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Verdict legal system court Complaint paralegal plaintiff Civil The methods of interpreting laws and putting them into effect A legal conclusion A written document that states the reason for legal action. Verdict legal system court
Verdict legal systemcourt Complaint paralegal plaintiff Civil • Themethods of interpretinglaws and puttingthemintoeffect • A legal conclusion • A writtendocumentthatstatesthereasonfor legal action
Verdict legal systemcourt Complaint paralegal plaintiff Civil • The place wherepeoplegotoconduct legal business • A personwhoaccusesanotherperson of a wrongdoing • Anattorney´sassistantwithspecialized legal training
Verdict legal systemcourt Complaint paralegal plaintiff Civil • Occurringbetweencitizens.
Are youinjuredbecause of someoneelse´scarelessness? Are youinvolved in a disputewith a neighbor? Butler and Evans isavailabletohelpyoutakelegal action. • Everyoneisentitledtodueprocess. Whenyou decide toinitiate a lawsuit, callus. We are goingtomakesureyougetthedamagesyou´reentitledto.
Ourinvestigators are abletogetalltheproofneededforyourtrial. When a verdictisnot in your favor, weappealwheneverpossible. • In theeventwefailtosettleorwinyour case, youdon´toweusanything. So what do youhaveto lose? Calltodaytoarrange a meeting.
Many people will be familiar with the fact that in civil and criminal cases there are different standards of proof. They might also be aware that in criminal cases there is a presumption of innocence, so that the burden of proof falls on the prosecution.
Once a lawsuit gets underway, parties to the lawsuit or their lawyers start gathering information related to the lawsuit. This investigative process is aptly named "discovery," because it often turns up facts and documents that were previously unknown -- to at least one party to the lawsuit anyway.
For the most part, discovery takes place outside the courtroom, with parties exchanging written information and sitting through face-to-face questioning sessions (called "depositions"). However, if the parties can't agree on what should be handed over in discovery, a judge may have to resolve the dispute.
Civil Law determines private rights and liabilities, whereas Criminal Law concerns offenses against the authority of the state • Litigation is simply another term for a lawsuit, which is a dispute between two or more parties regarding civil or criminal law issues.
Civil law involves disputes between private parties and defines legal rights and obligations between them. Civil litigation is the process of resolving private disputes through the court system • Unless the parties privately resolve their dispute, the litigation usually results in a trial, or hearing, where the parties present their evidence to a judge or jury. The judge or jury then decides the dispute.
The parties in a criminal lawsuit are different from those in a civil action. In criminal cases, the public, through the authority of the statee (or, if federal, the United States), brings the accused criminal (the defendant) to court to determine his or her guilt or innocence.
Jane received money as compensation for her accident. • Proof -Damages -Due process • The law firm helps people involved in an argument or conflict with their neighbors. • A dispute -a lawsuit-a trial
Ms Harris wants to start the process of legal action • appeal -initiate -settle • Eeveryone in the country has the right to receive justice according to established rules. • Due process -appeal-damages
Mr Tan initiated a legal course of action against his neighbor because her dog barks too much. • appeal -lawsuit -dispute
-Legal action -proof -settle -trial -appeal • Hopefully, Mr Wilton will be able to ________ this problem without going to court. • MrsJanson decided to ____________ after the judge ruled against her.
-Legal action -proof -settle -trial -appeal • In this ___________, the defendant is accused of stealing from a bank. • Ms Britt wants to take _____________ against her employer for not giving her a promotion.
-Legal action -proof -settle -trial -appeal • Attorneys don´t win cases when there is not enough ______________ to support their arguments