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Ancient Rome and Early Christianity, 500 B.C.-A.D. 500. The Fall of the Roman Empire Section 4. The Republic Collapses. What did a serious discontent among the lower classes of society and a breakdown in military order lead to?
Ancient Rome and EarlyChristianity, 500 B.C.-A.D. 500 The Fall of the Roman Empire Section 4
The Republic Collapses • What did a serious discontent among the lower classes of society and a breakdown in military order lead to? • The shakeup of the republic—and the emergence of a new political system.
A Century of Crisis • The Empire Declines • When did Pax Romana end? • A.D. 180 with death of emperor Marcus Aurelius • Subsequent emperors unable to govern giant empire http://www.novaroma.org/images/marcus_aurelius_03.bmp
A Century of Crisis • Rome’s Economy Weakens • Hostile tribes outside the empire disrupt trade • Inflation - What is Inflation? • Drop in value of money and rise in prices which weakens trade http://digitaleconomy.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/inflation.gif
A Century of Crisis • Overworked soil, What is the result of overworked soil? • War-torn farmland leads to food shortages http://lh6.ggpht.com/_ZQhLPxxmIQ4/SHlBFFyYmEI/AAAAAAAABAQ/O2ADykw_jP8/CIMG0988.JPG
A Century of Crisis • Military and Political Turmoil • What was the result of the soldiers being loyal to commanders, not Rome? • The commanders fought for the throne • Government enlists mercenaries, What is a mercenary? • Foreign that are paid to fight
A Century of Crisis • Average citizens lose interest in the affairs of Rome Government enlists mercenaries, What is a mercenary? • Foreign that are paid to fight • Average citizens lose interest in the affairs of Rome http://schema-root.org/military/mercenaries/mercenaries.jpg
Emperors Attempt Reform • Diocletian Reforms the Empire • How did EmperorDiocletian restore order in A.D. 284? • He divides empire in two http://www.godsplan-today.com/0_Images/Diocletian.jpg
Emperors Attempt Reform • What were the two? • Greek-speaking East, Latin-speaking West • In A.D. 305 Diocletian retires, rivals compete for power http://www.indiana.edu/~hisdcl/images/diocletian%27srome.jpg
Emperors Attempt Reform Emperors Attempt Reform • When didConstantine become emperor of the Western Empire? • A.D. 312 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0g7I8Gu0by7L2/340x.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.daylife.com/photo/0g7I8Gu0by7L2&h=503&w=340&sz=51&hl=en&start=166&um=1&usg=__0qJlkuzuOen4rNpDngY_inDUeAk=&tbnid=kRHI_pzGn29bVM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=88&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dconstantine%2B%2B%2526%2Bamerican%2Bidol%26start%3D147%26ndsp%3D21%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN http://www.usask.ca/antiquities/Collection/Constantine_1.JPG
Emperors Attempt Reform • What did Constantine do after he seized the Eastern Empire in A.D. 324? • He moved the Roman capital to Byzantium • How was Byzantium eventually renamed? • Constantinople—city of Constantine
The Western Empire Crumbles • Germanic Invasions • Mongol nomads from Asia, the Huns, invade northern borders of empire • Germanic tribes flee Huns, enter Roman lands, sack Rome A.D. 410
The Western Empire Crumbles • What did Attila the Hun do? • He unites the Huns in A.D. 444; plunders 70 cities in East • Attacks Rome in 452; famine and disease prevents victory Interactive
The Western Empire Crumbles • When did the Last Roman emperor fall to the Germans? • In 476 • What was the result? • The end of Western Empire http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/maps/476eur.jpg
The Western Empire Crumbles • How much longer did the East last? • Another thousand years (Byzantine Empire) http://www.geocities.com/athens/oracle/7823/byzantio.gif
Homework • Read Pages 166 – 167, 177, 180 & 182 • Question 2 Page 167 • Question 2 Page 180 • Question 1 Page 182