ensuring that RGU complies with its licence to sponsor students under the PBS by: • Keeping up-to-date records of all international students’ visa status • Reporting to the UK Border Agency changes to students’ visa and immigration status including reporting students who: - fail to enrol - withdraw from their studies - suspend their studies - any unauthorised absences/10 interactions
What are the 10 expected interactions for Taught /Research students Here are examples of the interactions that may be required by your individual school. Please check with your school for their full list • Successful completion of the enrolment process including passport/visa checks and financial payments • Attendance at examinations as required • Attendance at tutorial sessions where these are part of the course • Attendance at lecture sessions where these are part of the course • Attendance at face-to-face supervision sessions as planned by student and supervisor • Attendance at placements if required as part of the course • Submission of assessments as required • Attendance at meetings with course/programme leader as planned and required
International Student Advice Visa & Immigration Service • Offer advice on extending your student visa • Produce Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) to support Tier 4 student applications • Weekly workshops to advise you on how to complete your Tier 4 Student visa extension form • Advice on working during your studies. Do not issue letters to employers • Opening hours (Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 4pm, Friday2pm to 4pm). No appointment necessary at the Student Services Building, Garthdee Campus • Drop-in at Room 2, StudentZone, St Andrews Street on 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month. Will receive a reminder (check student email)
Start the process early! (we recommend 4 months before your current student visa expires). Do not leave it to last minute! Attend a Tier 4 Student Visa Extension Workshop, email isa@rgu.ac.uk to book a place Download the most up-to-date Tier 4 application form and Policy Guidance from the UK Border Agency website Visit the following websites for more information: www.ukcisa.org.uk/student www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk Immigration is your responsibility – apply on time! Keep photocopies of your passport and your ‘Entry Clearance’ stamp Please allow at least 10 working days for a CAS for Tier 4 extension applications Tier 4 Student Visa Extension
Student Visa • Student visa = full-time study Cannot study part-time • Suspension of Studies / Withdrawal of studies You must consult an International Student Adviser RGU will report to UK Border Agency • Payment of Course Fees On Time!! • Contact details Must keep your contact details up-to-date at all times – can do this through the student portal or through InfoZone • Keep up to date with Immigration Check ISA website regularly Emails sent by ISA department – check student email regularly BE AWARE OF YOUR VISA CONDITIONS AND YOUR STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES
Working during studies Student visa conditions During term-time you can only work a maximum of 20 hours a week. Term time is defined as: • Doing any academic work/coursework • Attending classes and/or lectures • Preparing for exams/re-sits • Writing essays or a dissertation/thesis/project • Reading week It is vital you are aware of your rights to work – breaching is not an option Can ONLY work full-time (maximum 40 hrs per week) during a RGU holiday period AND if you do not fall into any of the above categories EU students have no work restrictions
International Student Advice, Visa & Immigration Service www.rgu.ac.uk/studentservices/isa Email: isa@rgu.ac.uk Opening hours Monday-Thursday, 9.30am to 4pm, and Friday, 2pm to 4pm visa workshops, visa advice & more Careers www.rgu.ac.uk/careers Email: careers@rgu.ac.uk Daily Appointments & Drop – in, Careers fairs, C.V. advice, Interview skills InfoZone Your one stop shop for all queries: - Garthdee - St Andrews Street www.rgu.ac.uk/infozone Open Monday-Friday, 9am to 4:30pm Email: Infozone@rgu.ac.uk Make payments Find out information Letters Student Services
Chaplaincy Achaplaincy serviceis available for the whole University community providing information about local representatives of other faiths. Please refer to: www.rgu.ac.uk/studentservices/ chaplaincy Counselling Call 01224 262120 Email: counselling@rgu.ac.uk Contact Counselling if you have personal worries or concerns Student Health Zone Email: studenthealthzone@rgu.ac.uk Tel: 01224 262120 For RGU Students Only. You must still register with a Doctor - Important so you can access free health care
Your RGU email account activates 48hrs after enrolment Enter student number:1234567 Enter password: on enrolment letter Security: remember to change your password RGU e-mail address: number@rgu.ac.uk=0912345@rgu.ac.uk Please ensure that you use this account It is the main point of contact between you and university staff IT
Buses between Campus No.1 & 2, No.9 ‘Uni-link’ (Timetables From InfoZone) Exact change is required! £2.20 for one journey between Garthdee and City Centre Campus Passes available from: GarthdeeInfoZone First Bus shop on Union Street Student Discounts available! Train & Bus Travel: It is easy to travel out with Aberdeen with good bus and rail links to major UK cities. Both the bus and train stations are based in the city centre on Guild Street. www.nationalrail.co.uk www.firstgroup.com/scotrail www.megabus.com www.stagecoachbus.com Transport