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Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Giftedness. Amy Morgan Schmidt, M.Ed. Young Eun Son, M.A.Ed.
Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Giftedness Amy Morgan Schmidt, M.Ed. Young Eun Son, M.A.Ed.
“The path the person takes to become a teacher of gifted learners is significant: personal background, preservice training, and professional reflections all help prepare the teacher for her task” (Graffam, 2006, p. 119).
Purpose • The purpose of our study was to investigate factors related to the perceptions and values of preservice teachers towards gifted education, in terms of understanding giftedness and the teaching of gifted students.
What is Giftedness? • Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in top 10% or rarer) in one or more domains. Domains include any structured area of activity with its own symbol system (e.g., mathematics, music, language) and/or set of sensorimotor skills (e.g., painting, dance, sports) (NAGC, 2008).
What is Giftedness? • Gifted students have unique and varied educational and emotional needsthat are exhibited during their lives and ideally recognized, developed, and supported by parents, teachers, and mentors (Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius, & Worrell, 2011).
What the Research Says… • Myths and Misperceptions • Lack of understanding differences among gifted minorities and low-SES • Lack of preparation in teacher training. • Lack of awareness going into the classroom. • Directly affects students’ experiences in gifted programming • Affects nomination for services
What the Research Says • Not emphasized in teacher preparation programs • Professional development and coursework is positive- pedagogy and teacher effectiveness • Perceptions and values may not change
Methodology • Social constructivist or interpretivism (Creswell, 2013). • Theoretical framework based on Gagné and Nadeau’s 1985 attitudes instrument, Opinions about the Gifted and Their Education
Case Study • Multi-case study • 3 participants • Compare the perceptions, beliefs, and values of the participants • Interview and observe 3 preservice teachers • Participants also served as teachers assistants at an enrichment program
Participants • 3 undergraduate or graduate preservice teachers • 2 began their student teacher • 1 in her senior year • All three gifted or high achieving (not a requirement, just a coincidence).
Interviews • Pre- and post-interviews • Participants participated in these interviews at least twice, 6 hours. • Participants were interviewed before and after the program.
Observations • Participants were observed at least two hours while working as teachers assistants • One hour the first time • One hour the second time • We used an observation protocol based on the William and Mary Classroom Observation Scales.
Results • Gagnéand Nadeau’s instrument: • Needs and support • Resistance to objections • Rejection • Ability grouping • School acceleration • Historical context • Social value
Main Themes • Historical context and self-concept as a gifted student. • Awareness of needs of gifted students • Values and beliefs toward gifted students and gifted education. • Changes to Values and Challenges to Perceptions and Beliefs
Historical Context and Self Concept • Background and experiences influenced by and reflected in their views of giftedness. • All academically oriented, successful • All influenced by family to do well • 2 of 3 formally identified as gifted • 2 of the 3 had little interaction with non-gifted students
Awareness of Needs of Gifted Students • Consistent with literature • Some awareness of intellectual and socio-emotional needs • Some misconceptions • Preconceived notion of how to teach students • Believe in differentiation • Believe gifted students’ needs can be met in an inclusion classroom • 2 expected good behavior from gifted students.
Values and Beliefs • Agreed gifted or accelerated studies beneficial to them • All take issue with the label “gifted” • Family value and perception influential to academic success • 2 noted differences between gifted and non-gifted • 2 believe gifted programs provides better education
Changes to Values and Beliefs • Based on observations and interviews • There was little change in gifted teaching behaviors • 2 were surprised at negative behaviors of gifted students • Rose improved teaching behavior
Implications • Teacher preparation classes inadequate • Novice teachers are not prepared to meet the diverse needs of their future students
Suggestions • Advocates at all levels need to be aware of the limited training • Implement incoming teachers professional development • Work with teacher education programs
Limitations • Diversity • Short time frame • Small sample
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